Traralgon and District Historical Society Bulletin Abstracts
There over 48 years of the Society’s bulletins available.
Below are abstracts of the bulletins, generally published on a quarterly basis. More abstracts are being added slowly as time allows. The abstracts are of the main interest articles only and not administrivia (i.e. committee names, upcoming events).
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Click the Volume number and year shown below to open the abstract.
Volume 1 Issue 1 - March 1970
- No relevant articles to abstract.
Volume 1 Issue 2 - July 1970
- No relevant articles to abstract.
Volume 1 Issue 3 - September 1970
- Chenhall, Keith. "Notes on the Demolition of St James Church, Traralgon". The last service in St James Church of England was held in July 1970 prior to the demolition of the church on the NE corner of Church st and Seymour st. This articles includes a history of the church up to then. It also describes the demolition of the church and details the contents of the time capsules found at that time. p2 and pp4-5.
Volume 1 Issue 4 - November 1970
- [Obituary for Henry Medew]. Originally from Koonwarra and later Jeeralang. Red Cross member and Life Governor of Dalkeith. p1.
- Templeton, Andy. [Demolition of the Traralgon Fire Brigade's building]. It includes a brief history of the Fire Brigade from November 1888, and a list of members who joined from 1888 to 1891? pp3-4.
Volume 2 Issue 1 - March 1971
- [Obituary for Alan Burnet]. Brother of Sir Macfarlane Burnet. Chairman of the Latrobe Valley Improvement Trust since its inception in 1951. Author of articles on Glengarry and unfinished works on the Latrobe River. p2.
- "Early Days of St James". Rev Thomas Moorehouse conducted the first service in St James Church of England on 28 February 1888. This article includes his diary entries from 12 August 1879 until 28 October 1879. pp2-5. To be continued next issue.
- "Origin of Traralgon Street Names". Extracted from The History of Traralgon by w. J. Cuthill. Origins given for Breed, Campbell, Franklin, Grey, Henry, Hotham, Kay, McColl, Peterkin and Seymour. p6.
Volume 2 Issue 2 - May 1971
- "The Stuckey Family". Originally from Portland, Victoria they settled at Flynn in the 1870s. pp3-4
- "Early Days of St James". Rev Thomas Moorehouse conducted the first service in St James Church of England on 28 February 1888. This article continues his diary entries from 1 November 1879 until 15 December 1879. pp2-5. To be continued next issue.
- "Origin of Traralgon Street Names". Extracted from The History of Traralgon by w. J. Cuthill. Origins given for Albert, Allard, Ann, Ethel, Howitt, Livingston, Loch Park and Mabel. p5.
Volume 2 Issue 3 - July 1971
- [Vintage train trip] from Melbourne to Rosedale. Mentions K154 and D3 639 engines and carriage types 12BL, 13BL, 232AV, 32AV and No 15 BC. pp2-3.
- "Laying of the foundation stone for the new Town Hall complex in Traralgon". 24 May. p3.
- "Unveiling of the commemorative plaque at Coles supermarket, Traralgon". 25 May. Previous site of St James Anglican Church. Followed by recollections of Miss Grace Powell (born 1886) and christened by Rev Thomas Moorehouse. pp3-4.
- Early days at St James". Rev Thomas Moorehouse diary entries from 8 September 1880 until 21 September 1880. pp4-5. To be continued next issue.
Volume 2 Issue 4 - September 1971
- "An early recollection of Gippsland by J.D.D.". This article describes a robbery of the gold escort from Omeo in the 1850s. Supplied by Mrs. Tom King of Glengarry. p2.
- Lennon, Jane. [History of Port Albert 1840-1870]. An address to the Yarram Historical Society. p3.
- Mapleson, Patience. "A coach trip to Gippsland in 1869". Recollection of Mrs. Mapleson (nee Liddiard) of an overnight Cobb & Co mail coach from Melbourne to Traralgon. p4.
- "Old diary". Extracts from the diary of Mr. Cole describing his voyage from England to Traralgon beginning at Plymouth on 23 October 1871. To be continued next issue. p7.
Volume 2 Issue 5 - November 1971
- "Another Early Recollection by J.D.D.". Port Albert district in the 1850s. This article mainly covers shipping. Supplied by Mrs. Tom King of Glengarry. pp1-2
- "Historical sketches part III - Early Births and Deaths". Discussions of the first births in Traralgon in 1867 and also deaths and inquests in the next 5 years. Information derived from a 1914 issue of the Traralgon Record. pp4-5.
- McLean, T. "A Tribute to the Late Mr. Bob Hentschel". Associated with the Eisteddfod and the Morwell Town Band. Late of Morwell and Traralgon. p6.
- Farmer, C. "Rev. Sackville's Disappearance - further information". Occurred around the headwaters of Hennessays Creek at Croajingalong. p8.
- "Concluding extracts from the Cole Diary". 1 December until arrival on 27 December 1871. p9.
Volume 3 Issue 1 - March 1972. This year's volume focuses on the Tyers district.
- "Concluding the Extract From the "Traralgon Record" dated 22nd May 1914". Concluding article from the previous issue. Starts in February 1873, covers up to 1875/7. p3.
- West, Walter. "A trip to South Gippsland". This occurred at Easter but the year is unknown. This article covers a trip by 18 Traralgon cricketers (using a four horse coach, two double seated buggies and a jinker) through Gormandale, Carrajung and to Bruthen Creek where a one inning match was lost. They continued on to reach Alberton on the same day. The following day they won a match against Alberton. On the next day they enjoyed a yachting excursion from Port Albert before returning to Traralgon. pp4-6.
Volume 3 Issue 2 - May 1972
- No relevant articles to abstract.
Volume 3 Issue 3 - July 1972
- Galbraith, Jean. [An address by Miss Jean Galbraith on her life at Tyers]. Details the early life of her parents and herself at Tyers in the 1870s. pp3-4.
- "Glengarry wedding". An extract from the Traralgon Record of the marriage of Mr. Duncan Christensen and Miss Dorothea Lang in November 1906. Service performed by Rev Leslie Copeland. pp5-7.
- "Early Advertisements ...". From the Traralgon Record 17 March 1886. Advertisements were placed by The Sporting Arms (hotel) at Tyers, The Commercial Hotel in Traralgon, Paul Kleesattel (chemist), and The Cash Store (J. Sands) at Traralgon. p7.
Volume 3 Issue 4 - September 1972
- Macreadie, Don. [Cowarr history]. An address describing a brief history of Cowarr, its schools, the post office and the police station. Susan Rice was the first white child born in Cowarr in 1867. pp2-3.
- Court, Jean. "The penetration into Gippsland in the early 1840s". An address describing the lesser known explorers (Samuel Anderson and Mr. Hayden) and their attempts to forge a path from Melbourne to Alberton. The successful route was along a similar path as the current South Gippsland Highway. pp3-4.
- "Glengarry Wedding". An extract from the Traralgon Record of the marriage of Miss Grace Christensen and Mr. J. T. Lang in November 1908. Service performed by Rev W Huey Steele. Bridesmaids were Ada Lang and Niny Christensen. Best man was Ben Lang and groomsman was S. Christensen. Article contributed by Mrs. Pam Christensen. pp4-6. See previous issue for another Lang-Christensen wedding.
- "Traralgon". A transcription of the town from The Cyclopaedia of Victoria 1905. one paragraph. p6.
- Court, Jean. "The Tyers District - Part I". Mentions the early settlers - Richard May, Mary Lamb, James Opie, A. L. Galbraith, J.P. Gilmour, John W. Grubb, Wm Paulet, F. L. Grubb, J. Halliday, A. Morgans, T. Fullerton, ? Tuckers, R.F. Christensen, J. Tanner, S.B. Williams, Thomas Caddy, Frederick Fugue, ? Fitzgibbons and others. Includes a history of the attempts to get a bridge over the Latrobe River between Tyers and Traralgon. Also lists the early appointees to the Traralgon Cemetery Reserve in 1877 (Messrs. Peterkin, Phillips, Mapleson, Horne and Walsh. The licensees of Sporting Arms Hotel between 1884 and 1903 were Frederick Fuge, Caroline Fuge, John Nicholson Jones, James Rogers. A brief history of the Fuge family is included.pp7-9.
- A background to the industrial growth of the town from the Cyclopaedia of Victoria. It includes histories of John W. Grubb, Galbraith and sons, The Tyers Creamery and Butter Factory, the Wolff brothers, Tyers Mechanics Institute (and its library) and notes on the name of the town. pp9-12.
- White, A. "The History of the Traralgon Swimming Facilities 1930 - 1960". In the 1930s an area was cleared near the north end of Franklin street to provide access to the Traralgon. In 1935 a pool, known as "The Duck Pond" or "The Frog Pond", was opened at the east end of Hotham Street. In 1958, the Olympic pool in Kay Street was opened. Mr. S. Kaiser was manager of both the duck pond and the Olympic pool. pp16-18
Volume 3 Issue 5 - December 1972
- Huffer, K. "Visit to Holey Plains". Describes the historic homestead and the 14,000 acre property near Rosedale owned by the Crooke family since 1845. pp6-7.
- Plant, V. "Story of a Dressmaker". Sarah Jane Carter (nee Rodway) was a widow with two children when she opened a dressmaking shop in Seymour Street in about 1895. Later she worked for the General Trading Co. for 11 years and then the Laytons Bros for 25 years until her retirement. A brief description of her children, William and Nellie, is given. pp7-9.
- Court, Jean. "The Tyers District - Part II". An article by Jean Court. A brief history of C.J. Tyers who the town was named after. An early marriage at Tyers was that of James Rintoul to Agnes Thorburn in 1849. Early births were Abigail Morrow (1857), Myra Kinchant (1857), John Chalton/Charlton (1859), Edward Stace White(1867), Helen Anistatia White (1867) and John Alexander White (1872). Biographies are given for George Robert Archbold, Christen Christensen, Herbert Fancies Christensen, William Little, Archibald McLachlan, Robert Johnson Morley, William Swift and James Paton Gilmour. pp11-14.
Volume 4 Issue 1 - March 1973
- Obituary. Joe Missen. Late of Gormandale. p3.
- Obituary. Vera McDonald. Late of Traralgon. p4.
- Obituary. H McAntee. Late of this district. p4.
- Power, W.F. "The Flynn Valley That I Knew". Description of many of the old families in the area. pp6-8.
- King, William. [Life in Gormandale and districts in the early 1900s]. pp8-9.
- Mayze, Jim. "The Coachbuilding and Blacksmithing Industry of Former Years". Jim entered his father's coachbuilding business in 1915 and relates many anecdotes of his work years. pp9-11.
Volume 4 Issue 2 - May 1973
- Plant, Valma; K.M. Huffer. "Diamond Wedding, Cole-Wright". A large article describing the anniversary of Robert Cole and Mabel (nee Wright). It describes the history of Robert's ancestry (McColl) and Robert's life history. pp9-12.
- Tanner, E. "The Tanner Family". Thomas Tanner was the first selector of land at Callignee in 1874. His nephew also came three months later. The farm was sold to Eason in 1920. p13.
- Eccles, Ruth. "Memories of Callignee South". Ruth (nee Welch) describes the early days when selections began at Callignee South around 1890. She describes the isolation, lack of passable roads in winter, dairying, bushfires and weeds. pp13-15.
Volume 4 Issue 3 - July 1973
- Obituary. Clara Anderson (nee Stuckey). Late of Flynn. 1874 - 15 May 1973. p7.
- Obituary. George Riggall. 1898 - 1973. Late of Traralgon. p7.
- Ollie, Arthur. "Charles Richardson, of 'Torr Gate'". Charles and his family emigrated from England in 1925. After short stays at Lara and Loy Yang, he bought half of the Bodycomb property at Callignee, where he had milking cows and grew vegetables. The land suffered from the 1939 and 1944 bushfires. Mrs. Richardson died in 1962, the property was sold to Bates of Jumbuck and Mr. Richardson died in 1967. pp9-12.
- Hart, Mrs. "The Thomson Story". The daughter of Norman Thomson who lived with his older sister at Callignee North until he bought the Cousen farm on what is now Thomsons Road. The article describes the neighbors of the time - Woolfe, Clark, Draffin, Lawson, Hentschel, Neave, Downey, Fick, Tillotson, Hepburn and Bleakley. p13.
- Esler, J.A. "The Esler Family". An article about the life of Robert Craig Esler. While living at Upper Flynn he married Annie Morley from Gormandale. He selected land at Callignee South, built a house and moved there in 1900. He drowned in 1912 and his widow survived until 1916. The children worked the farm until it was sold to Closer Settlement in 1930. [Note; Two introductory articles are available on the Miscellaneous page on the website.] pp14-16.
Volume 4 Issue 4 - September 1973
- [Traralgon Saleyards]. An article presented by Ian Paton and/or K. M. Huffer. A history of Traralgon saleyards from the 1870s up to 1958. pp4-6.
- Court, J. "The Traralgon Mechanics Institute and Town Hall". The original Mechanics Institute was built in Hotham Street near Franklin Street. Soon after the opening it was blown over in a storm. It was rebuilt and the Town Hall was built next to it in a similar style in 1925. With new shire offices in Kay Street, the front of the old town hall was rented out to numerous businesses. The Mechanics Institute also rented out parts of its building. Both buildings have since been demolished. pp6-8.
- Obituary. Clara Anderson (nee Stuckey). Extra details on the obituary in the previous issue. p9.
- Macreadie, Don. "Cowarr School No 1967". A history of the school which opened in 1877, was extended in 1915 and was removed in 1963. In 1971 a new school building was opened but closed in 1973. p10.
Volume 4 Issue 5 - December 1973
- Crowe, Inspector. "The History of the Gippsland Police". pp4-5.
- Davidson, Jack. [Early Burials in Traralgon and District]. Earliest burial in Traralgon was in 1872. In 1881, "The Bluff" had its first burial where mourners took axes to hack their way through the bush. Many of Traralgon's well known entities are buried at "The Bluff". Other burials of famous people are mentioned in nearby cemeteries as far away as Sale, Toongabbie and Gormandale. pp6-7.
- Obituary. Gwen Grubb. Late of Traralgon. P7.
- Obituary. Eric Farmer. Late of Traralgon. P7-8.
- Sartori, Yvonne. "George Bolton Eagle". History of the short life of Mr. Eagle who died aged 24. pp8-9
- Christensen, Pam. "Scarne - 100 Years". Five Christensen brothers emigrated to Port Albert from Denmark. 1863. Zachus (the second youngest moved to Sale where he owned the Lime Kilns, before moving to New Zealand and back. In 1865 he selected land at Glengarry, now known as Scarne. He married Mary McDonald in 1874. The article also contains a brief history of the other brothers. pp9-11.
- "Presentation to a Grand Old Couple". An article extracted from a 'local' newspaper describing a farewell party to Mr. and Mrs. Pearce of Gormandale in 1900. pp11-12.
Volume 5 Issue 1 - March 1974 This year's volume focuses on the area of Callignee.
- Obituary. Charles Leslie Wright. ~1892 - 1973. Late of Gormandale, Flynn and Traralgon. p4.
- Obituary. Harold Holmes. ? - 1973. Late of Callignee South and Traralgon. p4.
- 'Mentor'. "Gippsland Pioneer has 189 Descendants; 700 Miles by Bullock Day". Extract from the "Weekly Times" 1932. The life of widow Betsy Pearce (nee Dove) whose family travelled from Adelaide to Melbourne on a bullock dray taking two months. After about 10 years at Bendigo, the family moved to Glenmaggie. At 20 she married Joseph Pearce and they selected 100 acres at Winnindoo near Rosedale. They had 17 surviving children. About 1880, they moved to a larger farm at Gormandale, and 20 years later retired to Traralgon. Mr. Pearce died about 1924. pp9-10.
- Huffer, K. M. "A Brief History of the Traralgon Branch of the State Electricity Commission". From 1884, kerosene lamps and then gas lamps provided the street lighting for Traralgon. 1923, the Traralgon offices opened with Cornelius Crowley in charge. Electricity was supplied from Yallourn that same year. Within a year they had 360 customers. pp11-12.
Volume 5 Issue 2 - May 1974
- "An Excursion to Carrajung and Blackwarry". Details of a trip conducted by the Society led by David Daniel. A list of 31 people who settled in Carrajung between 1882 and 1889 is included. pp3-5.
- Daniel, David; Missen, M. "History of Blackwarry". The first settler was Hans Kiergaard who selected in 1880. Henry Tanner ran a creamery. The Daniel family operated a post office from 1902 until 1950. A school was opened in 1902. With 70 inches of rain per year, roads became very difficult in winter. The area is notorious for its tree with one measuring 121 feet in girth and another split into 13,000 palings plus other building materials. pp5-6.
- Obituary. Louis Grosvener Hay Bell. 16 February 1901 - 27 March 1974. Late of Traralgon. pp7-9
- Obituary. Arch Ries. Late of Toongabbie. p9.
- Obituary. Grace Powell. 27 January 1886 - 1974. Late of Flynn, Traralgon South and Traralgon. pp9-10.
- Chilver, Jack. "Memories of Blackwarry". Although mentioning dairy farming in the area. The main emphasis was on Mrs. Daniel's attempts to get public schooling. The first 'school' was held in a huge hollow tree stump with seats around the inside for the 14 students. It had a concrete floor. The tree was also used as a Sunday School. p11-12.
- Court, Jean. "Traralgon Race Courses 1862 to 1962". The first race was 10th January 1862. It is believed the first course was behind (west?) the Traralgon hotel. By 1870, a race course existed on the Loy Yang Road, east of Traralgon. On one day, two race meetings were held simultaneously (one west of the Traralgon hotel and other near the Star Hotel). In 1885, an area was reserved for a course between the Old Melbourne Road and Grey Street near the Tyers Road turnoff. The course was not ideal. To be continued. pp13-14.
Volume 5 Issue 3 - July 1974
- Standing, Tom. "An Auctioneer's Reminiscences". Tom is a well-known Stock and Station Agent who arrived in Traralgon when he was two weeks old. During his school years he was aware of saleyards, some of which were next to his school. He remembers his father leaving home on workdays to do saleyard auctions at Mirboo North. In Tom's working days, saleyards also existed at Cowwarr, Heyfield, Morwell (3 off), Mirboo North, Yinnar, Boolarra, Rosedale, Carrajung, Gormandale, and further afield at Stratford and Omeo. pp6-7.
- Plant, Val. "Last Train to Mirboo North". A short article on the last train to Mirboo North on 22 June 1974. It carried 800 - 1,000 passengers. The line was completed in 1885. Yinnar and Boolarra began as camps for workers employed constructing the line. p7.
- Gilmour, Alberta. "The Brick House at Upper Flynns Creek". Situated on the Gormandale Road, it has recently been demolished. The home was built on his selection by Walter Handley in the late 1800s. In the 1900s, the Handley family moved to another house now owned by Barry Farmer. Mr. Handley was a shire councillor and president. He ended up in Hotham Street, Traralgon. The 'brick' house and property were owned by the Fryatt bothers at some stage, and also Ern Bell rented it. After Mr. Bell, the house had many occupants. pp8-9.
- Court, Jean. "Grave of the Infant Smythe". A short history of the children of Constable Smythe who was stationed in Traralgon from 1845 (the next issue corrects this to 1865) to 1871. the grave of one of his children is in the first burial area in Traralgon and is the second oldest known grave. pp9-10.
- Esler, E. (nee Doultree). "History of My Grandparents & Parents". The presentator's paternal grandfather was the widower William Doultree. With two sons George and Robert he moved into this district from Yarram in 1882. George married Emma Kay of Binginwarri. Robert married Sarah Davis and about 1884 selected land on the coach road between Rosedale and Willung and called it "Mt Pleasant". Although he had a flourishing orchid, he worked as a bootmaker in Rosedale. pp10-12.
- McDermott. "Notes on the McDermott Family and the Carrajung Post Office". Luke McDermott came from Bacchus Marsh in 1900 and purchased 100 acres from Thos. O'Shea. His brother John arrived about the same time and purchased an adjoining 100 acres. Luke married Mary Dunne of Bullengarook in 1901. The had three sons and two daughters. Luke succeeded Miss O'Connor as the post master, a task he performed until 1946 when T Price took over. Luke and his son (also called Luke) were both JPs. The Post office was moved to its present site, and later Postmasters were Williams, Howard Hughes, J Ferguson and Bob Coad. p12.
- McDermott, L.A. "Supply of Electricity to Carrajung". A letter written in 1949 by Luke (jnr) mentioned in the above article requesting supply of electricity for the settlements between Gormandale and Won Wron (Carrajung, Willung South, Carrajung South and Blackwarry). The main argument was that electricity supply had not matched the improvements that have occurred in roads, telephone, mail and education. pp13-15.
- Daniel, David (Mr. & Mrs.). "Notes on History of Carrajung School". Carrajung school 3545 opened in 1907 in temporary premises and was part-time with Carrajung South. It became full-time in 1911 and a new schoolhouse was built 1915. A list of teachers is given for the period 1907 to 1973. Names of local residents who served in WWI and are listed on an Honour Roll in the school are included in this article. A brief history of Carrajung South school which opened in 1898, later part-time with Carrajung, then Willung South, returning to full-time in 1920. A list of teachers is given. pp15-18.
- Court, Jean. "Traralgon Race Courses 1862 to 1962". Continued from the previous issue. As the area near the Tyers turnoff was not ideal, a new course was set up on the present site in 1914. Due to financial difficulties, the course was sold in 1940, but racing began again after three years. After much negotiation, the Borough of Traralgon re-purchased the land and re-zoned it for recreational purposes. pp18-19.
- LeGrand, M. "Notes on St. Michael's Church and Presbytery, Traralgon". Land was purchased in 1878 where St Michael's now stands. A wooden church was built in 1883. A school and convent were blessed in 1902. Nine years later a new convent was built. A new two storey presbytery in 1926 and will be replaced this year. pp19-20.
Volume 5 Issue 4 - September 1974
- Maddern, Ivan. "Morwell 1877 to 1890". In 1877 a hotel was built to serve the workers building the railway. This was followed by Henry Breed's butcher shop and John Rintoull's blacksmith work. In 1879-1880, a hotel, a wheelwright, another butchery, bootmaker, three other hotels and two stores were built in the western end of Commercial Road. The Great Morwell Brown Coal Factory also provided employment. Morwell grew but then remained stagnant from 1911 to 1933 after which growth continued. pp5-6.
- Gilmour, Alberta. The history of Flynn began with selectors in the late 1860s but it was the building of the railway from 1974, when growth accelerated. The first train went through in 1878 causing more growth as a railway centre for surrounding graziers, creamerys, saw mills, etc. Names of many residents of that period are given. Schools, a church and a hall served the residents. pp6-8
- Missen, M. "Early Flynns Creek Pioneer, Albert Thomas Missen. 1853 - 1937". Albert's father (Joseph) travelled from England to Tullamarine in about 1856. In 1865, Joseph selected land at Flynns Creek. By then he had nine children. Albert married Ellen Wright also of Flynns Creek and later had four children with her. The couple selected 140 acres of bushland at Willung South in 1886. Albert's father died in 1891 and his mother in 1893. In 1906, Albert acquired another 110 acres when the "Greenmount" estate was divided. Albert died in 1937. pp8-9.
- Court, Jean. "Centenary of Shopping in Traralgon". Opportunities of shopping in Traralgon aimed at women were initially non-existent. Oswald Marriage's store in Rosedale was an Aladdin's cave. In 1874, Marriage opened a store in Traralgon and closed his Rosedale store. pp9-10
- Plant, Valma. "Seventy-five Years in Business - The Marsh Family". George Marsh and his family moved to Traralgon in the late 1890s. Initially he purchased a butcher shop (with residence above) in Franklin Street and later purchased the premises of J. Grubb at 52 Franklin Street. Because there was no residence attached, George (and wife and seven children) bought a house in Campbell Street and then (years later) acquired a house and several acres Loch Park Road which he named "Glenlee". George's son Roy worked with his father, until his father died in 1917. The business premises were leased to J. Adams after 75 years. A brief history of the George's children is included. pp10-12.
- Conley, Iris. "Life in Blackwarry, 1932 - 1949". Iris is the granddaughter of James Cookson who settled in Blackwarry (then called Kjergaard) in 1886. Iris came from Dumbalk North as a bride in 1932. She describes the hard life that existed at that time, including isolation, lack of facilities, low production, pests and the 1939 and 1944 bushfires. pp13-15.
- " 'Switch on Ball' at Blackwarry Celebrates Arrival of Power!". Reproduced from "Traralgon Journal" 14/2/58. Electricity arrives at Blackwarry. pp15/16.
- Obituary. Mrs. Ruby Foster (nee Aitken). Late of Boisdale. pp17-18
- Obituary. Mrs. Mary Missen (nee Farmer). Late of Traralgon. p18
- Obituary. Joshua W Gliddon. Late of Mornington. pp18-19
- West, Walter. "Early Municipal History of Traralgon". This is the first of a serialisation of the booklet by Walter West which was reprinted in 1914. In 1869 the Rosedale Road Board was constituted, which included the beginnings of what is now Traralgon. In 1870 the Board spent £5 to repair the bridge over the Traralgon Creek and investigate the construction of a new bridge. A new bridge was later constructed north of the old low level bridge. To be continued. pp19-21.
Volume 5 Issue 5 - December 1974
- Adam Smith, Patsy. Harold Clapp's Railways. 10% Iron and 90% Men". A history of Adam Clapp as told by the daughter of a station-mistress. Mr. Clapp was appointed in 1920 to renew the Victorian railway system where he introduced many successful changes. pp3-5.
- Court, Jean. " 'Staplegrove', Flynn. During the Society's excursion to Flynn, a brief history of the "Staplegrove" homestead was given. In 1860 James White Hagan selected the land and built a small two room cottage. He started a meat works some time before 1875. John Peterkin commenced sawmilling on the Hagan property in 1875 which increased trade when the railway went through shortly after. Mr. Hagan left Staplegrove after 1886. In 1933 Staplegrove passed to the Whateley family. pp6-9.
- Ringin, Andy. "The Rise and Fall of Coalville". In its heyday, Coalville had a larger population than Moe or Traralgon. Coal was discovered in 1873. The Mosquito Creek Mine opened in 1877, with the 1880s being the best production years. Over 100,000 tons of coal was mined. The population reached 350 before it started to decline. pp9-10
- Dunbar, J.D. "Traralgon Agricultural Society". Recollections by Mr. Dunbar (who has been President of the Society for the past 25 years) of his early years when the 'show' was the event of the year (especially for the Dunbar family). A list of past Presidents and Secretarys is included. pp13-14.
- Conisbee, A. "History of the Methodist Church, Glengarry". James and Mary Lang arrived at Eaglehawk Creek in 1875. In 1878, a Methodist church was built at Toongabbie. James bought a half share in the Mitchell and Goodwin sawmill at Toongabbie. \he later bought some land in Glengarry and donated part of it to the Methodist church, as well as donating building timber. The church was completed in 1892. In 1970, the church was expanded. pp14-15.
- Chilvers, Mrs. "The Story of the Hiam Family". John Hiam arrived from England in the 1840s. In 1858, he married Mary Alp in Sale, and they had seven children. Although his home was initially at Sydney Cottage and later near Willung, being a surveyor, he travelled extensively in the district. He was a Shire of Rosedale councillor and President and the town of Hiamdale was named after him. One of his sons was William who selected at Willung South about 1900 and married Rachel Davis in 1905. After a short stay at Holey Plain, they moved to "Mt Pleasant" in 1909, to Rosedale in 1919 and to Carrajung in 1920. William worked as a bridge builder shearer and fencer. pp15-17.
- West, Walter. "Early Municipal History of Traralgon". This is a continuation from the previous issue. A list of Traralgon ratepayers in 1870 is given. In 1871, Rosedale was proclaimed a shire. Some examples of shire works such as drainage, road maintenance, licenses and bridge works are given. To be continued. pp17-21.
Volume 6 Issue 1 - March 1975 This year's volume focuses on the area of Carrajung and Blackwarry.
- Power, William. "Carrajung, As I Knew It". (An article written some years ago.) Mr. Power describes his neighbours from his early days. Names mentioned are D.G. Clark (Richmond Vale), H.G. Biggs (Brookside), George Greenwell (hotel at Carrajung), Hon. David Methven (Methven Vale), Dave and Willie Wight at Boodyarn, Nightingale Bros, David Boyle at Reedy Creek, W Rutherford, A.W. Wilson, McGee, Cobain, Greaves from Toongabbie, Murren from Toongabbie, Bosistow from Toongabbie, George Doultree, Henry Tyrell and Edward Milne. Many more names from a second wave due to Closer Settlement and soldier settlements are given. pp6-11.
- Missen, Lyla. "New Year's Day Sports at Carrajung". Memories as a child of the 'special' day (and night) of fun. Describes horse races, woodchops, foot races, greasy pig race. pp11-12.
- Gilmour, A. "The Onley Family, of Flynn". Alfred Onley was born in Queensland. He followed his ancestor's traditions and became a brickmaker, later adding blacksmithing to his skills. After moves (with his parents) to Geelong, Ballarat (where he married Lilian Rodway) and Donald, Alfred arrived at Flynn to work at Peterkin's sawmill. Alfred later worked on the railway while his wife was gate-keeper and Postmistress at Flynn. Lillian's widowed sister Sarah Carter (a dressmaker) came to stay. Alfred and Lillian had 10 children. pp13-14.
- 'Westralian'. "Memories of Eaglehawk". An article reprinted from The Journal & The Record, date unknown. A somewhat lyrical description of the Eaglehawk creek, before erosion and tree felling. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Alice Conisbee (nee Lang). Approx. 1900 - 1975. Late of Glengarry. p16.
- West, Walter. "Early Municipal History of Traralgon". This is a continuation from the previous issue. With the growth of Traralgon, in 1877, the Shire of Rosedale was divided into three ridings with Dugald Campbell, R Mill and Henry Breed elected as councillors for the Traralgon riding. In 1875, town allotments were put up for sale with mixed results but, in 1877, there was great interest in the allotments now put up for sale. To be continued. pp17-22.
Volume 6 Issue 2 - May 1975
- Court, Jean. "The Establishment of the Police Force in Traralgon". In 1847, Chief Const. Slattery was appointed to Flooding Creek (Sale) but his district ended at Rosedale. In 1859, alluvial gold was found at Tanjil and in many surrounding creeks and gullies. Gold at Walhalla had yet to be discovered. In 1860, Const. John O'Connor began at Traralgon. In 1867, Toongabbie Police Station was operating. At that time, gold was escorted from the goldfields, via Toongabbie, Rosedale, Sale to Port Albert and then by sea to Melbourne. By 1868, three mounted police escorted gold from Stringers Creek via Shady Creek to Melbourne. Moe was granted a police station in 1876. pp6-7.
- Scales, Ann. "Recollections of Traralgon South in the Early 1900s". Ann's father, Harry Reid, selected land at Traralgon South in 1900 and moved to the property in 1905. It became known as "Gracedale Poultry Farm" which sold eggs and prize poultry. Ann remembers all the native wildlife while walking 3½ miles to school. Mail was originally delivered to the school for the children to take home. Descriptions of local families and identities are included. pp8-10.
- Scales, A. "Recollections of Koornalla". A short half-page article by the grand-daughter of James Downie who had selected land on the Traralgon Creek about 1880, later known as "Premier Farm". p10.
- Thompson, Norm. "Koornalla, (As I Remember It)". Norm's article covers the Koornalla school, sports ground, public hall, rifle club, mail services, cheese factory, saw-milling, cream pickups, grocery deliveries, bus services and bullock teams.pp11-12.
- Lade, Dora. "The Lades of Koornalla". Charles Goldfinch Lade purchased "Brookdale" from Mr. Borsarini in 1904. The land had to be cleared. Adjoining land was purchased making a total of 400 acres. He was an active member of many committees and clubs. At one stage he also owned "Paradise" over the creek. Charles and his wife Hannah (nee Richmond) had eight children. Details of their life in the area is included. pp12-15.
- Obituary. John Anzac Hamden. ? - 20 March 1975. Late of this district. p16.
- West, Walter. "Early Municipal History of Traralgon". This is a continuation from the previous issue. In October 1879, the Shire of Traralgon was formally constituted and, in January 1880, an election was held and Messrs. Kelleher, Breed, McGauran, Firmin, Campbell and Mattingley were elected. Council offices were initially in the court house. A loan of £600 was arranged with councillors going personal guarantors. To be continued. pp16-19.
Volume 6 Issue 3 - July 1975
- Thompson, Les. "William Cathcart Thompson". Les' father was born near Geelong in 1850. In the 1880s, he selected land three miles from Traralgon. As a champion shearer, he raised sheep for lambs and wool. In 1890 he bought a farm in Traralgon South which was used for dairying. He had three sons and two daughters. In 1909, Les married May Faulkner of "Chester Park". All the sons received a farm and about 40 cows when they married. pp9-11.
- Eccles, Ruth. "Early Settlers at Traralgon South - Mr. and Mrs. Howe". In about 1882, William and Elizabeth Howe (with seven children) moved to Hazelwood. Several years later they moved to near the junction of the Callignee South and Traralgon Creek roads. Mr. Howe retired to Traralgon in 1901. They had had a total of 10 children. Mr. Betteson (of Ikin & Betteson) bought the land which is now owned by Fred Lade. pp11-12.
- Downie, Geo. "The Downie Family of Koornalla". Downie family siblings, Thomas, Alex, John, Maggie, Sarah Leech, Andrena Draffin and one other, and their mother, arrived from Scotland in 1877. Thomas married Ada Cochrane in 1895. The three brothers selected land along the Traralgon Creek in 1889. Thomas had three children. He was a councillor, JP and on many public bodies. pp13-14.
- Downie, Thomas. "Pioneer's Tale of Earliest Traralgon District". From an early issue of the "Traralgon Journal & Record" written by Mr. Downie some nine years earlier describing his early life in the district. pp14-16.
- Johnson, Ernest. "Early Le Roy Settler - Peter Johnson". Peter was born in the Strzlecki district in 1883. He selected land on the Traralgon Creek in 1902, and with the help of a neighbour, Harold Blanksby, built a hut, where they both lived for a while. Peter then built a four-roomed house and married Marie Guntzler in 1909. The house was added to by a new owner, Henry Drysdale, in the mid 1950s, and sold for removal in 1968 when APM Forests bought the land. In 1917, Peter had sold his land and bought a farm in Gormandale with his brother-in-law Val Guntzler. Two years they sold that farm and Peter bought a farm in Traralgon South with another brother-in-law A. P. Miles. Four later, the farm was divided and each farmed independently. Peter died in 1952. pp16-17.
- Obituary. Robert Cole. 1886 - 1975. Late of this district. pp17-18.
- "Half a Century of Service to Traralgon and District". In 1897, Walter West was elected to the Traralgon Shire Council. In 1906, he resigned and was appointed as Shire Secretary. From 1922, his daughter, Eva West, assisted him, and when Mr. West died in 1934, his daughter was appointed Shire Secretary. Miss West retired earlier this year. p19.
- West, Walter. "Early Municipal History of Traralgon". This is a continuation from the previous issue. In February 1880, Mr. Holland was appointed as Valuer and Collector of Statistics. In March, Frederick Farrell was appointed as Secretary and Engineer, Mr. Betteson as Treasurer, Constable Donaghue as Inspector of Nuisances and Mr. Stuart of sale as Shire Solicitor. Following an outbreak of scarlet fever later that year, Dr. Simmons of Rosedale was appointed as a Health Officer. In May, the first valuation was completed, but there were many complaints about the higher valuations, some of which went to court. Continued in Volume 7 Issue 1. pp19-22.
Volume 6 Issue 4 - September 1975
- Bridges-Webb, C. "A Doctor in Traralgon, 1960 - 1975". Dr. Bridges-Webb followed in the footsteps of his father and grand-father when he became a county G.P. He was the fourth partner in a group practicing on the north-east corner of Church and Kay streets. His partners were Drs. E.L. Fleming, D.W. Collins and George Duncan. In 1962, he was elected President of the historical society. The Traralgon Medical Group moved to the corner of Deakin and Hotham streets in 1964. Between 1964 and 1974, the following doctors joined (and in some cases left) the practice; John Woodhouse, Elizabeth Sinclair, Bill Young, Aziz Suleman, Syeda Aftab, Tim Hegarty and Doug Johnson. In 1973, the practice changed its name to Deakin Street Clinic. A branch surgery had been opened in Rosedale in 1963. Dr. Bridges-Webb also had an interest in playing cricket and acting. pp9-14.
- Davidson, John W. "Link with Early Traralgon". A very brief history of hotels in Traralgon in 1875, mentioning The Travellers Rest (closed) Traralgon Hotel (opened in 1875), Rubicon Hotel (opened in 1875) in Argyle Street and renamed Commercial Hotel in 1882, the Star Hotel, Red Gum Hotel (on Sandy Creek at Loy Yang), Flynns Creek Hotel, Bush Inn at Loy Yang (since 1869) and the Wheatsheaf Hotel (on the Rosedale Road). Licensed within the next eight years were the Oddfellows Arms, Wine Shanty, Club Hotel, Callignee Hotel (in Traralgon), Royal Exchange Hotel, Grand Junction Hotel, Crown Hotel and the Sportsman's Arms at Tyers. p14.
- Thompson, Ivor; Beaton, U. "Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson, of Koornalla". The parents of the authors moved from Hazelwood North to Stoney Creek at Koornalla between the Bleakley and Edgar Thompson farms. Sam was heavily involved in the Sunday School and his wife was an organist. A farewell evening was held when they left the district in 1924 with testimonials given by T Downie and C.G. Lade. pp14-16.
- Beaton, U. "Mr. J.E. Woodruff, Early Teacher at Traralgon South". Mr. Woodruff had come from Matlock in 1889 to teach at Traralgon South. In 1890, he married Emily Blanche Drake. In 1896, he was transferred to Toongabbie, in 1911 to Germantown near Geelong, in 1913 to Moreland, in 1915 to Kew, in 1918 to Richmond, and in 1921 he became headmaster at Ripponlea, a position he retired from in 1932. He died in St Kilda in 1944. He was well respected as a teacher at Traralgon South. p16.
- McCormack, L. "The McCormack Family". In 1916, Angus McCormack (a blacksmith), with his wife and six children, moved from Neerim to Traralgon South to a property initially owned by H.A. Fisher and then Arthur Thompson. Angus died in 1939, and his wife in 1949. A history of the family is included. pp16-19.
- "Under the Masters and Servants Act". A copy of an agreement (effective from 1 January 1876, for three years) between Hugh Lennon (North Melbourne) and Angus McCormack (an improver blacksmith). The discharge says that McCormack was a honest, steady, trustworthy, most exemplary, and diligent workman. pp19-20.
- Obituary. Mrs. E.A. McNairn. 18 July 1975. Late of Traralgon. pp20-21.
Volume 6 Issue 5 - December 1975
- Maguire, Tom. [The Traralgon Post Office, 1915-1934]. Tom, who was employed at the Post Office during that period, described the services. Initial staff were Martin Dunne as the Postmaster, two counter hands, two messengers and a telegraphist. In 1916 Edith Duffy was appointed as the first telephonist. The Sub-Treasurer was Graham Keys. Installation of a telephone service began in 1910, with 36 subscribers in 1915 and 50 by 1917. pp10-11.
- Obituary. Clive Smith. Late of Traralgon. p12.
- Obituary. Arthur Ollier. Late of Callignee. p12.
- Plant, Valma. "The Fick Family". Both initially from Germany, George Fick and Pauline Koch married at Bendigo in 1879 and moved to Gippsland. They settled near Toms Bridge, but the first flood convinced to move, so they selected land at Callignee in that same year. He held a liquor licence at Callignee from 1879 to 1884. There were nine children from the marriage. A brief history of the sons is included. In 1923, the sons bought 150 acres in Bartons Lane, Loy Yang, which had increased to over 2,000 acres by 1937. The Callignee farm was sold to Mr. Mason in 1945, and the Loy Yang farm to Vernon Cumming in 1960. pp12-15.
- Thompson, Norm. "James George Thompson, and his Family". John Thompson travelled from Greenock to Belfast (Port Fairy) in 1841. He married Harriet Chant from England, via Neerim South, in 1855. Later they selected at Hazelwood where James was born. While working in Melbourne, James married Ann Dalton in 1897 and soon after returned to Hazelwood North. In 1917, James moved to "Lovely Banks" at Koornalla. He died in 1955. pp15-16.
- "Birthday Greetings to Mr. Alexander Saunders". Mr. Saunders celebrated his 99th birthday at Dalkeith with friends. Born in Footscray, he was a good athlete, musician and singer. In 1906, he received a permit to slaughter pigs and cure bacon which employed 17 workers in 1914. The business won many awards for its bacon. The business was sold to Mr. Abrecht in the late 1940s, but closed down within two years. pp17-18.
- "Autobiography of a Mailman - Arthur Ernest Fisher". Mr. Fisher came from England in 1913 and spent the next ten years doing farm work in Callignee. He had the mail contract from Traralgon to Yarram from 1923 to 1928, then had many employers after that until he retired. p18.
Volume 7 Issue 1 - March 1976 This year's volume focuses on the area of Traralgon South.
- Keir, Don. "The Star Hotel - The Oldest building in Traralgon". A brief history of the Star Hotel which was built by Frank Hickox in 1875. He sold it to Edwin Kaye in 1876 and bought Peter Bonhomme's brick works. The Long Bridge was built in 1881, affecting trade at the Star Hotel, so Edwin Kaye built a new Star Hotel on the west side of the creek, next to the Rubicon Hotel. The Star hotel was de-licensed in about 1920. pp6-7.
- "Thomas Albert Williams, and his Family". In his early days, Mr. Williams ran the mail service between Port Albert and Sale. In 1873, he married, moved to Warragul in 1884 and then Traralgon in 1888 where purchased the "Long Bridge" property in Argyle Street. The couple had 11 children. Mr. Williams was a blacksmith and wheelwright. Mr. Williams died in 1951 and Mrs. Williams in 1974. pp7-9.
- McCormack, Laura. "History of John Huffer and his Family". John's father, James, came from England in 1874, and after working for the railways for a number years, selected 215 acres at Gormandale. His son, John, married Ada Hall in Geelong in 1908. John had a farm at Gormandale, adjoining his father's. John sold his farm and moved another along Stoney Creek at Traralgon South called "Wattle Bank". Experiences from Laura's childhood are included. When Mrs. Huffer died in 1952, John moved to Traralgon. pp11-16.
- West, Walter. "Early Municipal History of Traralgon". This is a continuation from Volume 6 Issue 3. To be continued. pp16-22.
Volume 7 Issue 2 - May 1976
- Phelan, Vince. "History of Dargo and Surrounding Areas". After settling at "Bushy Park", Angus McMillan created outstations for summer pasture in the Dargo area. In 1860, A.W. Howitt found gold east of Dargo and at Crooked River. By the end of 1864, 30 reefs were being worked. Town names in the area were Talbotville, Bulltown, Hogtown, Ramtown and the biggest being Grant. A chronological list of historical events from 1854 to 1970 is included. pp6-8.
- King, Nan. "Grant". A brief history of the gold ghost-town Grant, near Dargo. By the end of 1864, 457 miners worked 180 claims on 92 separate reefs. In its heyday, it had 18 hotels, 14 general stores, three wine and spirit merchants, two cordial manufacturers, two barristers, four solicitors, numerous banks and restaurants, serving a population of 2,000. pp8-9.
- Incoll, Rod. "McEvoys Track". When gold was discovered between Seaton and Mt Useful, McEvoy blazed a track into the area. As traffic on the track increased, 11 hotels sprang up in the 20 mile route. pp11-12.
- Maddern, Ivan. "Hazelwood Station". An article on how the squatters, selectors and cattle industry helped to develop Gippsland with an emphasis on the Hazelwood Station. pp12-14.
- Somers, Lee. "The Miles Family, Traralgon South". Alex and Marie Miles moved from Tarra Valley to Traralgon South in 1919. In partnership with his brother-in-law, Peter Johnson, he bought land opposite the school. After four years, the partnership was dissolved and the land divided. Alex called his land "Wattle-Lea" and bought an adjoining block of 100 acres. There were 12 children in the family. Initially, a sharefarmers cottage was re-located to the property, but replaced by a nine-roomed Brick veneer in 1939. Alex ran a Jersey herd, pigs and had a large orchard. In the 1950, the land was divided between sons Ron and Laurie, and Alex and Marie moved into Traralgon. Ron called his land "Greenslopes". Alex died in 1959 and Marie in 19170. p15-17.
- Sanders, Mrs. "The Sanders Family, Hazelwood North". Edmund and Helen Sanders (and two children) moved from Ararat to Hazelwood North in 1884 where he selected land that he called "Applegrove". He planted 13 acres of fruit trees. Jim Plant and wife Caroline (nee Sanders) came at the same time. Howes, Firmans, Hentschells, Watson, Flahertys, Millers, Felix and Thompsons were other early selectors. p17.
- West, Walter. "Early Municipal History of Traralgon". Continued from previous issue. In 1881, the residents of Tyers petitioned the Shire of Traralgon to annex Tyers. When this occurred, the residents of Tyers requested a bridge across the Latrobe River at "The Bluff". To be continued. pp18-19.
Volume 7 Issue 3 - July 1976
- Porter, R. [History of Hazelwood]. A.E. Broddribb and William Bennett started a cattle run here in 1844. The place is named after William Bennett's wife Hazel. After overcoming the hazards of swamps, bad roads and timber clearing, they had 1,000 cattle when they sold to John McMillan in 1860. Other settlers followed and Hazelwood became a community, but never a town. The main industry was grazing and dairying. In 1886, a station was opened on the Morwell-Mirboo railway line. In 1944, fires claimed 14 lives and massive property damage. pp5-7.
- King, Nan. "Charles Joseph La Trobe". La Trobe was born in London in 1801, was educated in Switzerland and married Sophie Montmollin in 1835. He was a Jack-of-all-trades. They arrived in Sydney in 1839. In 1845 he visited Gippsland via Andersons Inlet, Corner Inlet, Port Albert, Providence Ponds, Eagle Point and Lake King, returning via Snake Ridge (Rosedale) and Willung to Tarraville. In 1850 he was appointed as the only Lieut. Governor of Victoria. He returned to Switzerland in 1854, and died in England in 1875. pp8-10.
- Davidson, John W. "Back to the Days of the Blacks". An extract from "The Journal" in 1929 by George Russell. He was born in Rosedale in 1864. His family moved to Traralgon in about 1867 when there were six houses east of the creek. In about 1870, his father bought 70 acres on what was later called "Loch Park". He built a house where the fire station residence was. There were only four other houses on the west side of the creek at that time. George remembered a time of kangaroos and emus and camping of 20-30 aborigines with corroborees. George's father later packed supplies to Donnelleys Creek. pp10-12. To be continued.
- Lee, J. "A Tribute to Dargo Bush nurse". Mrs. Amy Marguerite (Daisy) Hurley (nee Brown) arrived from England and in 1912 was appointed as the Bush Nurse at Dargo, although based in Sale. In those days, the bush nurses were expected to do the wife's chores if she was the patient including cooking, washing, housework and milking. After retiring, her and her husband farmed at Boisdale. She died Rosebud in 1974.p13.
- Henderson, Evelyn. "Memories of Hazelwood". Evelyn's uncle, Thomas Townsend, selected 400 acres at Hazelwood in 1886. He died a year later, so his parents, George and Annie, moved from Charlton to take over the selection. They cleared the land, built a house, planted an orchard and did dairying. In 1900, Thomas' sister Harriet married Fred Henderson, who had a sawmill in Jeeralang North Road. Fred, Harriet and the four children later moved to Loch Park Road in Traralgon. pp13-14.
- Thompson, R & I; Beaton Una. "George Bolding". George came from England to Queensland in 1854. He married in 1873 and, in 1874, applied for a licence "to occupy" 295 acres at Hazelwood. It was surveyed in 1874 and approved in 1875. In 1878, he applied for a lease of that land, which was gazetted in 1879. pp14-15.
- Thompson, M & I; Beaton, Una. "The Thompson Family, of Hazelwood North". William and Rose (nee Tweed) Thompson, and two sons, arrived from Ireland in Port Phillip in 1841. Youngest son, John married Harriet Chant in 1855, and they had nine children. Two of his sons selected land on behalf of their father in 1877. The property was called "Lovely Banks". A brief history of the children (William, Rose Ann, Hugh, twins Sam and Arch, Barbara, James George and Oliver) is included. pp16-17.
- Obituary. Ethel Esler (nee Doultree). Late of Traralgon, previously Carrajung, Callignee South, and Gormandale. p17.
- Obituary. Mary Elisabeth Chilvers (nee Hiam). - 5 June 1976. Late of Traralgon, previously of Willung, Carrajung, Bundalaguah, Newry and Blackwarry. pp17-18
- West, Walter. "Early Municipal History of Traralgon". Continued from previous issue. Agitation continued for a railway from Traralgon to Alberton then on to Welshpool. A number of routes were examined and discarded as too steep. In 1881, Mr. McGauran did not seek re-election to council. To be continued. pp18-21.
Volume 7 Issue 4 - September 1976
- Missen, Marjorie; Giles, Dorothy. [Ada Crossley]. Ada Crossley was born in 1874 at Tarraville. Ada started piano lessons at age 7, and by 12 she was playing the organ in three churches and leading the quoir singing. She took singing lessons in Melbourne and later Miss Crossley sang before the crowned heads of Europe, and toured America, New Zealand and South Africa. She retired in 1923 and died in 1929. pp9-10.
- Obituary. William Francis Power. 1882 - 1976. Late of Traralgon. pp11-12.
- Davidson, John W. "Back to the Days of the Blacks". An extract from "The Journal" in 1929 by George Russell. Continued from previous issue. More recollections of growing up in Traralgon including his father's attempt to go gold-digging and coal discoveries at Tyers. pp12-24.
- Little, Jim. "Diary of William Little". Includes a record of attendances at a Hazelwood North school in 1890, and brief description of attempts to have another school in the district. pp15-16.
- Thomson, R and Beaton, U. "Notes on the Cranwell Family, Hazelwood North". Thomas Cranwell married Emma Bolding in 1848 and arrived in Melbourne in 1854. He selected 320 acres at Hazelwood North in 1878 and called it "Chishill". A brief history of their children (Agnes, Abel, Elizabeth, Joseph and Sarah) is included. P16.
- West, Walter. "Early Municipal History of Traralgon". Continued from previous issue. This is the final article in the series. In 1882, Mr. Betteson resigned as Treasurer and was replaced by Mr. Munro. A pound was erected in 1882 with James Dunbar as the first poundkeeper. In April of that year, Mr. Campbell resigned as Secretary and Engineer, and was replaced by Roderick McMillan. pp20-21.
Volume 7 Issue 5 - December 1976
- Faubel, Hans. "Bruntons Bridge". When gold was discovered at Walhalla, a route from Toongabbie was needed. In 1864, a timber bridge was built across the Thompson River, thus connecting Walhalla to Port Albert. In 1868, another timber bridge replaced the earlier one. In 1888, a steel bridge replaced the second bridge. In 1926, fire destroyed the wooden decking, and it has not been restored. pp6-7.
- Maguire, Tom. [Early Days in Traralgon]. Mr. Maguire arrived in Traralgon in 1914 and recollects on many interesting snippets of Traralgon's history. pp10-12.
- Maguire, Tom. Armistice Night 1918". "Tom recalls the celebration when armistice was announced, and relates many stories of rallies, processions and demonstrations held during the war to promote recruitment, war loans and patriotism. pp14-16.
- Piera, Denis. "Mary Julia Fischer". Mary Julia (May) Fischer (nee O'Connor) was born at "The Netherlands" at Sale in 1890. Her parents were Charles O'Connor and Margaret Anne (nee Piera). Charles selected land at Willung South, worked in the Walhalla goldmines, then sold up to go the West Australian gold mines, before returning to Willung South. May went to school at Willung South. In 1912, May married Andrew Fischer and they lived at Stradbroke. May and Andrew had five children. She died in 1976. pp16-18.
• "Index to Bi-monthly Bulletins - Vols 6 & 7". pp20-22.
Volume 8 Issue 1 - March 1977 This year's volume focuses on the area of Hazelwood.
- Piera, Denis. "Mephan Ferguson - Contractor for Bruntons Bridge". Mephan Ferguson arrived in Victoria from Scotland in 1854. He spent 17 years in Ballarat where he learnt the engineering profession. His first contact was for the supply and erection of the Johnson Street bridge. He has since completed 20 bridges on the North-Eastern Railway and eight on the Clifton Hill line as well as numerous foot-bridges, railway verandahs and road bridges. He also built Bruntons Bridge In 1888. pp6-7.
- Davidson, John W. [The Importance of the Railway to Traralgon]. From 1865, Traralgon was served by a coach service to Melbourne, but it was just another stop on the line. In 1873, Parliament decided to construct a railway from Sale to Melbourne, which was completed in 1879. As well as creating a temporary boost during construction for railway workers, timber getters and sawmillers, the railway created continued growth for Traralgon by allowing its main products (wood, cattle, butter) to quickly reach the Melbourne markets. pp7-8.
- Obituary. Ernest Frederick Onley. 1890-1976. Late of Traralgon, previously of Gormandale. pp9-10.
- Obituary. Hilbert James Huffer. 1904- 1976. Late of Traralgon, previously of Gormandale. pp10-13.
- Obituary. Frank Surtees Ward. ?-1977. p13.
- Obituary. Ernest Alfred H. Beitlich. p13.
- Roberts, Harry. "Boyhood Memories of Walhalla". Barry was born at Walhalla in 1905. Many interesting recollections of his early life in Walhalla until he left in 1919. pp15-19.
- St John, F.R. ""Unveiling of plaque on Ned Stringer's Grave". An address given by Mr. St. John at the unveiling of the plaque on Ned Stringer's grave at Toongabbie. A history of Ned Stringer and his party and their search for gold, and also the identification of the grave is given. pp19-21.
Volume 8 Issue 2 - May 1977
- "Excursion to Merton Station and Willung". An article describing an excursion members of the Society took to the above areas. Descriptions of Merton Station and its social life, the Macreadie homestead, the Willung Post Office, the Willung Hall and the Willung School. pp5-10.
- Obituary. Maurice Roy Lane. Late of Caulfield, previously Gormandale. p12.
- Hornsey, Marj. " "Bunny" (Andrew) Hunter's Orchestra". In 1926, when Bunny was 16, he joined a band led by A.E. Hall (a dental mechanic), After Mr. Hall died, Bunny and Marg carried on the Traralgon Dance Band. At that time, the other members were Jack Skinner, Howard Ising, and Sid and Ted Turner. The orchestra was very popular and well respected. Later Bunny formed a Dixieland Band. A number of humorous anecdotes about the band's performances are included. Bunny died in 1957. pp13-15.
- Marriott, Hilda. "Reminiscences of Glengarry District". Hilda was born 1905 and is the grand-daughter of Thomas and Mary Grant Greaves. She describes her school years at Glengarry and the teachers in particular. She also mentions life on a potato farm at Tyers and then the family farm at Glengarry. pp15-18.
- Fitch, Ada. "People Who Worked on the Railway". The article names many workers; Mr. Ford (stationmaster, 1910), Mr. Hutton (stationmaster), Mr. Dawson (clerk or stationmaster), Joe Duffy, Mrs. Bye (gatekeeper), Mr. Bye (ganger), Mr. Bayley, "Jumbo" Clarke (shunter), Jimmy Campbell (carter) and Alan Dunbar. Other names involved in trucking stock were Ben Dunbar, Owen O'Doherty, Jimmy O'Connor, Harry Bertrand and Mr. Oxley. pp18-19.
Volume 8 Issue 3 - July 1977
- Cameron, Innes. [Wandocka]. An article presented by the author of the book "Wandocka - An Early Gippsland Homestead". George and Elizabeth Gibson, came from Scotland in 1854, shortly after they had married. George worked at Kilmany Park and built a house in Sale where they lived and had three children. Gibson formed a partnership with Robert Knox and they built a store and accommodation house at Bald Hills. They sold the hotel, moved to Toongabbie for a short time, then in 1867 took up land at Denison which they called "Wandocka". p4
- Ringin, Andy. "Wonangatta Station". An American, Oliver Smith, first settled at Wonangatta station (1200-1500 acres) in 1861. He had a wife and young son. John William Pender Bryce ran a packhorse business between Myrtleford and Grant, and was invited to go in partnership with Smith. Bryce brought cattle from NSW, but they had pleuro-pneumonia and infected his whole herd. At the same time, his wife died so Oliver sold his half of the business and moved out with his son. John Bryce made a success of Wonangatta selling quality cattle, dairy products, eggs, bacon and fruit. With the death of Mrs. Bryce in 1914, the station was sold and there have been a few owners since then. pp8-10.
- "Centenary of Traralgon Methodist Church". In 1877, William Batten, a Wesleyan Methodist, conducted the first Methodist service in a schoolroom. Later that year there was a congregation of nearly 100, and services were held in the Presbyterian church. Rev Batten died before a wooden church was built in 1879. In 1940, the wooden church was replaced by a brick church on the same site. pp11-12.
- Close, Elsie. "Holidays at Macreadie's, Willung 1914-1920. Elsie (nee Marnell) was born in Willung in 1908 with the Macreadies as her neighbour. The Marnell family moved away a few years later. Elsie describes the holidays she later spent with the Macreadies at Willung peppered with many anecdotes. pp12-15.
- Obituary. Albert Cranwell. Extract from the "Traralgon Journal" 15th August 1954. Resident of Dalkeith, long time resident of Hazelwood North. pp15-16.
- Obituary. James Thompson. Extract from "Latrobe Valley Express" 6th April 1973. Late of Traralgon, previously of Hazelwood. pp16-17.
- [Traralgon Centenary Celebrations]. An article describing the centenary celebrations in 1946. pp17-21.
Volume 8 Issue 4 - September 1977
- Macreadie, Don. [Merton Station Follow-up]. Following on from an article, two issues ago, Don describes the many people who later selected near the Merton Station. These were Richard Williams in 1863; the Simmonds family (John Wright Simmonds held the Merton run for 22 years, while siblings selected nearby, notably "The Island"); John Waite; John and Caroline Hillman; Peter Hunter; Robert Macreadie, Mr. McComb, Richard Timbs; Bob Vincent. pp4-6.
- Standing, Tom; Trevor Mclean. [Reminiscences]. Interesting and humorous anecdotes about early life in Traralgon and its "characters". pp6-8.
- Vivian, Ken. "Traralgon's Last Steam Train". A short article by Ken who (on 26th October 1965) drove the last steam train out of Traralgon to Warragul. The fireman was Michael McDermott. A Melbourne crew then took the engine to Geelong where steam was still in use. p10.
- King, Nan. "The End of an Era". A short article on the last train service between Traralgon and Maffra (year not stated), although the service was temporarily restored when flooding prevented road traffic. p11.
- Plant, Valma. "James Plant, 1853-1930". James was born in Melbourne in 1853, married Caroline Sanders from Mt Gambier in 1880, and followed his brother-in-law Edmund Sanders to Hazelwood in 1884. James settled on land known as "Hulmes" opposite "Lone Pine". James was an expert shearer (and away from home for long periods) and a wool judge at the Traralgon Show. James and Caroline had seven children (a brief history of each is included). James and Caroline moved into Traralgon and both died in 1930. pp11-13.
- Macreadie, Don. "Willung Races, New Years Day, 1897". An extract from the "Rosedale Courier" of 7 January, 1897. A description of the "one day of the year" that the small town of Willung can draw up 1,000 visitors. pp13-15.
- "Pentland Pioneers in Gippsland 1860". A chronological history of the Pentland history from 1830 to 1930. p15-16.
- Fitch, Ada. "Down Memory Lane". A large article on the lifetime recollections of Ada Fitch (nee Pentland), born 1900. As a prelude, she gives details on her Ewing ancestors back to 1870. To be continued. pp16-22.
Volume 8 Issue 5 - December 1977
- Faubel, Hans. "The Moe Swamp". A brief article on the Moe Swamp and the problem it caused to transport. After agitation, it took eight years of work and £250,000 to drain the swamp. p7.
- Fitch, Ada. "Pentland Pioneers in Gippsland". The continuation of a presentation started in the previous issue. It covers Ada's recollections from 1917 to 1924. pp10-11
- Obituary. John Roland Hill. Late of Traralgon. p18.
- Obituary. Annie Illyes (nee Missen). Grew up in Gormandale. p19.
- Obituary. Thomas Clarke. Late of Hazelwood North. p19.
- "Index to Bi-monthly Bulletins - Vols 6 to 8". pp20-22.
Volume 9 Issue 1 - March 1978 This year's volume focuses on the area of Willung.
- Obituary. Donald William Kerr. 23 November 1977. Late of Traralgon, previously East Gippsland. pp7-8.
- Davidson, John W. "End of an Old School". An article detailing the Grey Street Traralgon secondary school which opened in 1915. pp8-10.
- Graham, Harold. "Business Houses in the 1930s". Names of many business owners (and their trades) in Franklin Street in that period. pp10-12.
- Saunders, Erle. "Charlie, the African Negro". Charlie jumped ship in Port Albert in the early 1890s. He found work near Rosedale, was pardoned in the 1890s and adopted the surname Freeman. He married and lived on the Rosedale Common. Charlie was renown for his huge stature and feats of strength. p12.
- Macreadie, Eddie. "History of Willung Hall". The first hall was built about 1890. It was replaced by a new hall in 1957. Names of many of the committee members are included in the article. pp12-16.
- Thompson, Murray. "Jeeralang Junction". In 1904, the first building was erected in Jeeralang Junction by Jim McNamara to act as a home and a general store. It closed in 1910. Also in 1910, a school and hall were built but were removed in 1920. David Hendrey had a land and a butcher shop between 1910 and 1920. That was the last business in the 'town'. Later a post office and telephone exchange was established on Jack Howard's land with Jack being the linesman and Mrs. Howard, the Postmistress. Initially, the "Ford" was the only place to cross Billys Creek. It was a favourite, swimming, fishing and picnicking spot. A bridge replaced the "Ford" in about 1909, which lasted for about sixty years before it was replaced. pp18-21.
Volume 9 Issue 2 - May 1978
- Various, "Loy Yang". Kath Huffer was the starting speaker on Loy Yang history. She described how James Rentoul took up the Loy Yang run in 1846, he sold it to John Fowler Turnbull in 1846, who sold it to William Whittakers in 1871, who in turn sold it to Mr. Hill in 1875. Other speakers, who were residents, or descendants of residents, in the area were Roy Stuckey, Mrs. Jack Gilmour, Horrie Jones, Bryan Woolfe and Hugh Dunbar. Properties mentioned were "Fernhill", "Summer Banks" and "Hill View". pp4-5.
- Court, J. [The building of the Main Gippsland Railway]. The line was built in five stages, simultaneously, by different contractors. The section from Oakleigh to Bunyip was opened in 1877. The Bunyip to Moe section was opened in 1878, with Moe to Morwell opened later the same year. Meanwhile, the first engine was on the tracks at Sale in 1875 (after being shipped to the Port of Sale). The Sale to Morwell section although starting early was the last to be completed. Later branch lines were built to connect the main line to places such as Heyfield,, Mirboo North, Stratford, Thorpdale, Walhalla and Yallourn. pp6-7.
- Obituary. Dr. Thomas Alexander McLean. 7 July 1876 - 14 August 1948. Late of Traralgon. pp7-10.
- Obituary. Charles Edward Thomas Kelley. 1880 - 1978. Late of Cowwarr. pp10-11.
- Graham, Elvie M. "Summerhill". A history of the family of Robert James Graham and wife Ann who arrived at Flynn in 1878 calling their land "Summerhill". School was held initially in a church, then at "Summerhill" until a school was relocated from Loy Yang. The latest school burnt down in 1920. Elvie's father married Margaret Broomfield and lived at "Yale-band" and "Pages". One of their sons moved to Gormandale, but the others had farms along Flynns Creek named "Alderside", "Ellisdale" and "Bonnie Brae". pp11-12.
- Lindsay, M. "Beal Family". Frederick and Christiana Beal arrived at Loy Yang in 1909 with their six children. Names mentioned are Mr. Farmer at "Melrossa", Mr. and Mrs. Doyle (ganger and gate-keeper at Loy Yang), Miss Stagg (schoolteacher), Robert Farmer and Mr. Lang (joint owners from Glengarry), George and William Lord of "Irwell" and "Strathblane", Charlie Shuttleworth, Jack Curran, Charlie Wright, Ike Cone, Jack Dove, Bill, Rupert and Stewart Rice, Joe Pearce, Tom Clark, Jack Cloak and Mr. Rollandin. pp12-14.
- Gilmour, Alberta. "The Sebire Family". John Peter Sebire and his wife Margaret came to Flynns Creek Upper in the early 1880s. Related to the Fryatts, the settled on the Gormandale Road, opposite the Fryatts. p14
- Macreadie, Don. "The Willung-Merton Picnic". An extract from the "Rosedale Courier" issued on 3 May 1890. pp15-17
Volume 9 Issue 3 - July 1978
- Obituary. Edith Myra Heesom. 12 June 1978. Late of Traralgon. pp12-13
- Obituary. Louis Deprada. Late of Myrtlebank. p12.
- Obituary. Reginald Stephens. 10 March 1978. Late of Boronia, previously Yallourn. p13.
- Stuckey, Roy."Loy Yang Memories". Roy's grandfather (Thomas) was an early settler at Loy Yang. He married Sarah Wright and they had nine children. Roy's father (Harry) married Elizabeth Dunbar, and in 1924 they moved to Flynn. The article describes the terrible floods of December 1934. pp13-14.
- "Loy Yang - Today and Yesterday". In 1910, John Woolfe, of Callignee, married Christina Dunbar of Traralgon South, and they settled at Sheepwash Creek. They had four children. Mr. Woolfe died in 1955 and Mrs. Woolfe in 1957. pp14-15.
- Beitlich, H.A. "Dr. Ernest Alfred H. Beitlich". In 1951, the couple travelled from Germany and settled in Traralgon. Being a cement specialist he stared work at the Cement Works in Traralgon, but left in 1959 to manufacture his homecare products "Kim" and "Kimcare". Manufacturing began in a shack in Hotham Street then at a factory in Campbell Street when demand grew. "Kimcare" was sold in 1976. Alfred died in 1977. pp16-21.
Volume 9 Issue 4 - September 1978
- Jones, H. "Minniedale". Minniedale was first selected by a banker named Tolmie. The selection was 1500 acres, which was later subdivided, leaving a homestead on 630 acres situated on the head of the Sheepwash Creek headwaters. The homestead was large, the type with a fireplace in every room, and external buildings such as pigsties, horse breaking ring and woolshed. The homestead has been demolished. pp8-11.
- Hague, Mary. "Leah Liddiard, An Early Loy Yang Settler". Henry and Leah Liddiard emigrated from England, settling at Werribee. After he husband drowned and two children died from diphtheria on the one day, she and her four children and a workman drove their cattle to Traralgon. She initially obtained 50 acres and in 1875, was granted 280 acres at Loy Yang. pp11-12. [Note: Another history of Leah Liddiard appears in Vol. 11 Issue 1.]
- Scott, Seddon. "My experiences in 1934 Floods". The flood was one of the worst in this area. In their house on the Glengarry Road, floodwaters rose so quickly, that the family moved into the ceiling for two days until rescued by boat. Most livestock drowned. pp12-14.
- Whelan, H.J. "A Brief History of the Parish of St. Michael, Traralgon". In 1878, the Catholic Church bought land where St. Michael's is now sited. A church was dedicated in 1883. A school began on the site in 1902 with 35 pupils. In 1916, Traralgon and Glengarry became a separate parish. In 1919, there were brick extensions to the school, and in 1936, the current stone church was built. Around 1960, secondary education became available at Kildare College and St Paul's. pp15-16.
- West, E.M. "Early Traralgon Private Schools". A reprint from The Morwell Historical News. Brief descriptions of nine private schools in the area. The "Retreat" was one of the earliest and best-known. It was conducted by Miss Campbell at the back of her parent's guest house in Kay Street. Very little is known about Mrs. Anderson's school in 1886. Mrs. P.A. Crowe's school was in Seymour Street in 1887. Miss Muldoon's school was opened in about 1890 in Hotham Street. The Ben Venue Private School for ladies operated in the 1890s. The Misses Boyd's School began about 1900. The Victory Park school operated from about 1900 until 1910. Miss Jones' school was a kindergarten in the Ostler's House at the Traralgon Hotel. Loch Park Ladies school was operating in Breed Street in 1905. pp16-18.
Volume 9 Issue 5 - December 1978
- Christie, Rob; Geoff Gray. [Gold Discoveries around Crooked River]. A large article describing the discovery of gold in the Crooked River and Grant areas and the major gold mines. pp3-8.
- Thompson, W.A. [Memories of Early Traralgon]. Mr. Thompson arrived from Mt Gambier in 1924 to take up a job at "The Journal" newspaper. He describes many of the main attributes of the town and its buildings and businesses. pp14-15.
- Heesom, J. "Loy Yang". A presentation led by K Huffer who gave an introduction. Then Bob Jones who spoke of farming at Minniedale, and lastly Robert Farmer who described early land prices at Melrossa, and his grandfather's sheep farming there. pp17-19.
Volume 10 Issue 1 - March 1979
- Maguire, Tom. [My Early Days at the Traralgon Post Office]. Tom began working at the Post Office in 1915. Pre-sorted mail was delivered to town via the mail van attached to the train. Town mail deliveries were twice daily. Three mail routes to Yarram were via Gormandale, or Callignee or Le Roy. pp6-7.
- Campbell, Norman. [Recollections of Early Traralgon]. Written in 1931, Norman, the son of Traralgon's first Engineer, describes recollections of when he first came to the town in 1883. pp17-18.
- Pentland, Edward William. "What I Remember of the Early Days of Traralgon". Ted recollects on his life at Traralgon South, including his father's various work ventures. He married Christine Dunbar. pp19-20.
- Hague, Mary. "Toongabbie Gold Link Ends". Toongabbie Railway Station opened in 1883 and closed in 1978. Because of it being on the route to Walhalla, it was once the second busiest railway station in Victoria. pp20-21
Volume 10 Issue 2 - May 1979
- Thompson, H.M. "Memories of Tyers From 1902". Childhood recollections while the parents ran a farm on the northern banks of the Latrobe River, between 1902 and 1904. Names of many other residents are included. pp7-9.
- "Public Meeting at Rosedale". An extract from the "Gippsland Times", 8 May 1889. The report of a public meeting held form a Rosedale Progress Association. pp9-10.
- Court, Jean. "Tyers School Centenary". An account of the celebrations held on the long weekend starting on 10 March, this year. Festivities included activities at the school, a "Back to Tyers" ball attended by over 800 people, church service, woodchops, family picnic day. pp10-11.
- Huffer, K.M. "Traralgon South School Centenary". An account of the century celebration held on the Easter long weekend earlier this year. A gala dance was held on Saturday night. pp11-12.
Volume 10 Issue 3 - July 1979
- Bannister, Sister. "History of Infant Welfares". In 1917, the first infant welfare service in Victoria opened in Richmond. In 1929, a local one servicing both Traralgon and Morwell opened with Sister E. McCarthy in charge. In 1942, Sister Dixon took charge of the Morwell Service. In 1953, Sister McCarthy retired and was replaced by Sister Pendergast. Besides the centre in Kay Street, sub-centres also operated in other parts of Traralgon. pp4-5.
- Maddern, Ivan. "History of Morwell". In 1847, a bridge was built over the Morwell River, and by 1858, a small settlement had grown there. It was called Morwell Bridge. With the coming of the railway, the town of Morwell grew on land higher than that at Morwell Bridge. pp10-12.
- Ferguson, Jim Mephan. "The man who Built Bruntons Bridge - Mephan Ferguson". An article by the grandson of Mephan Ferguson, supplying a brief history of Mephan and his other major works. Of interest to Gippslanders would be the Cobungra Hydro Electric Scheme and ironwork for the Cape Everard lighthouse. P14.
- Johnson, M. "School Days at Willung South". Reminiscences of her early school days. pp14-15.
- Saunders, Jean. "Childhood Memories of Brown Coal Flat (Yallourn)". Jean's father, Bill South, started work in the Yallourn Brown Coal Mine in 1920, using a team of horses to drag coal trucks. Jean and her Mother joined Bill in 1921. Other teamsters in the mine then were Mr. Lubbock, "German Charlie", Mr. Feldt. Harry Brumby was a boilermaker and Mr. Huddy was the mailman. The South family moved to Traralgon in 1926. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Margaret Dunbar (nee Pentland). 27 January 1894 - 7 April 1979. Late of Traralgon. pp16-18.
- Obituary. Michael Anthony Feely. ? - 3 May 1979. Late of Willung. pp18-19.
- Hague, Mary. "Boola-Boola". Mary describes some of the farms near Coopers Creek and Bruntons Bridge that supplied produce to Walhalla. In particular she mentions Lou Iseppi (from Switzerland) that had 400 acres at Ostlers Creek. pp19-20.
- Wickes, Albert. "Childhood Days at Tyers". In 1920, aged 11, Albert arrived at Tyers when his father was appointed to manage the local store. Albert mentions his teachers, school-mates and the Presbyterian and Methodist ministers. Hume Pipe Works had a short term business manufacturing reinforced concrete pipes. pp20-21.
Volume 10 Issue 4 - September 1979
- McLean, T.A. [A Walk Up Franklin Street]. Mr. McLean's memories of the businesses in Franklin Street, Traralgon, when he was a child. pp12-13.
- "End of an Era for Stoddart's Butchery". Mr. Simon Stoddart, in partnership with Mr. Mclean purchased a butchery in Franklin Street from Mr. Nielson, and shortly after he became the sole proprietor. In 1950, his three sons took over the business while Simon continued as the cattle buyer. In 1955, they opened a second shop in Henry Street, which was sold to Noel Chambers in 1979. Mr. Simon's generosity to the Catholic Church was well known because of the land he donated for both St. Paul's College and Lourdes College. pp14-15.
- Alexander, Marj. "My Family - The Crawfords". Around 1900, David Crawford bought "Fernbrooke", at Jeeralang North, from William Little. A few years later, David married William's daughter, May. They had one son, Frank, who attended Scotch College and Melbourne University and, in 1972, retired as editor of the "Weekly Times". David was killed at Gallipoli. In 1911, David brothers, Frank and William, settled at Upper Flynn. Frank married Christina Nickery and they four children. William and his wife Elizabeth also had four children, and they later moved to Loch. pp15-17.
- Obituary. Elizabeth Agnes Mayze (nee Templeton). 1897-1979. Late of Ky Valley, previously Traralgon. p18. [Note: there is an obituary for her husband in Vol. 11 Issue 1.]
- Obituary. Ida May Sherrard (nee Macreadie). 1899-1979. Late of Sale. p18.
- Obituary. Laurence Elwall O'Brien. 1909-1979. Late of Cowwarr. pp18-19.
- Close, Elsie. "Happy Memories of Traralgon". Memories of Elsie who spent her early years at Rosedale, with visits to Traralgon, and then at Tinamba, before training as a nurse and midwife in Melbourne. pp19-20.
- Rush, Dorothy. "The Barbor Family, Tyers". Dorothy's grandparents, Samuel James and Mary Ann, settled at Tyers around 1900. Samuel was a Customs Officer who came home to his "hobby farm" on weekends. Their youngest child was Edward, who was Dorothy's father. When Samuel died, his family moved to Traralgon, where Edward started work at "The Journal". pp20-21.
Volume 10 Issue 5 - December 1979
- Plant, Val. "Centenary -Shire of Traralgon". A report on the night of celebrations, where many ex-Presidents of the Shire gave speeches. pp3-5.
- Teasdale, W. "The Experiences of a Shire Secretary". An account of Mr. Teasdale's 16 years experience as Traralgon Shire Secretary. pp5-7.
- Thompson, W.A. "A Journalist's View". With 50 years experience reporting on council matters, Mr. Thompson has great knowledge of the characteristics of council members, and what he sees as the milestones of the Shire's achievements. pp7-9.
- Jones, C.H. "The Council". An article by a long standing councillor and past President of the Shire of Traralgon, describing the role of the shire and how it satisfies (or doesn't) the needs of the ratepayers. During his service, the town of Traralgon separated from the shire to become first, a Borough, and three years later, a City. This greatly changed the role of the Shire. pp10-12.
- Burnet, Alan; N Burnett. "Latrobe River Improvement Trust". In 1940, the Latrobe River League was formed covering the three districts of Moe, Traralgon and Rosedale. In 1950, the Latrobe River Improvement Trust was gazetted. Names of the first members of the trust is included. Its first objectives were repairs to riverbanks, removal of overhanging trees and clearing snags. Later in the 1950s, the Trust's district was extended to Lake Wellington and included Flynns Creek and Eaglehawk Creek. pp12-13.
- Gilmour, J. "The Shire of Traralgon Today". A brief article describing the difference in the role of the current Shire of Traralgon, to that of the past. pp13-14.
- Maddern, I.I. "A History of Loy Yang, 1844-1978". A review of the book of the above title written by Kathleen Huffer. pp14-15.
- Court, Jean. "Retirement of City Librarian, Mrs. Doreen Teasdale". A brief history of Mrs. Teasdale who had previously worked as a librarian for the Shire of Alberton, Sale and Traralgon before being appointed Traralgon City Librarian in 1964. pp15-16.
Volume 11 Issue 1 - March 1980
- Woodhead, Elsie May; Cynthia Freshwater. [The Liddiard Family in Traralgon]. After arriving in Australia in 1851, Henry and Leah Liddiard, and their five children settled at Werribee. But after the loss of her husband and two children, Mrs. Liddiard and the remaining children moved to Traralgon in 1869 settling at what is now called "Railway Park". She obtained a Crown Grant for 38 acres of "Railway Park", and when her Werribee property sold in 1872, her son, Ralph, purchased another 152 acres at "Railway Park". In 1875, Mrs. Liddiard selected 280 acres at Loy Yang, and called it "Sunnyside". After her death, "Sunnyside" passed to her daughter, Ellen Newman, and when Ellen died, to Ellen's daughter, Emily McNairn, who died in 1975. After 100 years of women farmers, the SECV purchased the land. pp7-8. [Note: Another history of Leah Liddiard appears in Vol. 9 Issue 4.]
- Plant, Valma. "Grand Junction Hotel, Walhalla". Initially known as the "Junction Hotel", it was built sometime between 1866 and 1868, at the junction of the Right Hand Stringers Creek and the Left Hand Stringers Creek. It had four storeys, but because of the steep terrain, each storey nestled into the side of the hill. offset from the lower floors. p11.
- Plant, Valma. "The Phillips Family, of Walhalla and Traralgon". A detailed account of the life and businesses of Samuel Phillips. Samuel was born in Ballarat, but moved to Walhalla, in his teens, to work in a blacksmith's shop. At age 21, he married Elizabeth Pearce of Gormandale. Being a very enterprising man, Samuel dabbled in many businesses, growing each. He would take tourists to nearby areas, had a cab, drove a hearse, owned a jewellers shop, owned a fruit shop and became proprieter of the Grand Junction Hotel. As Walhalla declined, he sold the hotel and ran a business relocating Walhalla houses to nearby towns. He moved to Traralgon, started a cartage business and became a successful horse trainer, winning local and metropolitan races. p12-14.
- Obituary. James William Mayze. ? - 1980. A blacksmith, Late of Ky Valley, previously Traralgon. p16. [Note: there is an obituary for his wife in Vol 10 Issue 4.]
Volume 11 Issue 2 - May 1980
- Wright, Bob. "Early Traralgon Traders: W.E. Gibson". In 1884, Mr. Gibson, from Bairnsdale, opened a cordial factory on the banks of the Traralgon Creek, next to what later became known as the cordial bridge. Mr. Gibson sold the business to Louis Bell in 1893. Mr. Gibson was also secretary of the Traralgon Race Club. p9.
- "Railway Coffee Palace Goes Up in Smoke". An extract from "The Journal" 8 March, 1928. An account of the fire that burnt down the coffee palace in Railway Street, Traralgon. pp10-11. [Note: Same article as in Vol 29 No 1.]
- Scott, Seddon. "Fun and Games, the Old Way". Seddon was a pupil at Toongabbie, and he describes the games they played before (even) wireless. They included basket-ball, rounders, skipping, jacks and hopscotch for the girls, while it was marbles, football, cricket and rabbiting/ferreting for the boys. The school had sewing classes for the girls and sloyd for the boys. pp11-13.
- Obituary. David Daniel. Late of Yarram, previously Blackwarry. p13.
- Obituary. Shena Scott. 25 February, 1980. Late of Dargo.
Volume 11 Issue 3 - July 1980
- Davidson, John W. "Some Traders of the Past". A list of traders from the early 1900s, including D. Ryan, J.W. Grubb, Mr. Henden, Woolyatt, H. White, H. Powditch, Mr. Redman, National Bank, William Bird, Sam Phillips, J Grogan, Mr. Gladson, W.J. Chenhall, Mr. Clarkson, Ike Cone, Chris Woodward, Charley Pon Goon, John North, Lesley Lay, Carter & Hunt, Andrew Breen, A.T. Wood, Harry Cooper, Alfred Brereton, James Rogers, Bert Coates, Alf & Les Davidson, Dunbar & Ham and Layton Bros.. pp8-9.
- Huffer, K.M. "To Build a Future". A review of a book authored by C.H. (Horrie) Jones titled "To Build a Future". In it, Mr. Jones describes his early life, his WWI experiences, the "Minniedale" selection, his years as a Shire of Traralgon councillor/president and his service on numerous committees. pp9-10.
- Hartrick, John. "Walhalla: The Hartrick Family, 1871 to 1945". In 1852, George Standish Hartrick, and his newly wed wife sailed from Ireland and settled in Bendigo. In 1871, the family moved to Walhalla, where George managed the Empress mine. George died in Ballarat in 1904, but his children are spread throughout the district and further afield. pp10-11.
- "Extracts from "The Walhalla Chronicle"". Items of interest from 1891 to 1901, covering eclectic light at the Long Tunnel, footpath asphalting, shale discovery at Bald Hills, sale of Star Hotel, opening of the bowling green. pp11-12.
Volume 11 Issue 4 - September 1980
- Buntine, John. "Hugh Buntine, of Gippsland". In 1838, Hugh, with his wife and five children, left Scotland for Sydney. His wife and one child died on the voyage. He married Agnes Davidson in 1840, arrived at Port Albert shortly after, before settling at Running Creek, and then Bruthen Creek. They later retired to Flynn. Agnes was a famous bullock driver. pp7-8.
- Hyndman, Ian. "The Music Teacher on a Bicycle". Thomas Taylor Ladson was born in Beechworth in 1877. In the late 1990s, he moved to Melbourne, and joined the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Because three of his siblings lived in the Traralgon area, Thomas set up a music shop/school in Franklin Street in about 1910. Later, he gave up the shop and taught music from his home "Clonbinane" in Dunbar Road. In the 1920s and 1930s, Thomas travelled by bicycle to his pupils covering an area from Trafalgar to Sale, and Heyfield to Gormandale. Thomas died in 1940. p9.
- La Frenz, Nancy. "The Cincotta Fruit Shop". Mr. and Mrs. Cincotta came from Melbourne to open a fruit shop in Franklin Street, opposite the Grand Junction Hotel in 1932. Their two daughters worked in the shop. The parents retired in 1949. p10.
- Plant, Valma. "William Parker, 1830-1894". William Parker came from England in his twenties and worked as a miner in Bendigo. He married Elizabeth Amor in 1859. In the early 1860s, William, with his wife and three children moved to Walhalla. He served as mine manager for various mines including the Long Tunnel Extended in the late 1870s. In 1887, he retired, and bought the Grand Junction Hotel, to which he added extra storeys. He was a councillor and mayor, and a member of many clubs and lodges. He also owned land, later known as Parkers Corner. pp10-12.
- Plant, Valma. "A Brief History of the Walhalla Masonic Lodge". The Lodge was formed in 1876, using temporary accommodation until they purchased the old Wesleyan Church, situated above the band rotunda. The Lodge is still held in the same building with a National Trust classification and with many claims to fame. pp12-13.
- Hague, Mary. "Walhalla Notes". An article which concentrates more on the areas surrounding Walhalla. p13.
- Obituary. Ivan Maddern. Teacher, historian, author. Late of Morwell. p14.
- Le Cheminant, Marion. "Alfred William Howitt (1830-1908)". Born in England in 1830, he came to Australia in 1852. With his abilities as a leader, explorer and bushman, he led many expeditions, including following the tragic Burke and Wills expedition. He was appointed Police Magistrate and Goldfields Warden at Omeo in 1863. In 1864, he married Maria Boothby, and in 1866, they moved to a farm "Eastwood" at Bairnsdale. Alfred was an amateur geologist, botanist and anthropologist, receiving many honorary doctorates for his work in these fields. pp15-16. [Note: Another biography of Howitt can be found in Vol 12 No 2.]
- Vivian, Helen. "First Impressions of Walhalla". Extracted from "The Walhalla Chronicle", 4 December 1885. A lyrical article of the authors visit to Walhalla. pp16-17.
Volume 11 Issue 5 - December 1980
- Jeffery, Richard. "Traders of Traralgon: Jeffery's, 1927-1980". Jeffery's opened in 1927 with J Keating as manager. Gordon Jeffery took over as Managing Director in 1932, until he retired in 1960. As the business grew, different departments operated in different shops. In 1955, a new shop was opened in Seymour Street, but the business again soon outgrew it, and extensions were made in 1958, and again in 1963. Mr. Richard Jeffery is the current Managing Director. pp14-15. [Note: Another history of Jeffery's Stores is included in Vol 21 Issue 2.]
- Alston, Linda; Hazel Stuckey. "Traders of Traralgon: Wigg Brothers". In 1907, Abraham and Arthur Wigg purchased the brick works, previously owned by Mr. Fleming, situated where the Duncan Cameron Oval now stands. The Wigg brothers previously had brick works at Yarram, Lucknow and Omeo. Their bricks were used extensively in the town, with the main example being the Grey Street Sate School (1912). They also had temporary brickworks at "Ellisdale", to make bricks for the homestead, and similarly on the Widdis property. pp15-16.
- Henderson, Ev. "Traders of Traralgon: Fred Henderson, Blacksmith". Fred served a blacksmith apprenticeship in Heyfield and afterwards opened a blacksmith shop in Princes Street. Later in life he bought a threshing machine and chaff cutter working from Yinnar through to Glengarry, employing a large team of men. In the Gippsland off season, they worked at Donald. His original shop was next owned by Mick Phelan and then Mr. Doorty. It later served as a morgue, the "Red Robin Inn" cafe, a storeroom for Permewans and then Half-Case. pp16-17.
Volume 12 Issue 1 - March 1981 This year's volume focuses on the area of Gormandale.
- Keating, Shirley. "The Hughes Family". Thomas and Anne Hughes, and their two children, sailed from England to Melbourne, then to Port Albert, in 1857. They settled in Palmerston, where they had another nine children. In about 1873, they took up land on Merrimans Creek, about a mile south of the what is now Gormandale. One acre of land was bought from Thomas by the newly formed butter co-operative. Thomas died in 1902, and Anne in 1903, and are buried in Greenmount Cemetery. In total, they raised 13 children. pp7-12.
- Obituary. Hugh Dunbar. 1914-1980. pp12-13.
- Obituary. James Bernard Pendlebury. 15 February 1913 - 19 December, 1980. Late of Traralgon, previously a baker at Gormandale. pp13-15.
Volume 12 Issue 2 - May 1981
- Webb, Gwen; Marion Le Cheminant. "Howitt in Gippsland". Born in England in 1830, Alfred Howitt came to Port Phillip seeking gold, in 1862. He explored the Baw Baw ranges and grazing land in South Australia. When gold was discovered at Crooked River, he, and a team of six, cut a 50 mile access road to the goldfield. He made two expeditions to Coopers Creek searching for Burke and Wills. In 1863, he became a police magistrate at Omeo, and, in 1863, he married. He moved to Bairnsdale in 1866 and later, when the magisterial boundaries changed, he moved to Sale. In 1889, he moved to Melbourne to perform public service roles, and retired to Metung in 1901. pp3-5. [Note: Another biography of Howitt can be found in Vol 11 No 4.]
- "Gormandale Excursion". A lengthy article on the excursion that the Society's members took to Gormandale and surrounds. It gives a taste of the history of the town. pp7-10.
- Sebire, Adah. "Memories of Traralgon, from 1907". An extensive article on Mrs. Sebire's (nee Denmead) memories of people, friends and business from when she first arrived in Traralgon. pp10-12.
- "One of the Early Pioneers". An obituary of Mrs. Ann Graham of "Summerhill", Flynns Creek, who passed awy in 1914. It is an extract from the "Rosedale Courier". pp13-14
- Macreadie, Don. "The Macreadies Meet at Willung". A transcription of a talk given by Mr. Macreadie at the Macreadie family reunion recently held at Willung. It describes the family's history in Gippsland. The original immigrant to Australia was Robert McCreedy in 1863, and the original spelling of the name is Mac Riada (son of Riada). pp14-16.
- Scott, Seddon. "The District of Thomson River". Mr. Scott recalls many names and locations in the Thomson River area, including Mrs. Scarffe, Louis Iseppi, Taylor, Carter, J O'Mara, Hugh Lavery, A Scott, B Scott, E Scott, Goodwin, Harris, Thomas, Nippe and Peterson. pp16-17.
Volume 12 Issue 3 - July 1981
- Vickers, Margaret. "Traralgon Trader; Andrew Breen". Andrew, aged three, arrived with his family from Ireland in 1887. They first settled at Jeeralang, and then Traralgon. Aged 19, Andrew went to Western Australia, where he became a baker. He returned to Traralgon and opened the Post Office Bakery in Franklin Street. He retired early and was active in many service organisations and was a Shire councillor. p12.
- Smillie, Edith. "In The Good Old Days". An account of Edith's (nee Stephens) two day trip, with mother and siblings, from Toora to Gormandale in 1916, to rejoin he father. She describes the businesses in Gormandale on her first day there. pp13-14.
- "Selecting Virgin Bush". An extract from a letter to the "Weekly Times", believed to be written by W Power. It describes the struggle involved in clearing land in the Gippsland hills. pp14-15.
- Hague, Mary. "An Interesting Old Home". A description of "Homeview", a 16 room house at Cowwarr. It was built for Patrick Michael O'Brien, who was the son of Denis O'Brien. Denis was a successful Walhalla goldminer who owned "Arran Lodge" and part of "Tycoon" at Cowwarr. It took three years for the builder, Edgar Hawes, to build "Homeview". pp15-16. [Note - Another article on "Home-view" can be found in the May 19851 issue of The Bulletin.]
- Hague, Mary. "Thomson River Marble". A brief article on the oil shale and black marble that were discovered at Ostlers Creek, east of Coopers Creek. The poor quality of the oil shale meant that development would be unprofitable. Several tons of marble were sent for processing in Melbourne, where some was used in Parliament House, but, again, its remoteness made it unviable. pp16-17.
Volume 12 Issue 4 - September 1981
- Graham, Harold. "Traralgon in 1930". Mr. Graham describes the large number of businesses operating in Traralgon, when its population was only 2,000. pp5-6.
- Davidson, J.W. "Centenary of Traralgon Brass Band (1881 - 1981)". An article describing the highlights of the band over the century of its existence. pp7-9.
- Davidson, John W. "Links with Early Traralgon". The recovery of a time capsule from 1881 when the Shire of Traralgon Hall was demolished in 1966. pp9-10.
- Obituary. James Fryatt. 25 July, 1981. Late of Flynn. p10.
- Obituary. Hazel Irene Farrar (nee Brown). 5 July, 1981. Late of Willung pp10-11.
- Obituary. William Ewart Farrar. 5 August 1981. Late of Willung. p11.
- "Great Flood Roars Down Traralgon Creek: 1934 Maelstrom Equalled". An Extract from "The Journal", 19 February 1951. "From bushfires to flood in a little more than 24 hours" is the opening sentence in this extract. The flood is considered to be equal to the one in December 1934. Another extract from the same issue described the flood at Gormandale on the same day. pp11-13.
- "Modern Butter Factory Opened at Gormandale". An extract from "The Journal", 16 March, 1950, describing the opening ceremony. pp13-14.
- "Grand Finale : Old Time Ball". An extract from "The Journal", 16 March, 1950, describing the ball, attended by 500 people, to end the Gormandale Back-To Celebrations. p15.
Volume 12 Issue 5 - December 1981
- Standing, Tom Jnr. "Gormandale". Mathieson and Davis purchased land for a sale yard at Gormandale about 1900. Tom Standing Snr started work for the business shortly after, and bought it out in 1923. Tom Standing Jnr joined the business in 1922. The sale yards were closed in the early 1950s. pp6-7.
- Huffer, Kathleen. "Gormandale". Selectors came to Gormandale in 1876, but it took time for the township to develop. p7.
- "Excursion to Gormandale". A detailed report of an excursion by members of the Society to Gormandale. Old homesteads were opened for the members to visit. pp8-10.
- Lane, E.H. "Memories of Gormandale Sale-yards and Droving". As many as 800 head were yarded for sale at one auction at Gormandale. Buyers attended from as far away as NSW. Furniture, machinery, palings, rabbit skins and rabbit traps were also auctioned. p14.
- "Mrs. Sylvia Constance Chenhall". Sylvia Walton was born in Drouin in 1889. In 1908, she trained as a milliner in Melbourne, and in 1917, moved to Traralgon and married Wilfred Chenhall, a bootmaker, in 1918. In 1939, Mr. and Mrs. Chenhall had the first brick veneer home in Traralgon, in Grey Street. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Elsie Woodhead (nee Mortimer). Late of Kilmany Park. p16.
- Obituary. Arthur (Bluey) Dunn. 14 October 1981. p17.
- Jones, Horrie. "Ned Olive and Authoress, Ethel Turner, at "Minniedale"". Ned Olive owned the "Minniedale"" estate from 1894 until his death in 1906. During part of that period, the governess of his children was Ethel Turner. Ethel became a popular writer, with her best known work being "Seven Little Australians". p17.
Volume 13 Issue 1 - March 1982
- Chenhall, Keith. "Theodore Fitzpatrick, 1894-1981". Mr. Fitzpatrick was born in Heyfield and started his teaching career in Traralgon. After service in WWI, he returned to teaching in various Melbourne schools. pp14-15.
- "A Traralgon trader - Kevin Lythgo". After working for the Victorian Railways, Kevin purchased Mr. Brereton's grocery business at the southern end of Franklin Street in 1950. It became the first self-service store in Gippsland. The store expanded and moved a number of times. Kevin married Jean Fithie and they had a son and a daughter. Mr. Lythgo served on many community service committees. pp15-16.
- "MacFarlane Burnet - Commemorative Plaque". An article describing the unveiling of a plaque on the National Australia Bank building, the site of where he was born in 1899. p16.
- Macreadie, Don. "Early Gippsland Doctors". A list of doctors in Gippsland from the 1867 Victorian Gazette. William Forbes (Sale), George Dixon Headley (Sale), Alexander MacAlister (Sale), Archibald MacDonald (Sale), John MacFarlane (Sale), John O'Connell (Stringers Creek), Edward Lamburn Simmons (Rosedale), Benjamin Warren (Maffra) and Richard Grosvenor Morrison (Bairnsdale). p17.
Volume 13 Issue 2 - May 1982
- "Back-To-Gormandale". A report on the Back-To-Gormandale celebration held on the 6-8 March long weekend. This was the centenary of the Gormandale School No 2482. Past teachers and pupils attended the unveiling of a commemorative plaque, a photographic display, and many also attended a dance. The next day, celebrations continued at the Gormandale East school 2877. pp13-14.
- Power, John. "Reunion of the Power Family at Gormandale". Walter John Power was born in Torrens, S.A. in 1850. In 1876, Walter married Eureka Wright at Flynn, and in 1881, selected 69 acres at Powers Hill. They raised seven children. Walter was involved in community service activities and was a J.P. The reunion of the descendants of Walter and Eureka was well attended. pp14-15.
- Obituary. James Arthur Esler. 27 March 1982. p15.
- Obituary. Erle Thomas Raymond Saunders. 1910 - 1 April 1982. pp15-16.
- Obituary. James Bickerton Hague. 1906 - ?. pp16-17.
- Obituary. Keith Gilsenan Power. 1911 - 13 March 1982. Late of Traralgon, previously from Gormandale, Carrajung and Paynesville. p17.
Volume 13 Issue 3 - July 1982
- Standing, Tom. "Yarns From the Yards". Tom recalls anecdotes of his memories with other auctioneers. pp4-5.
- McLean, Trevor. "Early Medicos and Medical Services". The first resident doctor in Gippsland was Alexander Arbuckle in Tarraville in 1846. Dr. Ewing (unregistered) was in Sale in 1848, and in 1861, Dr. Bull was at Rosedale. The first Traralgon doctor was Dr. Morrison (1885-1892). Details of later Traralgon doctors are included. pp6-7.
- Dunbar, Jim. "History of the Traralgon Agricultural Society". The Society was formed in 1884, with the first show being held in 1885. The Grand National Show (the first in Gippsland) was held in 1889. pp7-8.
- Davidson, John W. "Links with Early Traralgon". Mr. Davidson recalled memories when, in 1939, the Australian Survey Corps occupied the showgrounds as headquarters for their mapping activities. p9.
- Plant, Valma. "From Silent Movies to Talkies". An account of the life of Wal Phillips who was born in Walhalla in 1906. Wal was under 10, when he assisted Ferdie Hyman, a projectionist. Wal then went to work for Gordon Green who had a travelling picture show. When the Traralgon Town Hall was completed in 1925, Wal became the projectionist there. pp13-14.
Volume 13 Issue 4 - September 1982
- Graham, Harold. "Old Traralgon". Mr. Graham describes the early businesses of Traralgon beginning with the Travellers Rest Hotel in 1858. The information was extracted from early council rate books. pp5-7.
- Stirling, Annie Livingstone. "Memories of an Australian Childhood 1880-1900". A review of a book written by Annie, the daughter of James and Elizabeth Stirling. James was a geologist that surveyed the Latrobe Valley coalfields and also gold deposits at Gormandale and Blackwarry. Annie was born in Omeo. p13.
- Obituary. Charles Mildenhall. 1887 - 24 June 1982. pp14-15.
- Obituary. Eva Lang (nee Graham). 16 August 1982. Late of Glengarry. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Frederick Robert St. John. 17 August 1982. Late of Point Lonsdale. pp16-17.
Volume 13 Issue 5 - December 1982
- Bonighton, Stan. "Racing in Traralgon from 1862 -1982". The first race meeting in Traralgon, was held in 1865, in conjunction with a sports carnival. A list of past presidents and secretaries is included in the article. pp11-12.
Volume 14 Issue 1 - March 1983 This year's volume focuses on the town of Toongabbie.
- Flewin, L. "Reminiscences". Mr. Flewin's grandfather, John Flewin, made the first bricks in Traralgon. His father (also John) worked for the Wigg brothers at their brick kiln. John (Jnr) later worked at the Traralgon Railway Station, then took up farm land at Callignee South, and later had a cream carting contract. After WWI, rabbits and weeds took over many farms in the area. pp9-10.
- Scott, Seddon. "Toongabbie Memories". Mr. Scott describes his early days growing up in Toongabbie. pp10-11.
- Obituary. Horace Edward Lawson Jones. 31 May 1902 - 23 January 1983. Ex-principal of the Traralgon High School. pp11-12.
- Jones. H.E.L. "Autobiographical Sketch". An autobiography written by Mr. Jones. pp12-14.
- Obituary. Irene Wright. 2 June 1893 - 15 January 1983. Late of Traralgon, previously Flynn and Gormandale. p15.
Volume 14 Issue 2 - May 1983
- Graham, Hazel; Elvie Graham. "Toongabbie Excursion". A report on a excursion to Toongabbie by members of the Society. Toongabbbie's heyday was during the Walhalla gold rush when it was the closest railway station to Walhalla. The article describes many of the historical buildings and businesses in the town. pp7-9.
- Tanner, Arthur. "Toongabbie". Mr. Tanner is a Toongabbie resident. He gave a good history of the town's development which started in the early 1860s, when a store was built on a track to Walhalla, in what is now called Toongabbie. Many historical events and businesses are described. pp9-12.
- Scott, Seddon. "School Days at Toongabbie". Personal recollections of his school days. pp12-14.
- Wilson, Daryl. "Russell Family - First Blacksmiths in Toongabbie". John Russell came to South Gippsland, from Scotland, in about 1840. When the Baw Baw goldfield opened in 1859, John, his brother William, and their party joined the gold rush and found gold on what is now called Russells Creek. A township, of the same name, with 100-200 residents grew. By 1866, there was one hotel, two stores, a butcher and a blacksmith. John Russell escorted the famed botanist Ferdinand Von Mueller through the area. In 1865, John Russell and Thomas Williams, opened a blacksmith shop in Toongabbie. In 1869, John sold his share of the business to his brother David, and selected land. John later married Caroline Halliday and died in 1903. p14.
- Hague, Mary. "A Toongabbie Pioneering Family - Hazel". A brief description of the descendants of James and Mary Hazel, who eventually settled at Toongabbie, via NZ and Walhalla. Their homestead was called "The Springs". p15.
- Steer, P.G.; D.F. Steer. "Drought Report, from Gormandale". An article on the effects of a drought in the Gormandale area. pp15-16.
- Graham, Harold. "Early Brickmakers in Traralgon". The article mentions Peter Bonhomme, the Wigg Brothers, James Smith, Tom Price, Flewin Bros, James Dunbar, Oswald Marriage and J. Costin. p17.
Volume 14 Issue 3 - July 1983
- Power, John. "Willung South Region". Mr. Power describes the history and development of Willung South from his personal recollections. Mr. Power's grandfather was one of the early settlers in the area, along with D O'Connor, R Piera, R.A. Graham, Edward Missen, H.M. Wilson, P Clancey, W.J. Hiam, D Pearce, J Pearce, John Hiam and Albert Missen. pp3-6.
- Wykes, Linda. "Reunion of the Wykes Family at Gormandale". A reunion of the descendants of Charles George and Marcella Mary Wykes. After immigrating from England, Charles worked at "Greenmount" before becoming a bullock teamster carting to Walhalla. He later lived in Cowwarr, where he married Marcella Mary Garrett, in 1889. In 1903, they moved to Tyers and, in 1906, to Gormandale. Charles died in 1931. pp9-10.
- O'Mara, Vera. "The Cowan Family (Toongabbie)". John Duncan Cowan immigrated from USA in the early 1850s and married Ann Jane Clarke. John, Ann and Ann's parents headed off to the Walhalla gold rush. Hearing disappointing results on the way, they stopped at what is now Toongabbie and started selling their supplies. Ann's parents returned to Sale but the Cowans remained at Toongabbie running an accommodation house with John later becoming a Cobb and Co. driver. John died in 1876, and Ann married Henry Freeman in 1879 or 1880. Ann died in 1924. pp11-12.
- Macreadie, Don. [Toongabbie Newspaper Cuttings]. Four extracts from local newspapers. The first two are advertisements from the "Gippsland Times" 3 January 1967, seeking patronage for firstly, the Albion Hotel, Toongabbi (by R.J. Morgan), and secondly, the Commercial Hotel, Toongabbi (by Augustus Miller). Note, the spelling of Toongabbie. The third article is a an extract from the "Rosedale Courier" 5 November 1929, where Samuel Sutherland requested the de-licensing of his Toongabbie Hotel. The fourth article is from the "Rosedale Courier" 7 October 1930, describing the demise of the town. pp12-13.
- Scott, Seddon. "Toongabbie Identities". Anecdotes about Ike Cone, Don Wallace and Ben Dunbar. pp13-14.
- Obituary. Marie Nellie Ivy (Nell) Lay (nee Brown). 10 June 1983. pp14-15
- Graham, Harold. "History of the Police Force in Traralgon - Part I". An article on the early history of policing in Gippsland starting with the "Border Police" in 1839 and finishing (in this article) in the 1860s. To be continued. pp15-17.
Volume 14 Issue 4 - September 1983
- Obituary. Alan O'Meara. 19 June, 1983. pp9-10.
- Obituary. Violet Mary Chaundy. 1892 - 15 August 1983. Late of Traralgon. pp10-11. [Note. Corrections to two dates in this article are included in the next issue; i.e. she was born in 1892 (not 1882) and it was in 1915 (not 1916) that she was invited to play the church organ.]
- Graham, Harold. "History of the Police Force in Traralgon - Part II". The conclusion of a two part article on the early history of policing in Gippsland. Continuing on from the 1860s, the article concentrates more on the Traralgon area up to the 1930s. pp11-13.
- O'Mara, Vera. "The Gilbert Family". In 1890, William Bertram Gilbert (a native of Mortlake) married Margaret Sarah Cowan, of Toongabbie. They then lived in Glengarry and had four boys and 3 girls. William built a number of Glengarry buildings including, the Creamery, the Methodist, Catholic and Church of England churches, and the Mechanics Hall. Margaret died in 1948 and William in 1951. pp13-14.
- Bridges, Alice. "The Village Green (at Toongabbie)". An article on "The Green" at Toongabbie which was the focal point for sports and community activities in the town. pp14-16.
Volume 14 Issue 5 - December 1983
- Brinsmead, Greg. "Dairy Factories". A history of dairying in Gippsland from when the farmer had a 'mixed' where the wife hand made butter, through to the creamery and butter co-operatives, and to the current commercial factories. pp6-7.
- Evans, Ruth. "The Goodwin Family (Toongabbie)". William Henry Goodwin arrived in Victoria from England in 1846, via Adelaide. He was aged six. He tried a number of trades. In 1860, he and a Mr. Sullivan, shared a government financial reward for finding a route across the Great Dividing Range. He settled in Walhalla in 1871, where he married Martha Cadden. Martha was born in Williamstown in 1841, and came to Toongabbie in 1865, with her father, who opened a store. William and Martha raised 8 children. In 1877, they selected land just out of Toongabbie. pp10-12.
- Semmens, Lois. "The Semmens Family - Early Residents of Toongabbie". Peter Semmens emigrated from Cornwall to South Australia in 1852, then to Ballarat, Bealiba and finally Toongabbie. He had nine children. The second child, William, married Alice McDonnell in 1874, and came to Toongabbie the following year. In 1876, he established a general store and bakery in King Street, which he operated for 16 years before selling it to a Mr. Wilson, who later onsold it to Alister Nicholson. In 1881, William had selected 40 acres near Toongabbie. William was involved in the Methodist Church, the Mechanics Institute and, in the 1890s, was caretaker of the cemetery. Siblings of William also grew up and married in Toongabbie. pp12-15.
- Obituary. Thomas Henry Maguire. 1901 - 22 November 1983. Late of Traralgon. P16.
Volume 15 Issue 1 - March 1984 This year's volume focuses on the town of Rosedale.
- Gilder, Jane. "A Short History of Glenfalloch Station". Jane and her husband Bob are the current owners of Glenfalloch. Jane gives a detailed history of the ownership of the homestead. Initially, from the 1840s, the valley was known as "Hunter's Country", after the five Hunter brothers from Devils River, explored the area. In 1843, Tyers failed to trace their steps and doubted that they had really done it. In 1844, some of the Hunter brothers, repeated the trek, ending up at Western Port. On their way, they met Henry Myerick who was on his way to take up the Glenfalloch lease, but he died shortly after. Malcolm McFarlane then held the lease for 20 years. The next lessees were George Harper (for two years) and Tom McGrath (for four years). Edward Riggall then leased the property for the next 40 years. During that time, the squatter-selector wars were occurring everywhere, with James McMichael being Riggall's main adversary. Edward Riggall died in 1913, and the property has been in the Gilder family since then. pp11-16.
Volume 15 Issue 2 - May 1984
- Irving, John. "Settlement on the Latrobe River at Longford". Brief descriptions of settlements in the Longford area including Tangil, Glencoe, Dutson, Armidale and Mosquito Point. pp6-7.
- Garrett, Jack. [A Brief History of Rosedale]. Angus McMillan passed through Rosedale in 1840, and squatters followed shortly after. The township was proclaimed in 1861, and the Rosedale Road Board was formed in 1869, The Road Board was later to become the Shire of Rosedale. p10.
- Davis, Joy. "Rosedale Excursion". A detailed article on the excursion of Society's members to Rosedale. pp11-13.
- Obituary. Evelyn Henderson. 14 April 1984. Late of Traralgon.p17.
Volume 15 Issue 3 - July 1984
- Hansen, Michael. "The Campbells of "Traralgon Park"". The Traralgon Park run began in 1846 by Dr. Edmund Charles Hobson. After his death it was subdivided into the East (by J.F. Turnbull) and West (by Edward Hobson) runs in 1853. After several changes of lessees, both runs were forfeited before 1885. The Campbells, who had come from Scotland, spent some years at Gisborne before starting to buy land at Traralgon, on the Traralgon Creek and Latrobe River, in 1868. The estate has since been broken up and partially repurchased. pp4-6.
- Sanders, W. "Centenary of "Applegrove" - Sanders Family Reunion". "Applegrove", in Hazelwood North, was selected in 1884 by Edmund Sanders (a native of London) and it has been in the family for 100 years. A re-union of five generations of the Sanders family was held on 10 March this year. pp8-9.
- "Pentland Family Re-union". A re-union of the descendants of William Pentland and Eliza Ewings (both natives of Ireland, and married in Melbourne in 1854) was held recently at the Flynn hall. About 400 people attended. p10.
- Wilson, Daryl. "The Timbs Family". At the reunion of the Timbs family on 11 March, this year, Kathleen Huffer and Don Macreadie, gave detailed histories of the family. Thomas Timbs (a native of England) was transported to Van Diemans Land in 1835. He arrived in Gippsland in 1850. The article concentrates mainly on Thomas' nephew Richard and Richard's wife Sarah. The occasion was used as a book launch for "The Timbs Family" by Alan Broughton. pp10-13.
- Obituary. Spencer Robert (Bob) Court. 29 April 1984. Late of Bairnsdale, previously Traralgon. p13.
- Davidson, John W. "Links with Early Traralgon". A brief history of the early days of the "Traralgon Record" which began printing just over one hundred years ago in 1883. Page 1 advertisements for the first issue were by, H Breed, C.E.W. Jones, A.L. Galbraith, H.E. Hendon, W Norris, Murie & Co, Charles Hiaz, English's Cheap Cash Store, Charles Pearce and W.R. Stephensen. pp14-15.
- Scott, Seddon. "Rosedale, as I Remember It". An article on some 20+ businesses that Seddon remembers from his early years in Rosedale. pp16-17.
- Close, Elsie. "Memories of Childhood Days in Rosedale". Personal memories of her life in Rosedale covering from 1914 until later. pp16-17.
Volume 15 Issue 4 - September 1984
- King, Tom. "The Curlewis Brothers". A detailed history the Curlewis brothers, George, Walter and Septimus, and their multiple holdings in Victoria and NSW. These holdings included Holey Plains and The Heart Run. pp5-8.
- King, Hope. "Centenarian - Mrs. Ella Rose Scott". A very detailed life history of Mrs. Scott (nee Bruce) who celebrated her centenary on 15 July, 1984. She spent her early years in Bairnsdale. After her marriage to Walter Scott, in 1911, she spent the next 13 years in the Toongabbie area, moving to Traralgon in 1924, and then back to Toongabbie in 1936, where they built a house that she still lives in. pp9-14.
- Saunders, Morva. "Henry John Saunders, 1896 - 1976". The history of Henry (Harry) Saunders who was born at Blackwood in 1896. After a number of jobs, he bought sawmilling rights at Boola Boola in the early 1930s. Harry served terms on the Shire of Traralgon as a councillor and, seven terms, as President. pp14-15.
- Obituary. Margaret Woolfe (nee Coleman). 14 August 1984. A teacher, late of Traralgon. pp15-16.
- Macreadie, Don. "More About Rosedale". More details of Rosedale's history, including personal histories of George Pollard Hurren and Samuel Linford. pp16-17.
Volume 15 Issue 5 - December 1984
- Burley, C.L. "Early Days in the Timber Industry". Brothers Walter and Charles Burley (natives of England) began work as timber cutters at Bullumwaal. They then worked in a sawmill at Valencia Creek, that was later Moved to Glenmaggie and then to the Lord brothers property on the Longford Road at Rosedale (Bill Lord had married Rose Burley). Plant from the Widdis and Lang's mill at Flynn was added to the Rosedale mill. Walter died in 1947, and the partnership with the Lord's ended in 1951, when the business was sold. pp5-6.
- Crooke, Edward. "The Ancestral History of the Crooke Family, of Holey Plains". The title of this article is borrowed from a book "The Ancestral History of the Crooke Family" which the author has summarised the early history of Crooke family. The Crooke family had established itself in Lancashire and Yorkshire. Born into a family of merchants Edward Crooke had an apprenticeship in that field, but in the late 1830s ended up at Queanbeyan as a share farmer. That business failed due to cattle disease. Edward then held Hinnomungie, from 1841 to 1858, as well as Bindi and Tongiomungie. In 1842, he held the Holey Plains run. He married in 1860, and they had seven children. Edward died in 1879, and his only surviving son, Edward Jolly Crooke, took over Holey Plains. Edward Jolly was a member of the Legislative Council of Victoria for 30 years, and the Rosedale Shire for 46 years. Edward Jolly Crooke died in 1940 and the property is now held by his son, Edward Menzies Crooke. pp8-11.
- "Agricultural Society Centenary Dinner". A report on the Traralgon & District Agricultural Society Centenary Dinner held on 20 November 1984. Mrs. Mavis Lindsay recounted the history of her ancestor George Firmin who chaired the first meeting. Dugald Campbell told of the Campbell's connection to the Society. Mrs. Huffer described the town of Traralgon as it was 100 years ago, and Mr. Dunbar related the history of the society. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Jean Bramley Hughes. 1910-1984. pp13-14.
- Obituary. Harold Jonas Graham. 31/12/1913 - 29/8/1984. Late of Traralgon. pp14-16.
• Obituary. Ada Brown. 28 October 1984. Late of Sale. p16.
• Obituary. Douglas Cranwell. 1 November 1984. Late of Hazelwood North. p16.
Volume 16 Issue 1 - March 1985 This year's volume focuses on the town of ???.
- Davis, Joy. "Rosedale". A report on the excursion to Rosedale made by the Society's members. Very detailed notes cover the cemetery, race course (now speedway), small-bore and full-bore rifle ranges, railway station, cricket ground, Rose of Lima Catholic Church, tannery, Latrobe River bridge and St Andrew's Presbyterian Church. pp4-6.
- Davidson, John W. "A History of Traralgon Hotels". In 1848, the second building in Traralgon was an "inn", operated by Thomas Windsor from his home on the corner of Argyle Street and Mill Street, where the Methodist Church was later situated. In 1858, the Travellers Rest hotel was built. Then from 1869 on, multiple hotels were licensed including Bush Inn, Oddfellows' Arms, Rubicon/Commercial, Red-gum, Star, Flynn's Creek, Wheatsheaf, Club, Royal Exchange and Grand Junction. There was also the Sportsman Hotel on the road to Tyers. Mrs. Jane Timms ran a wine shanty on the south side of the Traralgon-Rosedale Road east of the creek. pp8-10.
- Saunders, Morva. "Miss Eva West". An article on the life of Eva West, a highly respected woman who was the Secretary of the Traralgon Shire for four decades, and deeply involved in community work in Traralgon. She was awarded an M.B.E. in 1958. pp13-15.
- Brady, Mary Irene. "Book Review - There Were Five Creeks". The story of the author's life at Carrajung from the early 1900s until her marriage in 1930.pp15-16.
Volume 16 Issue 2 - May 1985
- Larsen, Val. "Home-view, Cowarr". A description of "Home-view" at Cowwarr which was built for Denis Michael O'Brien in 1914-18. "Home-View" consists of 16 rooms and outbuildings and once had a magnificent orchard. pp8-9. [Note - Another article on "Home-view" can be found in the July 1981 issue of The Bulletin.]
- Tanner, Joan. "MacFarlanes, The Family of Mrs. Anne Lindsay". Anne Ferguson Lindsay (nee MacFarlane) was born near St. Arnaud in 1895. Shortly after, her family moved to Ruby in South Gippsland and later to Jeeralang. The article describes Anne's early years at "Illoura" in Jeeralang, and then after her marriage to George Lindsay of "Golden Grove", Traralgon West, in 1921, their lives at "Ben Werrin", also at Traralgon West. Later they lived at "Ulmolo", also in Traralgon West. pp9-11.
- Macreadie, Don. "Change of Place-Names". After the railway connected Rosedale to Sale, a new station was built in-between and it was called Nambrok. When Kilmany Park was bought for closer settlement, another station called Nambrok South was built. In 1911, The Nambrok station was named Kilmany station, and the Nambrok South Post Office was renamed Kilmany PO, and the old Kilmany Post Office was renamed Kilmany South PO. Later a railway spur line was built to Kilmany South which was renamed Ingle. p11.
- Obituary. William David King. 1 April 1985, age 73. Late of "Meadowlands", Glengarry. p11.
- Lynch, Heather. "A World War I Diary, 1915-1916: Part 1". A transcript of the diary of Pte. Gordon H Cleaver from Christmas Day, 1915, to August 1916. Gordon was the son of Robert and Emily Cleaver. He married Emily Jane Morley, they had two children when Gordon enlisted aged 20. This article covers up to February 1916, and will be continued in Bulletin issue No 4. pp12-17.
Volume 16 Issue 3 - July 1985
- "Traralgon Churches". Three people gave presentations on the detailed history of their churches in Traralgon in a recent meeting. They were Clem Little, who spoke about St Andrew's (Presbyterian Church?), Keith Chenhall, on the subject of St James Anglican Church, and Monica La Grande on St Michael's Catholic Church. pp5-9.
- Little, Clem. "The Story of the Little Family". The Little family emigrated from Ireland to the Victorian Wimmera district. After two generations, William (Snr) moved to Loy Yang in 1871. In the 1880s, he sold his Loy Yang run and moved to Jeeralang where he remained until his death in 1905. William Jnr ran a bullock team and married Elizabeth Whitney, and later, Mary Hall. William Jnr settled at "Meadowlea" in Tyers, and later at "View Hill". pp9-11.
- Jones, C.W. (Horrie). "Book Review - To Destroy the Web". The book describes the struggles of local landowners to receive just compensation for the compulsory acquisition of their land for the Loy Yang power complex. p12.
- Davidson, John W. "The Adventurous Career of Mrs. Scarffe". A very detailed life history of Mrs. Scarffe. Born in England, sailed the high seas, married at 28, spent years in Gippsland's gold fields, and later settled in Traralgon. She lived to be 108. pp12-17.
Volume 16 Issue 4 - September 1985
- Bonighton, Stan. "The History of Tennis and The Traralgon Tennis Association". After a brief history of tennis, Stan describes its history in Traralgon which started some time before 1924. Some early clubs were, Methodists, Catholic, Flynns Creek, Toongabbie and the Railway Club. Originally, games were held on private courts belong to schools, churches, clubs, etc., until council courts were built in 1978 in Davidson Street. pp4-6.
- Huffer, Kathleen. "Pioneering Education". A history of education in Victoria, highlighting the schooling locally. pp7-8.
- Jones, Horrie. "The Creation of the Borough of Traralgon in 1961". An article on details behind the split from the Rosedale Shire. pp9-10.
- Lynch, Heather. "A World War I Diary, 1915-1916: Part 2". Another article of a three part transcript of the diary of Pte. Gordon H Cleaver. This part covers the period from March to June 1916 and will be continued in the next issue. pp10-16.
Volume 16 Issue 5 - December 1985
- Frith, Eric. "Kilmany Park". William Pearson, and family, came from Kilmany, Scotland, in the 1840s and settled at what is now Kilmany Park. He became a Member of Parliament. After his death, William Jnr sold his Bonegilla property and resided at Kilmany Park. A huge house had been built on the property. Eventually the property was purchased by the Presbyterian Church and used as a boys home from 1924. Mr. Frith was in charge for many years. In 1977, it was closed. In its time, 800 boys went through Kilmany Park. pp6-7.
- Hollensen, Jim. "The Traralgon Gas Works". In the late 1880s, the gas works were built on the site of the current swimming pool. Managers were Mr. Beaton, Mr. George Cantrell, Mr. T. Price, Mr. Foster, Mr. Bill Wedlock, Mr. Roy Thompson and Mr. Fred Hawley. p8.
- Obituary. Madge Stewart Holt. 1896 - 1985.
- Lynch, Heather. "A World War I Diary, 1915-1916: Part 3". The conclusion of a three part transcript of the diary of Pte. Gordon H Cleaver. This part covers the period from July 1916 to his death on 21 August 1916. pp10-13.
- Macreadie, Don. "Rosedale Village Community Settlement". In 1893, an act was passed to allow Village Communities. The Rosedale Town Common (of 1200 acres) was reserved for this purpose. Most of the lots were taken up by locals pp13-14.
- Wilson, Daryl. "James White Hagan". The history of James White Hagan, the original owner of the Flynn meatworks. James was born in Ireland in 1839 and arrived at Upper Maffra in 1861. James later settled on 28 acres at Flynn. He married Sarah Fullerton in 1867, and they had eight children. pp14-16.
- "On the Occasion of the 90th Birthday of Mr. Horrie Jones". Horrie was born in Donald but came to Hazelwood in 1897 aged 18 months. His parents later bought the "Minniedale" homestead. He served as councillor for 27 years and was on many committees. Over 100 family members attended his birthday celebration. p17.
Volume 17 Issue 1 - March 1986 This year's volume focuses on Callignee.
- Hollensen, Jim. "The Traralgon Gas Works". The Traralgon gas works started in 1886 as a private company. After an unprofitable start, it was sold to the Traralgon Shire in 1897. Mr. Beaton was appointed manager, and George Cattrell took over the role in 1900. Mr. T Price was appointed manager in 1901, Mr. J Foster in 1915, Mr. W Wedlock in 1917, Mr. Roy Thompson in 1931, Fred Hawley in 1937 and Harry Blanche in 1953. Although the gas works rose to be the second largest in municipal Victoria, it very rarely made a profit. The gas works was offered for sale on a number of occasions without interest, but was sold to the Gas and Fuel Corporation in 1955. 18 months later the works was closed as gas was piped from the Lurgi gas plant in Morwell. pp5-8.
- Rackstraw, Ann. "Teeling Family Re-union". A re-union of the descendants of Richard and Margaret Teeling was held last November. Richard and Margaret arrived from Ireland in 1860 and farmed at Bundalaguah. The two oldest daughters had arrived the year before. p11.
- Obituary. Lynda Kathleen Wykes (nee Donoghue). 27/11/1905 - 4/2/1986. Late of Traralgon, previously Gormandale. pp12-13.
- Obituary. James Andrew Templeton. 1905 - 15/2/1986. A native of Walhalla and late of Traralgon. pp13-14
- Macreadie, Don. "The Stables, Rosedale Hotel". A brief history of the Rosedale Hotel (opened in 1858) and its stables, built about the same time. Paul Cansick was the builder. p14.
- Lindsay, H.M. "I Remember". Memories of Mr. Lindsay as a young child. PP14-15.
- Miles, Betty. "James Mayze". James was born in Scotland in 1863. When a child, his family moved to New Zealand. He later became a blacksmith, moved to Moonee Ponds in 1886, and to Traralgon, the following year. He married Edith Scales of Flynn. James formed a partnership with Walter West as Coachbuilder and Blacksmith, until Mr. West was appointed Secretary to the Shire of Traralgon. James continued on the business and was later joined by his son James William (Jim) Mayze. In 1925, Jim married Bessie Templeton, and they later had two children. James (Snr) died in 1939. Jim retired in about 1970. pp16-18.
Volume 17 Issue 2 - May 1986
- Power, John. "History of Callignee, Part 1, 1874-1914". Thomas Johnson Tanner, a native of Ireland, selected land at Callignee in 1874. Shortly after, his nephew, Thomas Dean Tanner selected land, and was followed by John Bodycomb and George Fick. Timber was a profitable business for early settlers. A hall was opened in 1884, and operated as a library from 1891 to 1906. A creamery was opened in 1890 and a butter factory in 1894. Many homes and stock were lost in the 1898 bushfire. In 1904, the Closer Settlement Scheme was introduced and "Richmond Vale" was the first estate that was subdivided, followed by the Joseph Draffin estate. WWI resulted in many young men going to war and going elsewhere when they returned. Together with rabbits, bracken, blackberry and ragwort, it made life very hard for the now aged pioneers. pp8-10.
- Obituary. Una Eileen Beaton (nee Thompson). 1898 - 3 April 1986. Born in "Chishill", late of Traralgon. p13.
- Obituary. Bill Thirde. 1928 - 22 March 1986.
- James, D.E. "The missing Poems of Thomas Cookson". The grand-daughter of Thomas Cookson, of Blackwarry, has written to the society seeking her grand-fathers lost poems. In her letter, she gives a many details of her life in the Myrtle Bank area. pp14-16.
- Napier, Anne. "Frank George Hickox". An extract from the "New Tourist's Guide and Victorian View Album" 1888-9. The article details the life of Mr. Hickox, who was a hotel-keeper in Walhalla, built the Star and Club hotels in Traralgon, and then bought the brick yard in Hickox Street, Traralgon. He also owned the Tinamba Hotel and properties in Morwell. pp16-17.
Volume 17 Issue 3 - July 1986
- Ringin, Andy. "The story of Shady Creek". A history of Shady Creek (north of Warragul) and two important people with connections to the locality; Dr. Henry Haddern of Walhalla, and Nicol Brown. pp5-7.
- Schmitt, David. "The Victorian Mounted Rifles". In 1885, the Victorian Mounted Rifles were formed as a second tier of defense if the militia and permanent forces were involved in action. Two Gippsland Companies were formed. "C" Company comprised five detachments from Sale, Glengarry, Heyfield, Maffra and Rosedale. "D" Company had five detachments from Drouin, Moe, Morwell, Trafalgar and Yarragon. Duties included musketry, parades, escorts for V.I.P.s and Easter camps. The Victorian Mounted Rifles were disbanded in 1904. pp7-8.
- Power, John. "Early Callignee Settlers". Two early settlers were the Dawson Brothers, John and George. Born in Ballarat, John selected land at Callignee in 1875. He married in 1876. His daughter, Alma married J Eason in 1925 and they bought the selection of Thomas Dean Tanner. George Dawson selected further up, and later sold to Hector Henschel. pp11-12.
- Hague, Mary. "History of "Glenburn", Cowwarr". Mary describes living on the Thomson River flats at Cowwarr. "Glenburn" was previously owned by generations of the Hammill family who emigrated from Cornwall in the 1840s/50s. Although the land was fertile, the repetitive destructive floods challenged the farmers. pp12-13.
- Jacobs, B. "The Traralgon Ex-Service Women's Social Club". The club was formed in 1964 with nine members. Within 12 months, membership reached 22 and eventually peaked at 26. Its aim was to provide support to ex-servicewomen. In 1986, the club was disbanded. pp13-15
- Obituary. Grace Medew (nee Marshall). 1897 - 5 May 1986. Late of Traralgon. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Richard B Scott. 1900-1975. pp16-17.
Volume 17 Issue 4 - September 1986
- [Traralgon Post Office awarded a National Trust Classification]. A copy of pages of the "Traralgon Journal and Record" of 31 August 1970, when the Post Office was classified. pp3-4.
- Hamilton, Caroline. "Life at Gunyah". An article describing life for the early settlers at Gunyah. One of the early settlers was Walter English in 1898, who stayed until 1932. 'Far too long' said his son. The Rogers family arrived in 1901 and stayed until 1918. William Smith was there from 1902 until 1913. Mr. and Mrs. Love arrived in 1936, and she still lives there. Other surnames are Johnstone, Bruce, Waack and Billingsley. pp8-10.
- "Traralgon Mechanics Institute". A transcript of the original Deed of Appointment of New Trustees for the Traralgon Mechanics Institute dated 28th June 1938. The original was donated to the Society by Ray Bell. Mr. Bell also donated the original Licence to Exhibit Motion Pictures in the Traralgon Town Hall, dated 4th November, 1948. pp11-12.
- Shepherd, Keith. "James Shepherd and old Toongabbie". Although James arrived in Victoria from England in 1851, he spent decades on various goldfields before arriving at Flynn in 1870. He first owned a farm, then worked on the railway, then owned a boarding house in Heyfield before buying the Toongabbie Hotel in 1882. The hotel was dismantled in the 1930s. pp14-15.
- Tanner, Joan. "A Boer War Diary". The diary of Joseph Herbert Lindsay (1883-1915). pp16-17. To be continued.
Volume 17 Issue 5 - December 1986
- Pump, Ruth. "Re-visiting Callignee". Details of an excursion by society's members to Callignee. Visits were made to various historic sites. pp5-7.
- Power, John. "Callignee South, 1877-1931". A history of Callignee South, including the early settlers and schools. A very extensive description of the use of Soldier Settlements and Closer Settlement Schemes is included. pp7-12.
- Macreadie, Don. "Thomas Charles Dixon". Thomas Dixon was born in Hobart in 1837, and arrived at Port Albert with his parents and siblings in about 1840. Thomas married Sarah Ann Smith in 1858, at Port Albert and was Rosedale the following year. They had ten children. Thomas worked on the "Nambrok" homestead for John King, was appointed manager and lived in a cottage on the property. In about 1900, Thomas and Sarah retired to Melbourne. pp13-14.
- Lee, Elsie. "The Gate House Kept By Susan & Thomas Duck". Susan and Thomas came from Sale in 1877 to operate the Gate House on the western end of Bank Street. Known as "Ducks Crossing". The house was moved to Charles Street many years ago. p14.
- Jones, Horrie. "Mr. Tolmie, of "Minniedale"". A very short extract from the "Gippsland Times" on the death of Mr. Tolmie who built the "Minniedale" homestead. p15.
- Ringin, Kath. "The Old Brown Coal Mine". A review of the book of the above title published by the Moe and District Historical Society. p15.
- Scott, S. "The Mail Must Get Through". The Cook family selected land at Balook which they named "Hazell Dell". They had They had five sons and two daughters. Four of the sons went to serve in WWI, but Tom was rejected due to poor eyesight. Tom took over the Yarram-Traralgon mail run in 1915, As well as mail, he also did shopping for the people on his run and carried passengers. Initially he used two horses and a wagonette, but when roads improved, he bought a new car each year. The mail run was taken over by the Price brothers. p17.
Volume 18 Issue 1 - March 1987 This year's volume focuses on the Traralgon West area.
- "Excursion to Carrajung, Blackwarry and Kjergaard". Details of an excursion by society's members to Carrajung, Blackwarry and Kjergaard. The members visited the long de-licensed Carrajung hotel and school and were told of the butter factory, the popular New Years Day sports, the football team, the Post Office, the hall, the Mechanics Institute and the mail. At Blackwarry, they were shown the site of the old Post Office, and at Kjergaard, the hall, "Myrtlebank" and the old Kjergaard home. pp5-8.
- "Vale, Mrs. Elsie Missen (nee Gale)". 25th January, 1898 - 21st December, 1986. pp11-13.
- Obituary. Dr. Trevor Alexander McLean. 2nd January 1911 - 12th January 1987. A local doctor and foundation member and ex-President of the Traralgon and District Historical Society. Late of Traralgon. pp13-14.
- Hunt, Audrey. "Some Memories of Carrajung". Memories, as a toddler, of dances and cards in the Mechanics Institute, and later her days at school 3545. pp15-16. To be continued in the next issue.
- Green, O.S. "Leaves From a Notebook - The Chilver Falls". A transcription from "Gippsland Standard", 25 August, 1935. A description of a trip by three brothers from Blackwarry to the Chilver Falls, which consists of four sequential falls. pp16-18.
Volume 18 Issue 2 - May 1987
- Tanner, Jean. "George Lindsay". George was the third son of John and Hilda Lindsay, the selectors of "Golden Grove" at Maryvale. After schooling and correspondence courses, George installed a steam engine to drive a cream separator and milking machines. In 1921, George married Ann Macfarlane and they lived at "Ben Werrin" where the A.P.M. settling ponds are now situated. George died aged 84. pp7-8.
- Tomlinson, C. "A Day of Remembrance at Seaton". On 5th April, 1987, a memorial service was held for two children, both named Mary Marshall, who died in 1863 and 1867. They were daughters of Charles Fisher Marshall and his wife Margaret (nee Riley). A headstone was erected and six trees and two roses planted. pp13-14
- Wilson, Daryl. "Timbs Family Re-union". 70-80 descendants of Richard and Sarah Timbs, pioneers of Rosedale and Gormandale, attended a re-union on the 8th March. p14.
- "St, Michael's - A Golden Jubilee". A celebration was held to commemorate the building of St. Michael's Catholic Church. pp14-15
- Hunt, Audrey. "Memories of Carrajung". The conclusion of an article started in the last issue. Mainly details of road-building. pp15-16.
Volume 18 Issue 3 - July 1987
- Davidson, J.W. "The Beginnings of A.P.M. at Maryvale". After the depression, both Morwell and Traralgon were stagnating. The Wood Paper Bill passed Parliament, and by the end of 1937, a pilot mill running at Maryvale. It eventually proved to be a source of employment. pp3-5.
- McAlister, Jack; Alan Plant. "The Traralgon R.S.L. Sub-branch - 60 years". The Traralgon Sub-branch was formed in about 1919, but folded after a couple of years. It was later re-formed in 1926. Mr. Coates was elected as President, and Mr. Milligan was elected as Secretary. The initial meetings were held in the Mechanics Institute building. pp5-7. Continued in the December issue.
- Gilson, Hilda. ""Golden Grove" Days at Traralgon West". Memories of Hilda's days at "Golden Grove" which is the site where the A.P.M. Pilot Mill was established. When "Golden Grove" was built just before 1914, it was a bark dwelling, but later became wattle and daub, with hard plaster walls and ceiling roses. pp7-8.
- Tanner, Joan. "The First Selectors of Traralgon West". Starting at the Tyers Road and heading west along the Traralgon West Road, the first selection is that of T.G. King, Then, in order, Mr. Copeland, Mr. W. Wade, Traralgon West School, Morris brothers, Charles Cochrane (later owned by Freeman) and then John Lindsay. South of the Lindsay selection was Mr. W. Edney (later owned by George Rae). All the above properties, except that of T.G. King, are now owned by the APM. On the Old Melbourne Road, north of the airfield, lived the Wolfenden family (later owned by Mr. Fred Jans and now by Mr. Thompson, and to the east of Airfield Road lived Mr. W.H. Neen (now owned by George Coles). pp9-10.
- "A Tribute to Mr. Horrie Jones". Mr. Charles Horace Jones died on 9th June, 1987, after years of service to the local community. Histories of his life have been published in past issues. He owned "Minniedale" at one stage, married Ivy Dunbar in 1924, purchased the property adjacent to "Minniedale", in 1935. That property was called "Misery Farm". He spent 30 years on council, and served on many committees. pp11-13.
- Thompson, Athol Herbert. "The Faulkners of Traralgon South". Two Faulkner brothers, Charlie and Frederick, came to Australia from England, They were successful on the goldfields and returned to England. Frederick married Mary Ann Weaver and returned to Australia. After time in South Melbourne, he shifted to Callignee when he got the mail contract. He earned money droving cattle and bought "Chester Park". pp13-14.
- Obituary. Mary Fleming (Bon) Brown. 30th May, 1987. pp14-15.
- Hague, Mary. "Cowwarr History". The first building in Cowwarr was a bark shanty where C. Johnson had a business. Then Theodore Gebhart built a Hotel. William Fogarty built a store. Four hotels operated; the Prince of Wales, Cowwarr, an unnamed hotel, and the Cricket Club. Only the Cricket Club remains. Mrs. Oates ran a bakery. Many successful gold miners purchased land on the Cowwarr flats. pp15-16.
Volume 18 Issue 4 - September 1987
- Steer, Dorothy. "History of Grey Street Primary School - No. 3584. 1912 - 1987". Although there was a school in Campbell Street, one was needed on the western side of the creek. Thus the Grey Street primary school was opened in 1912. The Campbell Street school was relocated to Grey Street in 1915, when the school became a Higher Elementary School. By 1919 additional buildings were added to the school. In 1924, the school requested that the shire provide swimming baths in the nearby creek, the shire built a 90 ft. x 45 ft. pool. In 1939, the Methodist hall was used because of overcrowding, while four more rooms were added to the school. The Stockdale Road primary school was opened in 1952, which reduced some of the overcrowding. In 1951, the H.E.S. was given High School status, and in 1956, the High School was relocated to its present site. pp4-6.
- Briggs, Bill. "A.P.M. Forests". Bill described the forestry side of the A.P.M. Initially wood was sourced from the Boola Boola eucalyptus forests, where it was felled, cut into billets, and then split with powder splitting gun, before being transported by truck to the A.P.M. mill at Maryvale. Next, a tree farm was located at Longford. A.P.M. Forests now have 40,000 ha of pine plantations (mainly Pinus Radiata) in Gippsland, and a number of eucalyptus plantations, mainly in the Strzlecki Ranges. pp7-8.
- Eccles, Ruth. "Houses of Traralgon - "Wilbeth", 1901-1969". Situated at 19 High Street, "Wilbeth" was the home of three generations of Howe descendants. William Howe bought the house from Mrs. Anderson in 1901. He died in 1922, leaving the house to his four daughters. Mr. Welch, the husband of one of the daughters, Margaret, bought the house, and it was leased out. In 1935, Mr. and Mrs. Welch, and daughters, moved into the house. In 1946, Ada Neave (nee Welch) moved in to care for her parents. When the parents died, "Wilbeth" went to Ada, who passed it on to her son, Bert, when she died in 1952. Bert died in 1969, and the house passed out of the family. p9.
- Hunt, Audrey. "The Roads of Carrajung". Memories of road contractors in the Carrajung area. Names mentioned are Mr. Eckberg, Dave Aubrey, Tom Zimmerman, and Alec and Jim Morrison. p10.
- Macreadie, Don. "The Ghost at Willung - Who was Kitty Jones". An complex investigation into the identity of Kitty Jones, who was later a publican at Shady Creek. pp10-11. [Note. A similar, but different article appears in Volume 21 Issue 4.]
- Thompson, Harold James. "An Autobiography". Mr. Thompson was born in 1889 at Traralgon West on a property now owned by Tom Black. In 1891 his family moved to 240 acres at Traralgon South opposite the State School. His teacher was John E. Woodruff. His neighbours were the Redpath family, and later the Faulkners at Chester Park. Mr. Thompson became a Sunday School teacher. Later, he married one of the Faulkner girls. pp12-17. To be continued in Vol 19 Issue 1.
Volume 18 Issue 5 - December 1987
- Leversha, Ian. "The Goodwood Timber and Tramway Company". The Goodwood sawmill and township was located 12-14 km north of Woodside. The Goodwood Timber and Tramway Co. was formed in 1910 mainly by Western Australia capital. In the same year a tramway was started between Goodwood and Port Albert. At its peak, 120 mill hands and 25 sleeper cutters were employed. The company provided houses, a store, hall, school and sports fields for its employees. Three million super feet (12" x 12" x 1") of sawn timber, poles, pickets and palings and 50,000 handcut sleepers were sent to Port Albert each year. When the Yellow Stringybark became inaccessible, the school closed in 1919, and the company moved to Noojee shortly after. Houses were moved to Scotts Soldier Settlement Estate at Woodside and others were sold privately. One of the engines was sold to J.E. Ezard. An excursion to Goodwood by society members was held shortly after the address and is included. pp7-10.
- Murray, Ron. "Traralgon Post Office 1887-1987". The first Post Office in Traralgon began in 1861 at the Traralgon Hotel. In 1872, the PO moved to the Campbell home in Argyle Street ("The Ark") and, in 1880, moved with the Campbell family to "The Retreat" in Kay Street. The telegraph office had begun in 1875. In 1887, the current Post Office, designed by Henry Barstowe, was completed. The clock tower was added in 1892. Telephone communications began in 1910, with 14 subscribers. Major renovations were taken in 1965. The centenary of the Post Office occurred earlier this year. pp10-11.
- McAlister, Jack; Alan Plant. "The Traralgon R.S.L. Sub-branch - 60 years - Part 2". Continued from the July 1987 Bulletin. The history of the sub-branch from the 1930s to now. In 1946, the Anzac Day dawn service was moved from the cemetery to the memorial in Kay Street. In 1948, property in Kay Street was purchased, and club rooms were built by 1947. The Traralgon Returned Servicemen's Club was formed in 1954, and a liquor licence obtained. In 1960, a bowling club was formed. pp12-13.
- Pump, Ruth. "From Wollert to Callignee South, December 1931". A description of the trip from Wollert to Callignee South in 1931, by Otto Pump and his son Len. Coninued drought and the depression prompted the move. It took 14 days to make the trip with a lorry, a spring cart and a jinker. In January, they returned to Wollert, which took four days. They then took 24 days to walk their cows to Callignee South. Mrs. Pump arrived shortly after in a motorised furniture van. pp14-15.
- Obituary. George (Jim) Clark. 24th July 1898 - 12th September 1987. Late of Yarram. p17.
Volume 19 Issue 1 - March 1988 This year's volume focuses on the Glengarry area.
- Obituary. Jane (Jean) Keltie Laing. 23 November 1911 - 16 December 1987. Late of Traralgon.pp13-14.
- Obituary. Ella Farmer (nee Broome). 1911 - 1987. pp14-15.
- Thompson, Harold James. "An Autobiography". Continued from Vol 18 Issue 4. In 1912, Harold became a Home Mission student in Ararat. He spent time at Moyston and then was transferred to Buchan in 1914. In late 1914, he resigned from the Home Mission. pp16-17. To be continued.
Volume 19 Issue 2 - May 1988
- Huffer, Kathleen. [Governor George Gipps]. The Editorial contains a brief history Governor Gipps. p1.
- Bartlett, Dot; Bob Meredith. "Morwell Bridge and Morwell West". In 1883, a part-time school opened in Morwell Bridge, although a private school had been operating there. The school became full-time in 1909, and when it burnt down in 1944, a new school opened in Morwell West. A football ground and tennis courts existed. pp6-7.
- Hustler, Dawn. "Glengarry Excursion". Details of a recent excursion by members of the society. Brief mentions are made of the Pratt brothers, and the Christensen brothers, the Scarne homestead, "Riverdale", "Penrose", "Lynchville", "Oakenshaw" and "Bushfield Park". pp7-9.
- Coates, Muriel. ""Bushfield Park", Glengarry". A brief description of "Bushfield Park" which was selected in 1870 by John Farmer. It was 210 acres. John applied for a Crown Grant in 1873. Improvements consisted of slab and bark roof dwelling, stables, store room, milking shed, calf pen and piggery. In those three years, potatoes, oats and rye grass were planted. John and his wife, Mary, had 10 children. p9.
- Atkinson, Mrs. Alan. ""Forest Vale", and the Lethbridge Family (Part I)". The first of a two part article on the Lethbridge family which eventually settled at Rosedale. Robert Copeland Lethbridge and his wife moved from England to Parramatta. pp14-17. The move to Rosedale is covered in the next issue.
Volume 19 Issue 3 - July 1988
- Dettrick, Ann; Tom Lawless. "Brownie". Details of the life of Ann (Brownie) Brown from her diaries and postcards, when she was a teacher at Budgeree in 1915. Tom's father, Jim, married Ann in 1923 and they five children. A brief history of the Lawless family is included. pp4-5
- Power, John. "The Wright Family - Part I". The early history of the John Wright and Eleanor Gott, from the sentences for transportation in the 1780s, their marriage in 1790, and their settlement in NSW. Joseph died in 1811, and Eleanor in 1843. The story of their five children will be continued in the next issue. [Note; Part 2 was never published but is available on the Miscellaneous page on the website.] pp5-6.
- Hams, May. "A Visit to "Rosehill", Rosedale. A description of a tour of "Rosehill", the property of James Henry and Elizabeth Carruthers Faulkes King purchased in the 1920s. pp6-8.
- Atkinson, Mrs. Alan. ""Forest Vale", and the Lethbridge Family (Part II)". Continued on from the previous issue. Robert Copeland Lethbridge (Jnr.) was the fourth son of Robert Copeland Lethbridge (Snr.), born at Parramatta in 1838. He left there, aged 15, and worked for John King & Co at "The Ridge" at Rosedale for five years. He then rented "Scarne" and in 1870 was droving for the owners of the "Sydney Cottage" station. This resulted in him becoming part owner of "Forest Vale" in Queensland. Robert married Ella Minter in 1863, They had 10 children, but it appears that they all ended up in Queensland and NSW. pp8-10.
- Wood, Heather. "Beginnings of the Lang Family in Gippsland - Part I". The first of a very detailed two part article on the history of Lang family of Glengarry. In 1863, James Lang and Mary Alice Pope Starkie travelled separately to Brisbane, and in 1865, married. James become a sawmiller in Queensland, then worked at Echuca and Seymour before selecting land on Eaglehawk Creek in the late 1870s which he called "Oakenshaw". He bought into a sawmilling business, which was then became Mitchell and Lang, He became heavily involved in the Methodist church at Glengarry, as well as community services and was a shire councillor for over 20 years. James died in 1911, and Mary in 1928. They had nine children. pp10-17. Continued in next issue.
- "School Centenary - No 2877, Gormandale East". A brief description of the celebration of the school's centenary. p17.
Volume 19 Issue 4 - September 1988
- Rogers, Gaye. "Lone Graves". A presentation on the many lone graves in this area. pp6-7.
- Davidson, John W. "Links with Early Traralgon". A brief history of doctors and midwives attending births in the Traralgon area, in the early days. pp7-8.
- Wood, Heather. "Beginnings of the Lang Family in Gippsland - Part II". The conclusion of a very detailed two part article on the history of Lang family of Glengarry. This article gives a brief description of the lives of each of the nine children of James and Mary Lang, and a brief description of the "Oakenshaw" homestead. pp9-14.
- Obituary. Frederick Kingsford Lade. 1906 - 1908. pp14-15
- Obituary. Edna Wills (nee Clayton). 13 August 1988. Late of Traralgon, previously Balook. p15.
- O'Mara, Vera. "Memories of Glengarry". Many recollections by Vera (nee Gilbert) of her neighbours, the people, the businesses, and the facilities of Glengarry. pp15-17.
Volume 19 Issue 5 - December 1988
- "Excursion to Glengarry". A detailed description of an excursion to Glengarry by members of the society. It included visits to historic homesteads and properties and sawmilling businesses. pp5-7.
- King, Nan. "Church history of St. John's, Glengarry". The first Anglican church in Glengarry was built in 1879, on land donated by John King. With the coming of the railway the town developed around the railway station, and the church was moved to its presented location. pp8-9.
- Maskrey, Jack. "Shire - Borough - City". A brief history of the progression of the Shire of Traralgon to the City of Traralgon. pp9-10.
- "A 100th Birthday Celebration". A short report on the celebration of centenary of Bruntons Bridge. pp10-11.
- Dunbar, Don. "The Dunbar Story". A brief history of the Dunbar Scottish history before their arrival at Traralgon in 1880. pp11-12.
- Davidson, John W. "Link With early Traralgon". A brief description of some of Traralgon's events, a century ago. It mentions the Traralgon Brass Band, the opening of the railway line to Bairnsdale, the fourth installation of the Traralgon Argyle Lodge, the beginning of a local Salvation Army Corps, the 3rd annual agricultural show, the beginning of the Traralgon Fire Brigade, and the creation of the town's first "Gentlemen's Club". pp12-13.
- "Traralgon Fire Brigade Celebrates Centenary". A description of the celebrations. pp13-14.
- Christensen, Pamela. "The Christensens of Glengarry". In 1853, Soren Christensen arrived in Australia from Denmark. He eventually settled at Glengarry, and was married to Anne Henderson, and then to Elizabeth Lanktree. In 1854, his brother, Niels, arrived. He married Emma Slawson and settled at Alberton. In 1860, a third brother, Zachaus, arrived. He possibly spent time in New Zealand before operating a lime kiln at Longford, and then, in 1873, built the first "Scarne" homestead. He married Mary Ann MacDonald in 1874. Another brother, Christian, arrived in 1862. He married Charlotte Anne Ostler in 1871. He operated a bakery in Sale and later in Walhalla, and was involved in a lime kiln at Longford and copper mines at Walhalla. He later moved to Western Australia with 11 of his 12 children. The final brother to arrive was Adolph, in 1868. He married Elizabeth Turner in 1881. There are currently three Christensen families farming at Glengarry. pp14-17.
Volume 20 Issue 1 - March 1989 This year's volume focuses on Traralgon 1910-1930.
- Ringin, Kath. "The Old Brown Coal Mine". A history of the Brown Coal Mine at Yallourn North. pp6-8.
- "Excursion to the Old Brown Coal Mine". A report on an excursion by the society's members to the Brown Coal Mine. Adds more background to the above article. pp8-10.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Record"; 1910-1914". Summaries of highlights of five years of the newspaper. pp10-15.
- Dunbar, J.D. "100th Agricultural Show". A brief description of the installation of gates at the Traralgon Recreation Reserve to celebrate the staging of the 100th show, and Australia's Bi-centennial. pp15-16.
- Duffell, Geoff. "The Industrialisation of the Latrobe Valley - Part I". Initially, the Latrobe Valley only exported primary produce such as butter, bacon, cattle and timber. There were small service business such as blacksmiths, brickworks, retailers and coachbuilders for local consumption. The first industry was the brown coal mines at Yallourn North and Morwell Bridge, and later at Yallourn. In the 1930s, the APM Maryvale Mill became an important industry. pp16-17. To be continued in the next issue.
Volume 20 Issue 2 - May 1989
- Dunbar, Jim; Kevin Lythgo. [Rotary in Traralgon]. Rotary started in Chicago in 1905, it came to Australia in 1911, to Melbourne in 1921, and to Traralgon in 1941. This article includes the names of the inaugural members of the Traralgon branch. pp7-10.
- "Excursion to the West End of Traralgon". A detailed description of the places, people and history of the 'West End' of Traralgon. pp10-13.
- Duffell, Geoff. "The Industrialisation of the Latrobe Valley - Part II". The conclusion of a two part article. Continued growth of the electricity industry and the APM, were the main industries from the 1940s to the present. p14.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Record"; 1915-1916". Summaries of highlights of two years of the newspaper. pp15-17.
Volume 20 Issue 3 - July 1989
- Curran, Len. "Depression Years". Recollections of growing up in Traralgon in the depression. pp4-6.
- Huffer, Kathleen. "Teaching During the Depression". Memories of her life as a teacher in various parts of Victoria, ending up at Mirboo North. pp6-8.
- "The Rosedale Story - Vol. I". A book review of the recently published book authored by Don Macreadie. pp8-9.
- Cranwell, Mary. ""Etheldale", Collins St., Traralgon". "Etheldale" was built in 1914 for Mr. and Mrs. William Pentland. It was named in memory of the eldest daughter, who had died in 1913. Sited on land the size of three blocks on the corner of Shakespeare Street, it was one of the show places of the town. It had large sized rooms with high ceilings finished in pressed tin. It has fallen into some disrepair and hopefully will be restored. pp9-11.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Record"; 1917-1920". Summaries of highlights of four years of the newspaper. pp15-17.
Volume 20 Issue 4 - September 1989
- Obituary. Nance Tate (nee Thompson). Late of Traralgon. pp6-7.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Record"; 1920-1930". Summaries of highlights of 11 years of the newspaper. pp7-15.
Volume 20 Issue 5 - December 1989
- Alexander, Harry. "Upper Traralgon Creek". Settlement along the Traralgon Creek, close to Traralgon began in 1876, but another settlement further up the creek came later. Confusion existed over both areas being called Upper Traralgon Creek. So the first was renamed Koornalla, and the second, Le Roy. The article includes names of the early settlers and owners of the post offices. The construction of schools and halls is also provided. pp6-9.
- Morrison, Merle. "Excursion to Upper Traralgon Creek". An excursion by society's members under the guidance of Harry Alexander. It complements the above article. pp9-10.
- Macreadie, Don. "The Smyth Family - Part I". William Sydney O'Brien Smyth was born in Dublin in 1835, and emigrated to Victoria in 1855. He joined the police force and served in Central Victoria. In 1859, he married Mary Sharry. When Mary died in 1883, she had given birth to 11 children, but only two had survived. One of the deceased children was Mary Ann, who is buried in the Traralgon railway area, and the grave marked as "The Infant Smyth". Smyth resigned from the police force in 1861, and is later recorded as being a publican and later still as a Civil Engineer. He rejoined the police force in 1864 and was stationed at Traralgon. In 1871, he again resigned from the police force and became the keeper of the reservoir at Malmsbury. After his first wife died, he married Mary Ann Lane, in 1887, they had four children. William died in 1913. pp11-14. To be continued.
- Obituary. Alex Smidt. 1 March 1916 - 25 September 1989. Late of Traralgon. pp14-15.
- Obituary. Edgar (Eddie) Holmes. 6 October 1989. Late of Callignee. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Mrs. Doreen Teasdale. 10 October 1989. pp16-17.
Volume 21 Issue 1 - March 1990 This year's volume focuses on the Cowwarr area.
- Macreadie, Don. "The Smyth Family - Part II". The conclusion of a two part article which focuses on the relatives of William O'Brien Smyth. These included William Sydney Smyth, who died at Port Albert three years after her arrived, and, Frederick Leopold Smyth from Dublin, who became a M.L.A. for North Gippsland. pp6-7.
- "Official Opening of the New Traralgon Police Station". The new police station in Kay Street, opened on 24 November 1989, and was the eighth police station in Traralgon, although two were only temporary. A book by Ray Waack titled "Traralgon Police 1860 - 1990" was published to coincide with the opening. pp11-12.
- Obituary. James O'Connor. 1910 - 30 September 1989. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Walter McCormack. 1904 - 20 September 1904.
- Davidson, John W. "Links with Early Traralgon". Interesting highlights of Traralgon newspapers in 1898. pp15-17.
Volume 21 Issue 2 - May 1990
- Glover, Alma. "Jumbuck". Jumbuk is located 14 miles south of Yinnar in the Strzelecki Ranges. Alma's grandfather selected land at Jumbuk in 1901, and Alma grew up there. Alma recollects the life of the community there in her early days. pp3-5.
- Lubcke, Eric. "History of John and Ann Koenig, of Jumbuk". John Koenig and Ann Cameron were married at Valencia Creek, in 1883. In 1891, they took up land at Jumbuk, built a house, cleared land and ran dairy cows. They had eighth children. Eric is the grandson of John and Ann. He recounted stories of his life as a herd tester and describes the 1939 bushfires. pp5-6.
- Lubcke, June. "Jumbuk Excursion". An account of an excursion by society's members to Jumbuk, under the guidance of Alma Glover and Eric Lubcke. pp7-8.
- Jeffery, Richard. [The History of Jeffery's Stores in Traralgon]. Norman Jeffery and John Keating opened the first store in 1926, on the corner of Seymour and Franklin Streets. In 1932, Gordon Jeffery joined the business. The business became more profitable when the APM started, but dwindled as items became scarce during the war. Richard came into the business in 1957 and took over in 1959 when his father retired. The business closed in 1898, and at its peak it employed 35 staff. pp9-10. [Note: Another history of Jeffery's Stores is included in Vol 11 Issue 5.]
- "Cowwarr Excursion". An account of an excursion to Cowwarr by the society's members. Don Macreadie led the excursion. Bill Cadwallader, May Hague and Alan Pawley provided further information. pp10-11.
- Macreadie, Don. "Early Cowwarr History". Cowwarr began in 1862, and was used by packers taking stores to the Jordan goldfields. Selections of up to 20 acres were allowed and 33 people applied. Initially the settlement was called "The 42nd" after the 42nd clause of the land act which allowed the 20 acre land parcels. It was later called Cowwar and then Cowwarr. The railway came through in 1883 and the township developed more to the east close to the station. The Cowwarr Butter Factory was built in 1897-98. pp11-13.
- Hague, Mary. "Some Stories of Cowwarr". A article on the early times of Cowwarr, and later on, Mary's recollections. pp13-14.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1931-1932". Summaries of highlights of two years of the newspaper. pp15-17.
Volume 21 Issue 3 - July 1990
- Pawley, Alan. "Thompson River, Cowwarr". Details of Alan's early life in Cowwarr, including the damage done by rabbits, blackberries and floods. pp8-9.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1932-1935". Summaries of highlights of the newspaper in those years. pp9-14.
- Obituary. James Dunstan Dunbar. 2 January 1916 - 16 April 1990. Late of Traralgon. pp14-15.
- Obituary. John Allan Grout. 9 January 1918 - 2 June 1990. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Walter Albert Thompson MBE. 23 July 1900 - 23 June 1990. Late of Traralgon. pp16-17.
Volume 21 Issue 4 - September 1990
- Watson, Stephen. "Moe-Walhalla Railway". The history of the Moe Walhalla railway line. Coach services were running to Walhalla from both Moe and Traralgon in the 1880s. In 1898, the population of Walhalla reached 3698, with Moe numbering in the hundreds. The line was commenced in 1904 and finished in 1910. By then, Walhalla's population had declined to 1600. In the next few years, the two main goldmines closed, and the population dropped to 400. The Erica-Walhalla section closed in 1944, and Moe-Erica section in 1951. pp5-6.
- Rogers, Ian. "Rogers Family, Traralgon". James Rogers was aged 13, when he and his father went to Walhalla in 1866. They became involved in the transport and coaching business. Aged 24, James had his own coach line running from Sale to Walhalla via Heyfield, Seaton, Donnellys Creek, Aberfeldy and Red Jacket. He became known as "The Whip" because of skill as a reinsman. He sold that business in 1899. James had a son, James Henry, who married Agnes May Brereton in 1909, and they had seven children. James Henry also started his career in the coaching business. During the depression he became a builder, erecting the Rogers Building in Franklin Street, Building a furniture store, two houses in Mill Street, four houses in Seymour Street and eight houses in Mabel and Ethel Street. James died in 1924 and James Henry in 1958. pp7-8.
- Pawley, Alan. "The Stoddart Family Butchery in Cowwarr". Archibald Andrew and Mary Jane Stoddart brought an existing butcher in 1919 from Bud Klyne. at that time they had six children, Bill, Archie, Charlie, Jack, Roy and Mary. They had three more children at Cowwarr, Alec, Gordon and Iris. They used a slaughter house on O'Brien's paddock, which burnt down in 1929, so built their own, two miles south-west of Cowwarr. They also operated a butcher shop in Heyfield. The shops closed in 1973. Archie (Snr) was the brother off Simon Stoddart, the Traralgon butcher. pp8-10.
- Macreadie, Don. "The Story of Kitty Jones". Kitty was born Catherine Linton and transported to Tasmania where she married another convict, James Ferguson. It appears James died and the next record of her, was that she living at Loy Yang with an Edward Jones. At Tarraville, in 1854, Kitty married Robert Felix Ratcliffe, and Edward Jones married another woman. A week later she found out that Robert was already married, so she left the district, and ended up at the Shady Creek Hotel Kitty died in a dray accident when she was 65. pp10-11. [Note. A similar, but different article appears in Volume 18 Issue 4.]
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1936-1938". Summaries of highlights of the newspaper in those years. pp11-17.
Volume 21 Issue 5 - December 1990
- Jones, Ted. "Cowwarr Floods". An article on the continual floods on the flats at Cowwarr. There were floods in the Thomson River in 1891. The "Swing Bridge" (actually a suspension bridge) was built across the Thomson River in 1910. It fell in the 1916 flood. It was rebuilt, but was again washed away in 1934. This time it was replaced by a low-level bridge. In 1952, a flood caused the creation of the Rainbow Creek anabranch. In 1959, the Cowwarr Weir was built to control the flow into the Rainbow Creek. Further floods occurred in 1971, 1978 and 1990.pp8-9.
- Curtis, Dora. "Visit to Cowwarr". An account of a visit by members of the society to Cowwarr. They visited the site of the old swing bridge, the washed away railway bridge, the weir and Cowwarr Park. pp9-10.
- Mortimer, Mrs.; Lesley O'Mara. "Leah Liddiard". The history of Leah Liddiard, particularly of her Newman descendants. The story of Leah has been told in previous issues. Her son, Ralph, had a daughter, Ellen, who married Samuel Newman and they lived initially in Peterkin Street. Samuel had two bullock teams, but he died aged 42. They had six daughters and one son. One daughter, Nell, bought the Chinese Gardens and left it to the council. This is now called Newman Park. pp11-12.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1938". Summaries of highlights of the newspaper in that year. pp12-14.
- Macreadie, Don. "Nicol Gifford Brown". Nicol was born in Edinburgh in 1818. In 1855, he married Julia Costello, and they had two children before Julia died at the Shady Creek Hotel in 1860. He then married May Scott O'Hara. Nicol had been overlooked for a mail contract from Shady Creek to Walhalla, which was granted William Laughton. Nicol also believed that William was having an affair with his wife. So Nicol fatally shot William. Nicol tried to hand himself in, and then tried to commit suicide. He was rescued and then arrested by Constable Smythe of Traralgon. He was sentenced to life imprisonment at Sale but received an amnesty after 19 years. He discovered gold in Western Australia, bought a farm in Trafalgar and married again aged 86. He died in 1916 aged 98. pp14-16.
- Hague, Mary. "Four Bridges "Over the Rainbow"". Mary describes the four bridges built across the Rainbow Creek to her property "Glenburn". The first three were washed away. pp16-17.
Volume 22 Issue 1 - March 1991 This year's volume focuses on the area of Flynn.
- Plant, Valma. "The Suspension Bridge at Cowwarr. A Short History". After years of petitioning by landowners on the Cowwarr flats, a suspension bridge over the Thomson River for pedestrian traffic was built just before 1910. In 1916, a flood caused severe damage to the bridge, and it was rebuilt. In 1917, two acres of land was purchased for a recreation area at the foot bridge. In 1934, floods washed away the second bridge, and it was replaced with a low level bridge. pp9-11.
- Pawley, Alan. "Len Pawley, 1891 - 1977". Len emigrated from England, with his parents and siblings, first to Shepparton and then to farm work in the Cowwarr-Toongabbie area. He started a fruit and vegetable business selling produce from a horse drawn cart. In 1922, he married Alma Gales. During his life, he owned numerous properties and businesses in Cowwarr, ran a hire-car business, and then ran a dairy farm. They retired to Heyfield in the 1960, Alma died in 1962 and Len in 1977. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Selwyn Reynolds. 19 December 1990. p14.
- Obituary. Valda J Lyndon (nee Read). 1907 - 16 January 1991. pp14-15.
• Obituary. Ruth Pump (nee Wasley). 7 January 1923 - 23 January 1991. pp15-16.
• Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1939". pp16-17.
Volume 22 Issue 2 - May 1991
- Lynch, Heather. "Memories of Traralgon in the 1930s". pp4-6.
- Macreadie, Don. "Flynn History - Part 1". Don started with the life story of James Manton Flinn, after who the district was named. In 1866, the Snake Ridge Run was divided and Flinns Creek was part of the Sydney Cottage Run. Also, in 1866, 20 blocks were allotted at Flinns Creek and a few years later, the 42nd clause of the Land Act enabled more selection.. Rural School No. 25 opened in Flinns Creek in 1871, before Traralgon had its first school. The coming of the railway promoted more industry such as cattle and saw-milling. Flinn was renamed to Flynn. pp7-9. To be continued in the September Bulletin
- "Excursion to Flynn". Members of the society had an excursion to Flynn to view the historical areas of interest in the district. pp9-11.
- Bonighton, Evelyn. "Mr. C.H. Overy, A Traralgon Business-man". Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Overy moved to Traralgon in 1930 and purchased a Real Estate and Insurance business from W.S. McKenzie. This expanded into an agency for Allan's Music, sewing machine repairs, a florist and furnishings. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bonighton purchased the Overy business in 1950. pp11-12.
- Davidson, John W. "Ray Ford". Ray Ford came to Traralgon in the early 1930s. He was a talented musician and had a band that appeared on local radio. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Dorothy Brown (nee Grout). 31 August 1923 - 1991. Late of Traralgon. p13.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1940". pp13-16.
Volume 22 Issue 3 - July 1991
- Vanstan, Roger. "History of the Latrobe Valley Aero Club and Latrobe Valley Airfields". The Latrobe Valley Aero Club was formed in 1949. Brinsmead offered part of his farm land and by 1950 they had prepared a landing strip. Drainage was a problem, so a new strip was constructed. A Tiger Moth was purchased in 1951. The construction of SEC transmission lines forced a move to just south of the Lurgi gas plant. With the construction of the tall Hazelwood power station chimneys, the club was forced to move again. This time they found a permanent home on the their current site and the site was operational in 1959. Since then the club and airfield has continued to grow. pp4-7. [A report on an excursion to the airfield is also included in this issue.]
- Hammett, Jenny. "Miss Eva West, MBE, 1888-1969". Eva West was the daughter of Walter West, who served as a shire councillor for 9 years and then became the shire secretary. In 1914, Eva passed the Municipal Clerks Examination and started work at Poowong as assistant shire secretary. Eva continued her studies and became a registered accountant, and in 1920 returned to Traralgon to start a business as an auditor. Eva became the Assistant Shire Secretary at Traralgon in 1924, and the Shire Secretary in 1935. She was awarded an MBE in 1958. pp8-9.
- le Grand, Monica. "75th Anniversary of St. Michael's Parish Catholic Church, Traralgon". A celebratory mass was held which was attended by the first child baptised in the church in 1916. A display and a published booklet were available. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Minnie Elizabeth Hill (nee Maxwell). 11 January 1902 - 29 May 1991. pp13-15.
- Obituary. Agnes Eve (Cherry) Phillips (nee Irvine). 26 Sep 1921 - 3 June 1991. p15.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1941". pp15-18.
Volume 22 Issue 4 - September 1991
- Robbins, Gary. "Stockdale Road Primary School". The Stockdale Road PS is celebrating its 40th year. In 1951, three schoolrooms were "dumped" on the present site, with no power, no trees and no playground to serve 193 students. By 1952, the school was too small, so children under six were banned and grades 1 and 2 students attended classes in the Baptist Hall. In 1953, the roll call numbered 334 and more temporary rooms were opened. In 1954, there were 554 students, this was eased the following year when the Kosciusko Street school opened. There are currently 340 students. Additions to the school took place in 1978, and upgrades are still occurring. pp8-9.
- Calder, Mary. [Reminiscences of Cowwarr]. Mary's paternal grandfather, Harlow Hines Wickes, settled at Cowwarr on land which later became the railway station. He had orchards on both sides of the river. The house was later owned by the Cadwaller family, and was called "Riverview". Harlow also carted fruit and vegetable to Walhalla where his wife had a fruit and confectionary business. He also carted wood to the railway station for shipment to Melbourne. Also he had a charcoal business. Later in life he learnt the bread baking trade. Mary's maternal grandparents were initially at Jericho and then Walhalla. pp11-12.
- Macreadie, Don. "Flynn - Part 2". Continued from our May Bulletin. Early settlers in the Flinn Creek district were the McRae family, William Disher (storekeeper), William Collier (postmaster), John Deakin (storekeeper) and William Jones (sawyer). The names of some 30 other selectors is given. pp12-13. To be continued in the next Bulletin.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1942-1943". pp14-17.
Volume 22 Issue 5 - December 1991
- Gilmour, Mrs. Bertie. "Staplegrove", Flynn". In 1866, there were three families living in Flynn. In 1869, James White Hagen was allotted 80 acres at Flynn, which he named "Kurrajong". James grew many crops, had his own cream separator and in the 1880s established a slaughter business to service the goldfields and Melbourne. A pit saw was located on the property. James moved to "Olive Grove" and established a bacon curing business. John Newman Birkley managed "Kurrajong" for some years, until he bought it and renamed it "Staplegrove". John had cows, sheep, pigs and crops. The Whately family took over "Staplegrove". In 1942, the Gilmour family bought "Staplegrove" and continued renovating the house. In 1895,the meatworks on the property won first prize for being the oldest bark farming building in Victoria, possibly in the world. A visit by society's members in October, complements this article. pp6-9.
- Scott, Seddon. "Traralgon Golf Links". A brief history of the Traralgon Golf Links which started in about 1938. p12.
- Obituary. Ethel Winifred Thompson (nee Wiseman). 16 December 1897 - 2 July 1991. Late of Traralgon. pp13-14.
- Obituary. Laura Dinah May McCormack (nee Huffer). 27 August 1914 - 23 October 1991.
- Macreadie, Don. "Flynn - Part 3". Continued from our September Bulletin. This third and final article focuses on the staff of Flynns Creek railway station. In 1882, after five years, stationmaster West was transferred and replaced by Mr. Merryman. In 1894, Mr. Merryman was transferred and replaced by the gatekeeper's wife (to the disgust of locals). Also, in 1894, the post office was moved from the railway station to Mr. Widdis' store. pp15-16.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1944". pp16-18.
Volume 23 Issue 1 - March 1992 This year's volume focuses on Traralgon's heritage buildings.
- Morley, Graeme. "The Cole Family". Arthur Cole arrived in Traralgon, from England, in 1871. He was employed by his cousin, who was the manager of the Traralgon West Run. He married Johanna McColl in 1878. When the run was sold in 1885, Arthur purchased 23 acres in what is now Dunbar Road. Arthur and Johanna had five children, Elizabeth Emily, William Arthur, Robert Ivan, Elsie Kate and Dorothy Eadon. Elizabeth, William and Robert were all initially employed by Scottie McDonald of Gippsland Trading Company. Robert (Bob) delivered groceries on the Traralgon Creek, returning with cream. Also he milked his own cows, grew fruit and vegetables and tendered sheep for John English. Robert married Mabel Wright. Graeme Morley was bought up by Bob and Mabel and currently lives in what was their home. pp6-8.
- "Excursion to Cole Family Home and to Dunbar's Property". An excursion by society's members to the two properties. The original Cole home was initially only two rooms but was dragged up from near the creek on two red gum logs, on which it still sits, although it has been extended. The next stop was the Dunbar homestead. Hugh Dunbar purchased the homestead in 1897 which was adjoining his property. The home is still in a close to original condition. The property has great views north and south. The remnants of the gravel quarry and the tramway from there to the main street of Traralgon could be seen. The first golf links were also visited. pp8-9.
- Hayes, Jenny. "Timmins Family Reunion". 150 years ago, James and Julia Timmins, and their six children arrived in the district. 417 descendants attended a re-union. p10.
- Pearson, John. "Sister Ellen McCarthy, A Nursing Life". The life of Ellen, who was born in Traralgon in 1887. In 1909, she was a probationer at Fairfield Infectious Hospital, then commenced three year training at the Sale hospital. She then filled in at the Wonthaggi hospital and was qualified as a midwifery nurse in 1914. She served in India and England during WWI. After the war she nursed privately in Traralgon, before spending time in Mildura and Rabaul. On her return, and further training, she became the infant welfare sister in Traralgon. pp10-13. [Note: An article on the Traralgon infant welfare centre appears in volume 10 Issue 3.]
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1945". pp13-18.
- Scott, Seddon. "Platina". A brief description of copper and platinum mining at Coopers Creek and the associated Platina railway station. p17.
Volume 23 Issue 2 - May 1992
- Langtip, Ray. [Chin Lang Tip]. An interesting and detailed history of Chin Lang Tip, a Mongolian widower who settled in Tarraville in 1870. Chin produced large quantities of vegetables for the district. Chin married his neighbour Mary Ann Prout, and three years later "married" Mary's sister, Betsy, as was the Mongolian tradition. Chin raised 22 children (17 were his). He died in 1901, the result of an accident. pp4-7.
- Kennedy, Gerry. "The Valley Theatre". For 25 years, from 1925, movies were shown in the Traralgon Town Hall, until it was condemned. In 1949, The Lawrence brothers, Josh, Alf and Jim began to build a 900 seat theatre in Grey Street which later became the Premier Function Centre. The Valley Theatre opened in 1951. In the late 1950s, there was competition from the Morwell and Yallourn theatres, as well as drive-ins and television, and patronage dwindled. The Valley Theatre closed in 1973. It was re-opened later that year by Betty and Fred Harden (as the Latrobe Cinema) and closed permanently in 1978. pp7-9.
- Cannon, Ruby. "Memories of Traralgon South". Ruby spent her first 15 years on her parents farm at Traralgon South with her two brothers. She went to the Traralgon South School No. 2114 until 8th grade then to the Traralgon Higher Elementary School, until an influenza epidemic ended her schooling. She worked her parents farm before the family moved to Melbourne. p9.
- Archbold, Edna. "Wartime Precautions". Edna described a 'confidential' map issued during the war which, should an invasion occur, showed roads that were to be used for civilian evacuation, and those reserved for military use. She also described preparations made for blowing up the Latrobe River bridge on the Tyers Road and regular Sunday morning anti-aircraft target practice over the Yallourn Power Station. p10/
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1946". pp11-15.
- Barry, Tom. "My Years at Traralgon Post Office". Tom started work at the PO in 1945 sorting mail, emptying letterboxes and then postal delivery. He then did occasional shifts manning the telephone exchange from 9:30pm to 7:30am, breakfasted, showered and started his postal deliveries. p15. To be continued next issue.
- Obituary. Frances Grout (nee Stoddart). 1916 - 3 April 1992. Late of Traralgon. p16.
- Obituary. Mrs. Minnie Higgins. 13 April 1992, aged 70.
Volume 23 Issue 3 - July 1992
- Power, John. "Early Buildings of Traralgon". A history of the major historic buildings in Traralgon. In the 1840s, Hobson had a humble shack on the Traralgon Creek. This was followed by the Windsor home, then the Travellers Rest Hotel and then the Police Station. In the 1860s only 14 people lived in the town. After that, more hotels were built and the stores appeared in the late 1870s. The first public building was the Mechanics Institute in the early 1880s. The Post office was, in 1886, then followed a butcher, chemist, banks and a fire station. The railway station was built in 1878 and rebuilt in 1901. Churches came in the late 1800s. pp4-6.
- Fletcher, Meredith. "Houses of Yallourn". A brief history of the Yallourn township, which was designed as a planned town, a garden town and a company town. She then went on to describe the houses and their designs. pp6-7.
- Barry, Tom. "My Years at Traralgon Post Office - Part 2". A continuation from the previous Bulletin. Interesting details and anecdotes of Tom's life in Traralgon, including sports, dances, bookies. pp7-12.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1947". pp12-14.
- Obituary. Marion Walker. 1901 - 7 May 1992. Late of Callignee. pp14-15.
- Obituary. Roy (Copper) Stoddart. 21 July 1916 - 9 May 1992. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Mavis Farmer (nee Broome). 1908 - 17 May 1992. pp16-17.
- Obituary. Alan Murray Cranwell. 1901 - 22 May 1992. p17. Continued next issue.
Volume 23 Issue 4 - September 1992
- Scott, Seddon. "The Grand Ridge Road". In about 1922, the Grand Ridge Road was built between Carrajung and Lang Lang using mainly local contractors. During the depression, parts of the road was widened by unemployed workers working three days a week. pp5-6.
- Scott, Seddon. "The Hidden Tunnel". A brief description of the horseshoe tunnel at Coopers Creek. The tunnel was blasted a half mile through rock so that a mile of the Thomson River Horseshoe Bend was then available for mining. p6.
- Johnson, Ernest. "Peter Johnson, 1883-1952". Peter Johnson was born in 1883 in the Strzelecki district. Aged 19, he selected land near Le Roy, and with the help of Harold Blanksby, built a small hut. Peter extended the hut and married Marie Guntzler in 1909. In 1917 he moved to Gormandale and farmed with his brother-in-law Val Guntzler. He then moved to a property at Traralgon South to farm with another brother-in-law. A brief description of the Guntzler family is included. p7.
- Langstaff, Fay. "Memories of Our Debutante Ball". Radio station 3TR Women's Club held a debutante ball in 1942 with 18 debutantes and their partners. It was an event organised to raise funds for various charities. Bunny Hunter's orchestra provided the music. pp8-9.
- Obituary. Alan Murray Cranwell. 1901 - 22 May 1992. pp10-11. Continued from previous issue.
- Obituary. Katie Francis Vibert (nee Baines). 1915 - 1992. p11.
- Obituary. Miss Honoria (Ria) Adelaide Francis Bell. 24 September 1898 - 28 June 1992. Late of Traralgon. p11-12.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1948 - 1951". pp12-17.
Volume 23 Issue 5 - December 1992
- Macreadie, Don. "The Widdis Family". Charles Arthur Widdis emigrated from Ireland and married Isobella Ardill in 1895 at St Kilda. They had three sons at Gisborne and a daughter at Flynns Creek. Charles and Isobella died in 1905 and 1906 respectively. The eldest son, John, married Alice Edith Dixon and they had eight children. John was a very energetic entrepreneur being a farmer, sawmiller, councillor in the Traralgon, Rosedale and Orbost shires, and racehorse owner and trainer. Extracts from the "Rosedale Courier" give many details of his exploits. John died in 1918, and Alice in 1953. A follow up excursion to the Widdis properties is also described. pp3-7.
- "Traralgon Topics". Brief histories of various Traralgon buildings told by different presenters. pp8-12. Cranwell, Mary. "Etheldale". Hustler, Dawn. "The "Star Hotel"". Paulet Gwen. "Minniedale". Harris, Brian. [Views from the SEC tower in Argyle Street]. Langstaff, Fay. "The C.W.A. Hall". Hore, Ron. "Early Skilled Tradesmen". Plant, Valma. "The Corner Site". (Clauscens). Lindsay, M.E. "The First Traralgon Shire Hall".
- Obituary. Janet Millar McElroy (nee Herbetson). July 1992 aged 88. Late of Morwell. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Margaret Jessie Silvester. 5 August 1992 aged 82. pp16-17.
- Obituary. Miss Jessie Ethel Heeson. 1901 - 8 November 1992. p17.
Volume 24 Issue 1 - March 1993 This year's volume focuses on the Traralgon East area.
- Seddon, Scott. "Richard Scott, Toongabbie". Richard Scott was born in England in 1835 and arrived in Melbourne in 1852. He worked for his Greaves cousins and married his cousin, Anne Greaves, in 1857. In 1868, he selected 262 acres near Toongabbie, and later bought extra land north of Toongabbie. As a butcher, Richard transported beef and turkeys to Walhalla. Richard and Anne had eight children, the fifth being Benjamin. A history of Benjamin, his wife Maria Russell, and their children is included. pp6-10.
- Plant, Valma. "Thos. Standing & Co., A Brief History". Thomas Standing was born in 1875 and grew up in Sale. Thomas started work as an office boy for Mathieson and Davis, Stock and Station Agents. He married Ellen Marion Mallet, and they had three children. He later married Evelyn Oxley and they had two children. Thomas became of the Traralgon branch, purchased the branch in 1923 which "shortly after traded as "Thos. Standing & Co.". His first office was in the Traralgon Hotel, the Grand Junction Hotel, then in Prince Street before becoming the first tenant in the Seymour Arcade in 1968. At some stage Thomas retired and Thomas (Jnr) took over the business. In about 1968, the business expanded to include real estate and a travel agency. The stock and station business was sold to George Stockdale, Kevin Morgan, John Christie and Colin Stockdale in 1984. It was then sold Gippsland and Northern in 1988, who taken over by Dalgety Farmers 1990. pp10-12.
- Obituary. Ann Ferguson Lindsay (nee Macfarlane). 19 February 1895 - 17 September 1992. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Helen Quinn Davidson (nee Malloy). 1928 - December 1992. Late of Traralgon. p14.
- Obituary. Bessie Isobella Morley (nee Watkins). 4 February 1904 - 17 January 1993 pp14-15.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1952 - 1953". pp15-17.
Volume 24 Issue 2 - May 1993
- Waack, Ray. "Policing in Traralgon". In 1855, Gippsland's police force consisted of 25 members. With the discovery of gold, a police station was built in 1860, situated where the current Post Office sits. Constable John O'Connor was the first resident policeman. In 1882, a new station was built on the northwest corner of Franklin and Seymour Streets. This building was considered to be too prominent, so a new station was built at 19 Kay Street in 1889. This latest station was condemned, so a new station was built on the same block but facing Seymour Street in 1937. In 1957, a new building was erected on the same block facing Kay Street. The current police station was opened in 1989. p4.
- Hibbins, Ian. "History of the Boolarra District". The Morrow family settled in Boolarra South in the late 1870s. Other early families were Pennaluna, Kemp and Irving. The Pennalunas opened the Settlers Arms Hotel. Timber was a common industry. A butter factory was built in 1900, and although it was destroyed by fire in 1905, it was quickly rebuilt. The first school was built 1884, and new school was built in 1890. A bushfire swept through in 1898. Boolarra became an active business centre from 1900 to the 1930s, but improved roads in to the larger towns reduced the local shopping. Bauxite has been mined there since 1924. pp5-7.
- Morrison, Merle. "Excursion to Boolarra". Details of an excursion by society's members to Boolarra, led by Ian Hibbins
- Plant Valma. "Excursion to Budgeree". Details of an excursion by society's members to Budgeree, led by Bruce Hall. Budgeree was first settled in the 1870s. A bauxite mine was visited as well as early buildings. pp8-9.
- Evans, Ruth. "The Goodwin Family". The Goodwin family arrived in South Australia in 1849 and moved to Melbourne in 1853. One of the sons William was rewarded for finding the best track between Woods Point and Matlock. William visited many goldfields before arriving at Walhalla. He married Martha Cadden in 1871 and they selected land in Toongabbie in 1876. William became a councillor, a J.P. and promoted the Gippsland Lakes. He also established a sawmill in Toongabbie. William was influential in the establishment of the Mechanics Institute. Martha died in 1905 and William in 1928. Details of other Goodwin family members are included. pp9-11.
- "Official Re-opening of the Traralgon Court House - Wednesday, February 24, 1993". The Traralgon court opened in 1876 in part of the Traralgon Hotel. A courthouse was built in 1886 as part of the Post Office. When the Moe courthouse opened, the Magistrates' Court sat at Traralgon in 1989 for the last time. The courthouse was renovated and, in 1993, re-opened as a Family Court. pp11-13.
- Lynch, Heather. "Rededication of St. Mark's, Rosedale". St Mark's Church of England building was completed in 1867. By the 1980s, it was in need of repair which was performed by volunteers with local and government donations. The church was rededicated on 16 January 1993. pp13-14.
- Obituary. Ruth Eccles (nee Welch). 1910 - 18 February 1993. Late of Traralgon. pp14-15.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1954". pp15-16.
- "Private Charles E.W. Chester (Died 31 January 1917)". Charles was born at Blackwarry in 1891. After serving as a teacher, he enlisted in 1916, and was sent overseas. Without facing battle, he died of cerebro-spinal meningitis in 1917. pp16-17.
Volume 24 Issue 3 - July 1993
- Robinson, Sharon; Leonie Robinson. "Excursion to Toongabbie". Following on from the presentation by Ruth Evans in the previous issue, the members of the society visited Toongabbie. Many of Goodwin related sites were visited. pp4-6.
- Graham, Arch. "Aygee Soft Drinks". A detailed history of the soft drink company started by Arch William Graham in 1950. Initially both Arch and his brother Allan worked for Alfred Lawrence & Co, an essence distiller in Melbourne. Arch left Melbourne in 1937 to take up a position with the APM. In 1950, Arch started producing essences and food colourings in his kitchen at home, later expanding into his garage. In 1951, Arch's brother Allan, who had experience in cordials and syrups joined the company. In 1952. Allan became the manager and they built a factory in Tanjil Street. The company also had franchises for cigarettes and wrapping paper. It now operates from a large factory in Eastern Road. Allan (Jnr) is the current managing director. pp6-8.
- Dunbar, Don. "Traralgon Business Area in 1920s". The population of Traralgon in the late 1920s was about 1500. With the aid of maps, Don described the businesses in the town, including four butter factories, Post Office, Court house, Gippsland Trading Company, Ryans Hotel, Grand Junction Hotel, Mechanics Institute, Town Hall, Fire Station, four banks, five churches, Two doctors, two dentists, two chemists, three sale-yards, gas works and numerous stores. pp9-10.
- Whyte, Arthur. "The History of Traralgon Lawn Bowls". At a public meeting in 1908, a committee was elected to organise a bowling club. The initial membership was 47. Land was bought on the east side of Breed Street, roughly opposite Henry Street, four grass greens were laid and it was open for the 1908-1909 season. In 1921, three more links were added, and in 1923, the club house was extended. In 1939, women were allowed to play. Membership dropped during the war years to 43 men and 26 ladies. The club house was replaced in 1963. In 1968, membership was 190 men and 130 women. In 1980, the club moved into its current site in Liddiard Road with 21 rinks. In 1993, membership was over 550. pp10-12.
- Obituary. Emily Catherine Somers (nee Miles). 1922 - 1993. Late of Traralgon. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Hilda May Marriott (nee Chapple). 1905 - 10 April 1993. Late of Traralgon. p14.
- Obituary. Mary Doreen Cranwell (nee Dunbar). 9 June 1916 - 20 May 1993. pp14-15.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1955". pp15-17.
Volume 24 Issue 4 - September 1993
- Cameron, Lindsay. "Gippsland & Northern". In 1902, dairy farmers in the Western District of Victoria joined a co-operative to market and export their butter. In 1905, the Co-operative Butter Factories of Gippsland also decided to set up a marketing company which eventually became known as Gippsland & Northern Company Ltd. The company grew and opened branches all over Victorian and the Riverina. In 1967, Gippsland & Northern amalgamated with Western District Co-operative and Victorian Butter Factories Co-Operative to form the Amalgamated Co-Operative Marketers. G&N had separate departments for livestock, real estate, seed and Grain, merchandise and travel. Dalgety eventually took over G&N. pp11-12.
- Obituary. John Irving O.A.M. 12 May 1910 - 20 July 1993. pp12-14.
- Obituary. Ella May Daniel (nee Hall). 4 October 1900 - 25 July 1993. pp14-15.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1956". pp15-17.
Volume 24 Issue 5 - December 1993
- Hood, Jim. "Nambrok/Denison Soldier Settlement". The Soldier Settlement Act 1946 allowed the government to compulsorily acquire land for returned servicemen with farming experience. The Nambrok Homestead Run had been subdivided after WW I, and was compulsorily acquired under this act. Jim's father obtained a block of 84 acres in 1955. Jim related his memories of growing up on this land. pp6-7.
- Plant, Valma. "Cattanach's Welding, A Traralgon East Industry". Francis Cattanach came to Traralgon in 1939, he was a qualified electric welder, and worked for the A.P.M. for six years before starting a back yard business in his home in Breed Street. Business grew and it moved to 169 Argyle Street in 1966. It is still a family business. p9.
- Wood, Claire. "1907, Building in Traralgon". An extract from "Gippsland Farmers Journal" 2 July 1907. A detailed description of the house built by Chris Woodward for Mr. W McDonald. pp9-10.
- Davidson, John W. "Buntine - Davidson". A brief history of the connection between the Davidson and Buntine families in Gippsland. The Orr family is also mentioned. pp11-12.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1957". pp12-13.
- Obituary. Violet Rosanna Tanner (nee Cochrane). 23 September 1902 - 28 September 1993. pp13-14.
- Obituary. Waltham Alan Lang. 26 August 1928 - 20 October 1993. Late of Traralgon. p14.
- Obituary. Charles William Cadwallader. 5 October 1993 aged 85. pp14-15.
- Chenhall, Keith. "Recollections of the Railway Reservoir Reserve". Keith's first memory was being taken, by his father, to the local tip which was on the northeast corner of the reserve. The remainder of the reserve was a nine-hole golf course (with a big water hazard). The tram track for the transport of gravel to the roads of the CBD also crossed the reserve. pp15-16.
- Edwards, J. "Bulga Park Bridge". An extract from a letter to the Park Ranger, which describes the construction of the bridge. pp16-18.
Volume 25 Issue 1 - March 1994 This year's volume focuses on entertainment.
- Lang, Mary. [Latrobe River Flood 1934]. Mary's parents were sharefarmers Tom and Edith Maskrey and she had two older brothers. Mary described her memories of the major flood on 2 December 1934 where the Latrobe River rose by many metres. The family only survived by moving into the roof space with the water nearly reaching the ceiling. The family was rescued by a rowboat. Most of their cows, pigs, ducks and hens were lost. The Latrobe River was later snagged and another flood of that severity has not occurred since. pp5-7
- Rimington, Charles. "Childhood Recollections of Long Bridge House (The Star Hotel)". The Rimington family moved into the Long Bridge House in about 1919. Mrs. Cameron owned the property and occupied two rooms at the front of the house. Charles described the house, the fish and eels caught from the creek, the orchid, the neighbours (Wright, Tanner, Feldt, Williams) and the passing traffic. pp7-10.
- Obituary. Ann Maria Parker. 26 August 1897 - 27 November 1993. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Lilian Northe. 28 December 1910 - 26 December 1993. p13.
- Obituary. Eric John Bayliss. 4 June 1904 - 14 January 1994. pp13-14.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1958". pp14-16.
Volume 25 Issue 2 - May 1994
- Dunbar, Donald. "Traralgon Water Supply". Traralgon's first water supply came from a pump on the Traralgon Creek just north of the Long Bridge. Permission was gained to use water from the Railway Reservoir for firefighting purposes only. A plebiscite of ratepayers decided to install a gravity fed supply from the Tyers Creek. From 1908 to 1920, parts of the town were reticulated. Pressure was a problem, so the water tower in Henry Street was built. After the war a second pipeline was installed from the Tyers Creek. In 1956 water was supplied from the Moondarra Reservoir. A report on an excursion to the mentioned sites is included in the article. pp4-7.
- "Entertainment". A very brief presentation from members of the society, on the memories of entertainment in the early days. pp8-9.
- Macreadie, Don. "Police Constable John O'Connor". John had arrived from Ireland in 1857 and appointed a constable the following year and was the first policeman in Traralgon. He married Ellen Hughes of Sale in 1860 and had nine children. John was transferred to Rosedale in 1863 where he selected land at Thornfield. In the 1870s, he was appointed a Crown Lands Bailiff, and later Inspector of Nuisances. John became a Senior Constable in 1874. In 1878, he left the Police Force and served as inspector of various areas such as Public Houses, Licensed Premises, Excise and Health. John died in 1911. pp9-10.
- King, Nance. W. "Thomas Moorhouse: Pioneer Minister of the Anglican Parish of Traralgon". An extract of an article written by Mrs. King for "The Gippsland Anglican". Thomas Moorhouse was born in England in 1849. He arrived in Victoria and visited Traralgon within a week. By 1879, he was holding 2-3 services each Sunday rotating between Flinns Creek, Traralgon (4), Traralgon South (2) , Callignee, Glengarry, Glengarry West, Maryvale and Hazelwood, and occasional services at Maffra, Toongabbie and Walhalla. Thomas became an ordained priest in 1883. From then he was transferred to Chiltern, Seymour and finally Cheltenham, where died in 1920. pp10-12.
- "Mr. E. Grubb's New Shop and Showrooms". An extract from the "Gippsland Farmer's Journal", 2 July 1907, provided by Claire Wood. A description of Mr. Grubb's impressive new two storey shop. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Cyril James Smillie. 4 June 1902 - 19 January 1994.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1959". pp14-15.
- Walton, Margaret. "A Gippsland Girlhood". Margaret is the daughter of local businessman, Arthur Layton. It is a very detailed history of the life of Margaret as a child growing up Traralgon. pp15-17. To be continued.
Volume 25 Issue 3 - July 1994
- Hood, Jim. "Ceremony at the Grave of George Bolton Eagle". The re-dedication of the grave of George Bolton Eagle was held on 5 June 1994. George was the first white man to die in Traralgon and was buried near the junction of the Traralgon Creek and the Latrobe River in 1863. pp8-9.
- Court, Jean. "History of Traralgon's Mechanics Institute". The Lands Department granted land on the corner of Franklin and Hotham Streets, and with use of donated materials and some services, an Instate was built. The building was soon completely flattened in a severe store. A grand new brick building on a new site was erected. Walter West was secretary from 1884 until 1923, and then President until 1934. In 1925, the Town Hall and offices were built next to the Mechanics Institute. In time, the buildings became unused, and were rented out and finally demolished in 1972. pp9-11.
- Walton, Margaret. "A Gippsland Girlhood". The continuation of the story of Margaret's vivid memories as a child up until she went to boarding school in Melbourne. pp11-13.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1960". pp13-14.
- Obituary. Joan Tanner (nee Lindsay). 17 September 1926 - 1 May 1994. pp14-15.
- Obituary. Morva Saunders (nee McKeand). 4 April 1902 - 18 May 1994
- Lindsay, Mavis. "The Travelling Movie Show". A detailed history of Mavis' life in the cinema industry. In the 1940s, Bill and Sally Fullerton had a regular film run in Gippsland. In 1947, Mavis and her husband took over this business. The film show was a on a fortnightly circuit of Gormandale, Rosedale, Cowwarr, Yinnar, Boolarra, Boisdale, Lindenow, Paynesville and a Stratford show every Saturday. The article also includes details of people they interacted with. pp16-17.
Volume 25 Issue 4 - September 1994
- McMaster, Elsie. "Women of the Valley". An extract from the upcoming publication of "Women of the Valley", describing the hard life of the Rainbow family of Hernes Oak. pp5-8.
- Curtis Dora. "Visiting the Grave of George Bolton Eagle". A visit to the grave was made by society's members. The grave now has a nice wrought iron surround to protect it from grazing cattle. A history of George was given by our president, and the history of Hobson's Run, by Dugald Campbell. pp8-10.
- Hore, Ron. "Our Post Office Clock". Initially, no clock was planned for the Traralgon Post Office, but was added when funded by public donation. The PO was built in 1887 and the clock added in 1892. Lights were added in about 1948, and clock converted to electric drive in 1965. p10.
- Fullard, Margaret. "Entertainment in the '30s, '40s & '50s". Detailed personal memories of entertainment in her early days, which started with Sunday family get-togethers, playing with cousins, being read stories, reading books, movies, radio, dances, sports, clubs and car trips. pp11-13.
- Davidson, John. "Traralgon, 100 years ago". One hundred years ago the "Gippsland Farmers Journal" became the "Traralgon Journal". This article contains extracts from the 1894 issue. pp13-16.
- Graeme, Heather. "Flynns Creek". Heather wrote an assignment on the history of Flynns Creek for her degree. Chapter Two covers the "Occupation of the Land" including a detail description of the Aboriginal clans before, and at the time of, the arrival of the white man. pp16-18.
Volume 25 Issue 5 - December 1994
- Morrison, Peter. "Coopers Creek". A detailed history of the town on the Thomson River. In 1864, Donald McLeod discovered good quality copper. Many small companies mined for copper, platinum, silver and lime. Insignificant amounts of gold were found. The town of Coopers Creek reached its peak in the 1870s with a population of 200, 22 houses, two lime kilns, a general store, a hotel and a school. Many attempts to re-open the copper mine have all failed and the town is now nearly deserted. In October an excursion of 90 people visited the site and further details of the kilns was given. The lime was used by CSR for refining sugar at Cairns. pp10-12.
- Dunbar, Donald. "The Dunbar Family". The Dunbar family originates in Scotland. James Dunbar, his wife, and one surviving child arrived in Australia in 1854, lived in the Braybrook and Werribee areas, before coming to Traralgon in about 1876. The children of James and Christina were Duncan (born in Scotland), Hugh, Janet, Annabelle, John James, Margaret, Alexander, Peter, Ellen and Kate. All the sons remained in the Traralgon and Morwell area, while all the daughters married and moved away. Individual histories of Hugh's children and of Hugh's brother is included. pp12-15.
- Obituary. Norman James Thompson. 24 September 1916 - 21 September 1994. Late of Koornalla. p15
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1961". pp15-17.
- "Traralgon, 1941". An Extract from the Victorian Municipal Directory. p17.
Volume 26 Issue 1 - March 1995 This year's volume focuses on the 50th Anniversary of the end of World War II.
- Lynch, Heather. [Morley Family History]. A very brief article. Jesse and Hannah Morley arrived in Melbourne, in 1844, as Bounty Migrants. Their son, Jesse, selected land at Gormandale and raised a large family there. p6.
- Waite, Mildred. "Memories of Traralgon". Mildred related her early memories of living in Traralgon and the businesses in the main street. pp8-10.
- Plant, Valma. "The Layton Buildings". A brief history of the Layton Building on the south east corner of Franklin and Hotham. The building was erected about 1905 by F & E Grubb. Ownership was originally in the hands of T & G Grogan, but by 1907 it was owned by Layton Bros. Since then it has only had two owners, Manson Dermax in 1973 and later Mr. Quigley (who restored most of the facade to its original looks). W.A. Purvis and A. Errington, and later Rockmans, had shops on the ground floor. pp10-11.
- "Alfred Ernest Layton and Arthur Layton". A brief history of the Layton brothers. Joseph Layton had a wearing apparel shop in Flinders Lane in Melbourne, and purchased land in Traralgon for his two sons. They operated drapery, general store and grocery businesses on the site. Initially the brothers lived above the store, but when Arthur married, he moved into "Tarrangower" on the corner of Albert and Seymour Streets. Alfred also moved out when he married. The Laytons owned a bus which they would load with goods and travel to Carrajung, Balook and Callignee. They also had depots at Tyers, Gormandale, Glengarry and Yarram. In 1936, Purvis stores bought part of the business, Erringtons leased another part, and the Layton brothers moved back to Melbourne. pp11-12.
- Obituary. Elsie May Lee (nee Pattison). 15 February 1909 - 24 November 1994. pp12-13.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1962". pp13-14.
Volume 26 Issue 2 - May 1995
- Power, John; Jennie Hammell. "Letters from World War I". A brief but moving article on letters sent home from the front, in this case, from Robert Power. pp5-6.
- Langstaff, Fay. "Henry Street, Through the Eyes of a Schoolgirl in the Early 1930". Starting from Breed Street on the right hand side, the first house was Pop Lindsay (headmaster, Grey St School), Next was Ross, tin fence, Nixon on the corner of Albert St. Across Albert Street was Humphries (the carrier), then Mrs. Jones, Morley, and Donaldson. On the corner of Mabel Street was a private hospital run by Nurse Le Bat(?) and her mother Mrs. Robinson(?). Then paddocks until Ethel Street where the Glenisters lived. The town finished at Loch Park Road. Heading back down the south side of the street were Laytons between Loch Park Road and Ethel Street. Next were Long, then a vacant block, then a house built by Christensen. Next house was Miss Kate Scheibel and her brother, then Gerald English and then Miss Brady (a Grey St School teacher). Next was Jack Duck, then Thresher, then Bennett, then Morrison and lastly Roland Hill's house on the corner of Breed Street. Above Loch Park Road, the street was initially called Cromwell Street. pp10-12.
- Obituary. Eileen Grace Jacobs (nee Faulkner). 9 February 1995, aged 95. pp10-11.
- Obituary. Verna Daisy Clarke (nee Ladson). 20 March 1916 - 13 February 1995. pp13-14.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1963". pp14-16.
- "The New Tourists' Guide and Victorian View Album for 1888-1889". Extract from the above publication for meals on the Gippsland train line. For example, one could have half a chicken, two slices of ham, two rolls, butter and cheese, a pint of ale, small amount of vegetables, seasonings and two napkins. Price 3s 6d. pp16-18.
Volume 26 Issue 3 - July 1995
- Wood, Marjorie. "The War Diary of Arthur Cyril Robinson". Cyril, as he preferred to be called, was born and schooled in Rosedale. He was working his way up the vocational ladder of the Postal Department, when war broke out and he enlisted. Cyril fought at Singapore and was a POW at Changi. He kept a diary in which wrote about happenings mainly in the form of poems. Cyril and his diary survived the war. Extracts of his poems and their backgrounds were presented by Marjorie. pp5-9.
- Mitchell, John. "Council Amalgamation and Future Directions". An article detailing the background behind Victorian council amalgamations. pp9-10.
- Wood, M.A. "Traralgon Air Raid Precautions Services". After the war in the Pacific started, the A.R.P. was started. Mr. J.J. McMillan was District Warden, Mr. S.J. Bowden was Demolition Engineer, Messrs. W.H. Forster and A Errington were First Aid Superintendents, Mr. H Halmshaw was Office Warden and the following were Sector Wardens; Messrs. J.W. Beard, L.G. Bell, H.F Christensen, I. Cone, J. Dunbar, E.A. Farmer, C.H. Ford, M. Johnson, P. Johnson, S.R. Kelson, K.G. Lorimer, W.f. Mayne, S.J. Missen, D.J. Walker and R.F. Webb. p13.
- Macreadie, Don. "St. Joseph's School, Cowwarr". The school predates the creation of the Roman Catholic Parish of Cowwarr in 1870. The school closed in 1895, but in 1919 a new school and a convent for the Sisters of St. Joseph were opened. In 1954, the school was closed, but the sisters stayed on until 1977 performing teaching duties in Heyfield and Cowwarr. pp13-14.
- Obituary. Graham Harold O'Meara. 15 September 1908 - 15 March 1995. p14.
- Obituary. Leonard Henry Curran. 1913 - 1995
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1964". pp15-16.
- "Henry Street, Through the Eyes of a Schoolgirl in the Early 1930". Further information has been submitted to add extra names and history to the presentation made by Fay Langstaff in the last Bulletin. pp16-17.
Volume 26 Issue 4 - September 1995
- Freeman, Gladys. "Schoolgirl Memories of the War Years". In the time of war, pupils were taught basic first aid and carried around a first aid kit. Evacuation drill was practiced jumping into a slit trench dug where the Astrodome now stands. Life was regulated by ration coupons. Gladys knitted socks for soldiers. Fortunately, all her relatives came home. pp11-12.
- Timmins, Mrs. "Red Cross During the 2nd World War". A variety of ways were used to make money for the Red Cross. One boy rabbited on the weekends and donated the money, a man made camouflage nets. Pajamas, pullovers, helmets, caps and socks were made and donated. The Red Cross ran first Aid training, and regularly held raffles with prizes such as a jersey calf, or a bag of potatoes. Dripping was rendered down and sent to England. p12.
- McKay, Betty. "Life in the Womens Land Army". The Womens Land Army was formed to encourage women to take on the roles of farm workers to replace those that had enlisted. In the author's case, she learnt to drench sheep, to round them up and assist during the lambing season. Her work also involved fencing, repairing machinery, growing beans for their seeds to be sent to England. Generally they had the weekends off to tend to their personal needs and enjoyment. pp13-14.
- Obituary. Aage (Owen) Nielson.8 April 1918 - 16 June 1995. p15.
- Macreadie, Don. "The Sherwood Family, Cowwarr". Frederick Sherwood was possibly born in Tasmania. He married Mary Tothal at Tarraville in 1861. Frederick would have been a supplier to the Walhalla. He died aged 29, in Cowwarr from excessive drinking, but was wealthy in spite of the drinking. His wife also died of excessive drinking in 1872, They had one son, Frederick, and two daughters, Mary and Emma. p15-16.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1965". pp17-18.
Volume 26 Issue 5 - December 1995
- King, Harry. "The V.D.C. During the War Years". The Volunteer Defence Corps usually consisted of officers from WW I, men classified as medically unfit for service, and those in a reserved occupation. Traralgon was the Headquarters for the Gippsland area with officers being Messrs. Dickson and Soutar. Members were trained in rifle shooting, grenades and mortars. pp4-5.
- Deane, Win. "Nursing in War Time". Recollections of a nurse serving in the Sale Hospital during the war
- Bugg, Mal. "The Australian Defence Forces". A critical look at the preparedness of Australian forces for WW I, WW II and the Vietnam War. p11.
- Davidson, John. "Traralgon, 100 years ago". Extracts from the "Gippsland Farmers Journal" 1895. pp12-14.
- Obituary. Edna Pearl Archbold (nee Fryer). 18 June 1905 - 13 June 1995. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Seddon Scott. 7 August 1907 - October 1995. p16.
- Obituary. Basil George Arklay. 21 December 1922 - 12 October 1995. pp16-17.
Volume 27 Issue 1 - March 1996 This year's volume focuses on the Gormandale area.
- Christensen, Pamela. "The Christensen Family". A detailed history of the Christensen family with half the article describing their pre-immigration time in Denmark. Soren and Anne Christensen had 11 children in Denmark and the five sons came to Australia separately. The eldest son, Soren came in 1853, and the others over the next 15 years. Soren started a store and bakery, then wandered as far as Geelong, finally settling at "St. Elmo" at Glengarry. Most of the Christensens in the Tyers area are descended from Soren. Second son, Niels arrived later in 1853 and became a storekeeper in Alberton and settled into farming. He married Emma Slawson in 1861, had five children that survived into adulthood, all of which remained in South Gippsland. Zachaus was the third to arrive in 1860. He was involved in lime kilns at Longford and then farming at Glengarry. Zachaus married Maryanne MacDonald and had six children. Most of the Glengarry Christensens are descended from Zachaus. The fourth brother, Christen, arrived in 1862, and selected land around Glengarry. Although he was a shire councillor, he was infamous for his other behaviour, such as locking a policeman in jail. He married Charlotte Ostler in 1871, they had 11 children and moved to Western Australia. The youngest son, Adolph arrived in 1868. He married Elizabeth Turner in 1881 and they four sons. pp6-10.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1966". pp13-14.
- Obituary. Thomas Standing. 1903 - 9 December 1995. pp14-15.
- Power John. "The Closing of a Page of History - Gormandale School 2482". The original school opened in 1882, but only for a few months. It re-opened in 1884 with John Gilsenan as teacher for the next 20 years. Re-unions had been previously held in 1950, 1962 and 1982. p16.
- "Goodbye to Gormandale East School No 2877". Merriman's Creek School 2877 opened at Timbs Crossing in 1888. White ants caused havoc and after 22 years another school was opened within a mile of Gormandale. It was closed in 1995. p17.
Volume 27 Issue 2 - May 1996
- Power, John. "The Contributions of Walter and William Power to Gormandale". Walter John Power was born at Glenelg in 1850. He came to Gippsland in about 1870 and married Eureka Wright in 1876. He selected land at what is now called "Powers Hill", and cleared a track and built a house. Walter went fencing to supplement family income. He served the community well being a shire Councillor and President, a J.P., and on numerous committees. William Francis Power was the third son of John and Eureka. For a while he worked in Queensland and NSW. William took over many of his father's duties when he died. pp8-9.
- Missen, Ned. "Selection of Land at Gormandale by the Missen Family". Joseph and Charlotte Missen and their five children sailed from England in 1854, and lived at Tullamarine, and then Nuntin, before settling at Flynn. Six of their children selected land in the south and south-west of Gormandale. pp9-10.
- Onley Bill. [Dairy Point]. The first settlers arrived in Gormandale about 1880 mainly from the goldfields. The Onley family moved there from Lower Tarwin in 1925, settling at ""Dairy Point", previously owned by Felix Hughes, George Britnall, Gerald and John English and the Morgans. Boom times existed until the Depression. Isolation (lack of transport) was a big problem. pp10-12.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1967". pp12-15.
- Cuthill, W.J.; Noel Plant; Alan Plant. "Grey Street - About 1936". A description of the occupants living in Grey street about that time.
Volume 27 Issue 3 - July 1996
- "Excursion to Gormandale". Although this article began as notes on an excursion, it is actually a very large and detailed history of Gormandale. Bill Onley, Ted Biddiscombe, Don Macreadie and Marjorie Stuckey all spoke of their family's involvement in the butter factory. Thelma Young, described the Lane Family. Jim Thexton described the sports ground. Annette Power gave a history of her great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Milne. Brian Ramsay described his personal history in the town. [This is possibly the largest article in the Bulletins' history.] pp4-11
- Power, J.F. "Bank's Road, Gormandale and The Yard Creek". A short history of the Bank's Road and Yard Creek area, just south of Gormandale. pp11-13.
- Smillie, Edith. "The Cloverdale Cheese Factory". A private cheese Factory was built by Gerald English in 1917. The factory closed after 7 years. pp13-14.
- Ashworth, Robert. "The Walhalla Railway". A history of the Moe-Walhalla railway with emphasis on the rebuilding of the tourist railway. pp14-15.
- Obituary. Joseph Keith Lang. 1911 - 1996. Late of Glengarry. pp16-17.
Volume 27 Issue 4 - September 1996
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1968". pp8-12.
- Chenhall, Keith. "Recollections of Grey Street". A follow up article from the one in the May issue, giving more memories of the early occupants of Grey Street. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Charles Gilbert Nugent Grout. Known as Gil. 14 July 1914 - 21 June 1996. pp13-14.
- Wood, M.A. "Royal Road through Gippsland". Background letters to the re-naming of the highway from Sydney to Melbourne via Gippsland as "Prince's Highway" to mark the visit of H.R.H. Prince of Wales, pp14-15.
- "Traralgon Hospital Trust Queen Carnival, 1934". A transcription of a Souvenir Programme for the carnival. pp15-17. [To be continued.]
Volume 27 Issue 5 - December 1996
- Synan, Peter. "The Chinese in Gippsland". The first large contingent of Chinese men (no families) was from Amoy (in China), indentured under the Master and Servants Act for four or five years. They arrived in Geelong in 1848 and served as shepherds, cooks, servants and labourers. After the indenture, or if they were dismissed, some returned home to Amoy, or went to the goldfields, or became traders or vegetable growers. Many were physically mistreated. Examples in Gippsland are Thomas Cato who was indentured to Angus McMillan and became a prosperous farmer, Poa Nine who was indentured at Holey Plains and became a baker in Rosedale, and William Tangee who was possibly indentured to Snake Ridge and became a notable market gardener. pp5-6.
- Piera, Denis. "Piera Family History". An article on the ancestry of Fritz Piera and Sarah Teeling who were married at Tarraville in 1861. The birth and death dates of their children is included. The names of the Piera children were Richard Arie, Suzanna Johanna, Fred, Margaret Anne, Charles, Walter, Sarah (Doll), Julia and William. pp6-7.
- Davidson, John W. "Traralgon 100 Years Ago". Extracts from the "Gippsland Farmers Journal"; 1896". pp7-11.
- Douglas, Annie. "Memories of Traralgon Picture Theatre". Memories of the Saturday afternoon serials. On Saturday nights, Mrs. Glenister was the pianist. Happy memories! p11.
- Power, John. "The Yard Creek - The Selectors". A very detailed history of the selectors on Yard Creek at Gormandale, and the many later owners of the selections. It is necessary to refer to the map of Yard Creek in Vol. 27, Issue 3 of the Bulletin. pp12-14.
- Cross Graham. "Llamas in Gippsland". Graham's personal experience with llamas as an industry and as pets. pp14-15.
- Obituary. Monica Le grand. 3 June 1918 - 13 September 1996. Late of Traralgon. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Brian James Ramsay. 12 January 1944 - 19 October 1996. pp16-18.
Volume 28 Issue 1 - March 1997 This year's volume focuses on the area of Balook.
- "Excursion to Gormandale". An excursion by society's members to Gormandale, concentrating on the sites of the "Gowrie" homestead and the Sydney Cottage School. pp5-8.
- Bonighton, Stan. "Harness Racing". The history of harness racing in Victoria with details of the Traralgon Harness Racing Club which operated from 1975 to 1995. pp8-9
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1969". pp10-14.
- Plant, Valma. "The Many Homes of the T.D.H.S. Inc.". The history of the Traralgon & District Historical Society which was formed at a public meeting on 6 March 1962. A list of the original office bearers is included. The Society has operated from numerous buildings which were, in order, Municipal Offices, temporary Shire Offices, Mechanics Institute, City Reception Rooms, Salvation Army Hall, Hickox Street, R.S.L., Traralgon Senior Citizens club-rooms, and in the mid 1990s, a permanent home in the Kath Teychenne Centre in Breed Street. pp14-15.
- Mayze, Thelma. "John Murfett". John Murfett in 1870 at Ballarat. He moved to the Kilmany area with his brother-in-law James Turpin, in the early 1880s. Both John and James selected land on the Willung South Road at Gormandale. John married Julia Piera in 1903, they had eight children, of which six survived. John had a dairy herd and produced cheese and then butter. In winter, he did road work for the council. pp15-17.
Volume 28 Issue 2 - May 1997
- Campbell, Craig. [Tarra-Bulga Park]. A presentation by the park Ranger. Bulga was declared a reserve in 1903 and Tarra Valley in 1909. Initially the totaled 160 acres. The were joined in 1986 and expanded to form 1,600 hectares of near-virgin bush. The upper slopes are dominated by Mountain Ash, and the gullies by Myrtle Beech and Sassafras. Native animals are abundant. Ferns, epiphytes, orchids and fungi grow everywhere in the gullies. Members of the society later took an excursion to the park. pp7-9.
- Hood, Jim. "Centenary of the Birth of Charles Kingsford Smith (1897 - 1997)". Details of a celebration held to co commemorate a visit by Kingsford to Morwell in 1932. On that day, tickets were sold for people to take joy flights with the famous aviator. p11.
- Power, Annette. "The Story of the Gilsenan Family". John Davis Gilsenan was born in Essendon in 1854. Like his father, he became a teacher in 1873. He was appointed Schoolmaster at the Gormandale/Willung South school in 1884, where he taught for 22 years. John married Catherine Carr in 1887 and they had seven children. John and Catherine operated the Post Office for many years. John died in 1927. pp12-13.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1970". pp13-17.
Volume 28 Issue 3 - July 1997
- Howden, Trevor. "History of the Cordial Factories of Traralgon, and the Soda Water Industry". A list of cordial makers and their bottles and a brief history of bottling is covered in this article. The factories were owned by (in chronological order) W.E. Gibson & Co., Louis Bell, T.A. Pettit, M.J. Powditch, May Thorley (nee McGaw), Lyle McGaw, A. Gilbert, Walter Muston, R. Scarlett, Bruce Wilkinson (Alpine), Aygee (Arch and Allan Graham). The first four makers most likely used the cordial factory located on the west bank of the Traralgon Creek in Shakespeare Street. The bridge there became known as the "cordial bridge". pp9-11.
- Huffer, K.M. "Marking the Sites of Schools Now Closed". Details on the progress of a project to mark the sites of closed schools in this area. pp11-12.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1971". pp12-15. [To be continued in the next issue.]
- "Shine On Awards". A member of our society, Michael Thompson, was one of nine recipients of the annual "Shine-on" awards presented by Rotary which focus on the abilities of those with disabilities. pp15-16.
- Mayze, Thelma. "Follow-up Visit to Gormandale". A return visit by Thelma Mayze and Kathleen Huffer for a more leisurely tour of the area, with the guidance of Denis and Helen Piera. They visited the site of the Sydney Cottage School, Timb's Crossing, and the sites of homes of Thelma's Murfett ancestors. pp17-18.
Volume 28 Issue 4 - September 1997
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1971". Continued from the previous issue of the Bulletin. pp10-11.
- Davidson, John W. "Traralgon 100 Years Ago". Extracts from the "Gippsland Farmers Journal"; 1897". pp11-14.
- Obituary. Donald Dunbar, M.B.E. J.P.. 1920 - 21 June 1997. p14.
- Obituary. Jean Black (nee Stoddart). 4 May 1919.- 1997. pp14-15.
- Obituary. B.D. (Mac) MacGregor. 2 July 1997. pp15-16.
- Appleton, Nita. "Balook Primary School". The experience of a mother of children attending Balook Primary School. pp16-17.
Volume 28 Issue 5 - December 1997
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon "Journal"; 1972". pp9-11.
- Power, J. "Willung South School No 3340". A detailed history of the school that opened in 1899. In 1912, the school became part-time with Carrajung South No 3304. The school was relocated in 1916 and closed in 1920. After that, it operated intermittently until it re-opened in 1938 and closed in 1973. pp11-12.
- Madeley, P. "Callignee and Callignee South Schools". Detailed personal recollections of the two schools, including a list of teachers. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Edith Elizabeth Hewat (nee Huffer). 15 April 1914 - 6 September 1997. pp13-14.
- Obituary. Eileen Scott. 1902 - 1997. pp14-16.
- Obituary. Thomas Henry King. 3 June 1913 - 1997. pp16-17.
- "Extract from "Vision and Realisation". An extract from the mentioned book of school #3584.p17.
Volume 29 Issue 1 - March 1998
- Le Cheminant, Marion; Jeremy Hales. "A Search for Two Gippsland Graves". A description of the research into the deaths of Henry Meyrick and Mrs. Catherine Desailly (nee Spotswood) in 1847 at Fulham. pp6-7.
- Bishop, Jean. "A. H. Cross. 1877-1945". Jean Bishop (nee Cross) gives an account of Arthur Henry Cross who arrived as a child in Traralgon in the early 1880s. He began as a paperboy while still at school. He purchased the newsagency from Mr. Hendon in the early 1900s.
- "Big Blaze at Traralgon, Yesterday; Railway Coffee Palace Goes Up in Smoke, Relic of Old Walhalla Gone". Extract from the Traralgon Journal March 8, 1928. pp14-15. [Note: Same article as in Vol 11 No 2.]
- Edwards, E.J.."The Foot-bridge At Bulga Park". Description of the re-building of the foot-bridge. The original was devastated by floods in 1934. pp17-18.
Volume 29 Issue 2 - May 1998
- Morgan, Patrick. "Literature and Culture in the Victorian State School System". Mentions the 'school reader', school celebration days such as 'Wattle Day', Gippsland authors and poets. pp6-10.
- Obituary. Hildegard Asta Beitlich. 21.10.04 - 28.03.98 pp16-18.
Volume 29 Issue 3 - July 1998
- Walshe, Len. "History of the Central Gippsland Hospital, Traralgon". Mr. Walshe is the publisher of "Health Care in the Valley of Power". A brief history of the small Traralgon hospitals (Ewington and Cumnock) prior to the opening of the CGH in 1956. pp5-7
- Hunter, Meryl. "Littlewood, Hotham St, Traralgon". An account of the house "Littlewood" originally built for A. H. Cross in 1911 on the corner of Hotham and Deakin Streets. pp11-12.
- Obituary. James Arthur Wall. 10/11/1915 - 22/4/1998. p13.
- Obituary. Ernest George Missen. 12/11/1920 - 19/3/1998. p13.
- Obituary. Mary Coldrick (nee Murfett) 13/2/1904 - -24/4/1998. p14.
- Obituary. Ethel Mavis Mockridge (nee Ries) 1915 - 1998. p15.
- Power, John. "Mailmen of Gippsland". A history the postal services and mailmen for the country through Gormandale, Carrajung, Callignee, Le Roy and Balook. pp16-17
Volume 29 Issue 4 - September 1998
- Wood, Marjorie."Through The Mail, 1883-1891". Interesting highlights of mail to the Traralgon Shire Council covering litigation, claims for compensation, drainage problems, water supply and public health. pp5-7.
- Obituary. Arthur Edward Whyte. 18/1/1903 - 9/7/1998. pp12-14.
- Obituary. Nance Wilson King (nee Tucker). 1917 - 1998. pp14-15.
- Obituary. Stella Nielsen. 1909 - 1998. p15.
- Cray, Dianne. "The Grey Street School". The history of the school from 1909 to 1987. pp15-16.
- Evans, Fay. "The Gorman Family". John Stacey Gorman was born in England in 1843. After coming to Australia he worked in the Long Tunnel Mine, Walhalla as a miner. He later became one of the first settlers at Gormandale (which is named after him). He was the licencee of the Rosedale Hotel 1883 - 1885. He died in 1886. John married Mary Paton (nee Kennedy) in 1873. John's brother Philip also immigrated, worked at Walhalla and settled in Gormandale. To be continued next issue. pp16-18.
Volume 29 Issue 5 - December 1998
- Vodden, Roy. "The Traralgon Racing Club Incorporated". A very brief history of the club. p6.
- Cole, Valda. "Mr. Bass's Western Port - Whaleboat Voyage. The Journey of George Bass and six crew in a whaleboat which departed Port Jackson in 1797 with six weeks of supplies to resolve whether Van Diemans Land was part of the mainland. They reached Western Port bay before returning. Arrived home after 12 weeks. pp6-9.
- Evans, Faye."The Gorman Family (continued)".Continued from previous issue. Details of Philip's and (the third brother) Isaac's descendants. pp10-11.
- Cuthill, W. J. . Obituary. Linda Emma Cuthill. 19/3/1909 - 10/11/1998. pp11-15
- Huffer, Kathleen. "A Tribute to Linda".
Volume 30 Issue 1 - March 1999
- "Bert Kempston Coates - Citizen and Soldier". The history of Mr. Coates narrated by a number of his friends. pp6-7.
- Goodwin, Glenys. Obituary. Jack Buntine. 1895 1998. pp10-11.
- Obituary. Brian Harris. 1975 - 1998. p11.
- Obituary. Walter Bruce Scott. Died 1999. p11.
Volume 30 Issue 2 - May 1999
- Hyndman, Ian. "A Tribute to Jean Galbraith". Jean was a very well known and respected botanist and writer who had lived most of her 87 years in Tyers. pp5-7.
- Obituary. Annie Douglas (nee Morrow) 1915-1999. p7.
- Sykes, Barry. "Change Here for Outtrim - The Town and the Book". Barry talked about the coal fields mainly in the Korumburra area especially Outtrim, and the railway lines that serviced the areas. He also spoke of the work involved in writing a book of the same name. pp10-13.
Volume 30 Issue 3 - July 1999
- Obituary. Heather Lynch (nee King). 1923 - 1999. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Annelies Faubel. 1921 - 1999. p13.
- Obituary. Percy Edward Macreadie. 12/10/29 - 9/5/99. p14.
- Kirk, Graham. "The Country Fire Authority". A history of fires services in Traralgon. The Traralgon Brigade formed in 1888, and the CFA in 1944 after the devastating 1939 fires. pp17-18.
Volume 30 Issue 4 - September 1999
- Mirtschin, David. "The Traralgon City Band". A history of the band which first performed in 1881. It was disbanded sometime later and reformed in 1932. In 1953, the band was called the Traralgon and Serviceman's Band. The band hall in Franklin Street was constructed in 1937. In 1995, The Kath Teychenne Centre became their home. pp5-6.
- "A Weather Report". Personal anecdotes of extreme weather conditions in Traralgon, from rain, floods, wind, fire, etc.. Speakers were Ron Hore, Hilda Flowers Denis Piera, Don Macreadie, Merle Morrison, Dorothy Steer, John Power, Valma Plant, Glad Macreadie, Mary Hague, Lorri O'Connor, Nola Matthews, Jim hood and Glenys Goodwin. pp6-13.
- Obituary. Linda Gleeson. 1907 - 1999. p13.
- Obituary. Roy Douglas Evans. 1928 - 1999. p14.
- Obituary. Janet Moore. 27/2/1920 - 1/6/1999. p14.
Volume 30 Issue 5 - December 1999
- Lythgo, Kevin. "Retailing in Traralgon". Kevin was born in Ballarat in 1918. During WWII he worked on the railways. In 1944 he married Jean Fithie of Rosedale. After a stint at the APM, he purchased Alf Brereton's grocery business at 11 Franklin Street in 1950. There are stories of dividing bulk purchases for sale, deliveries and miserly customers. In 1952, he opened a self service grocery store. He later joined the Foodland group. In 1982, he sold the site to the State Savings Bank of Victoria. pp4-6.
- "Walter Albert (Bert) Thompson, MBE (1900 - 1990)". Reminiscences of Michael Sullivan and Bill Cuthill of their friend Bert, that was the owner/editor of the Traralgon Journal. pp8-11.
- Burke, Peter. "Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet 1899 - 1985". A history of the man including a chronological list of his achievements. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Patrick (Paddy) Charles Owen O'Doherty. 14/4/1917 - 10/8/1999. p14.
Volume 31 Issue 1 - March 2000
- "Appreciation of Services Provided by Kathleen Huffer". A thank you article for the 30 years of service by Kathleen as the editor of, and occasional writer for, the Bulletin. p3.
- Obituary. Enid Lillian Phillips (nee McLean). Died 19 November 1999. p11.
- Davidson, John W. "Traralgon State School Area in Early 1930s". Description of the locations of people living in the area surrounding the Grey Street School. Broadly covers the area surrounded by Church, Moore, Franklin and Kay streets. pp13-16.
Volume 31 Issue 2 - May 2000
- Power, J. "Creameries and Carrier Routes". John led an excursion to the creameries at Gormandale, Willung South and Crossover. The names carriers are given. pp8-9.
- Plant, V. "Blackwarry History". A short history of Blackwarry, first settled in 1880 by Hans, Kjergaard. pp9-10.
- Plant, Valma. "Sunnyside Dairy, Traralgon 1938 - 1949". Ed Parker purchased the dairy at 34 Hotham Street from Seth Billingsley in 1938. Anecdotes of the collection runs (from W Adams and Jim Schnaars) and the delivery runs using a horse, car, bicycle and on foot at various times. Home deliveries were from 1am to 7am. pp10-12.
- Lang, Mary. "1934 Latrobe River Flood". Narration of personal experiences of Mary (nee Maskrey) whose father was a sharefarmer on Phil Nixon's property on the river flats. Big loss of stock. pp12-14.
- Obituary. Stanley George Bonighton. 1914 - 17/3/2000. p14
- Obituary. Doris (Dot) McLean. 30/5/1912 - 24/3/2000. p15.
- Obituary. Muriel Hardisty. 1928 - 2000. p15.
Volume 31 Issue 3 - July 2000
- Obituary. Kathleen Margaret Huffer (nee McNamara). 1/6/1908 - 1/6/2000. pp12-15.
Volume 31 Issue 4 - September 2000
- Mayze, T. "The Star Hotel, Traralgon". The history of the Star Hotel, which was built in 1875, and relicensed in 1882 when the highway moved. It then served as a boarding house, then rented out. Every owner made upgrades to the place. pp11-12.
- Lang, Mary. "Growing Up in the 'Thirties and 'Forties". Personal recollections of her childhood days on a farm and schooling in Traralgon
Volume 31 Issue 5 - December 2000
- Bye, Debbie. "3GI through the Decades". A history of the ABC radio station which began in 1949. pp3-5.
- Obituary. Valma Ellen Plant (nee Parker). 8/12/1921 - 17/8/2000. pp12-15.
Volume 32 Issue 1 - March 2001
- Hood, Jim. "Our Car". Details the restoration of the largest item in our collection, a 1902 Oldsmobile.pp9-10.
- "Our Citizen Soldiers: Surgeon Horne's Sensational Experiences". Extract from the Gippsland Farmer's Journal 4 January 1901. On the third time he was wounded in the Boer war, the bullet penetrated the right lung, cut the heart, and then through the left lung, before exiting his body. Dr. Horne recovered after four months. pp11-12.
- Obituary. Leonard P. Wenborn. Died 29 May 2000 aged 90. p16.
Volume 32 Issue 2 - June 2001
- Obituary. Marjorie Johnstone Alexander (nee Crawford). 25 September 1915 - 6 February 2001. p18.
Volume 32 Issue 3 - September 2001
- Hustler, Dawn; Ron Hore. "Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights and Coachbuilders in Traralgon". First blacksmith in Traralgon was Chas Phillips in 1872. Others were the West brothers (Henry and Walter) , J Mayze, Thomas (and son Frederick) Williams, Jim Williams, Mr. Sullivan, R Thresher, Phelan and Scholes. pp4-6.
- Alexander, Harry. "The Shire of Traralgon, 1879 - 1994". Rosedale was declared a shire in 1871. In 1879, Traralgon separated and became a shire. First councillors were Henry Breed, Edmund Kelleher, Thomas Mattingley, John Bodycomb, Dugald Campbell and J. McGauran. In 1892, the West Riding of Traralgon was severed to create the Shire of Morwell. In 1961 the Borough of Traralgon was proclaimed. pp6-8.
- Lawson, John. "Traralgon Railway Reservoir Conversation Reserve". In 1880 the land was purchased by the Victorian Railways. About 1994 the reserve was named the by the council as a reserve. pp8-9.
- Harvey, Colin. "Memories of Six Decades in the Latrobe Valley". His history of the brown coal industry and of the power stations in the Latrobe Valley. pp10-11
- Extracts from the Traralgon Journal; July - December 1977. pp12-15.
Volume 32 Issue 4 - December 2001
- McEwan, Gary. "Blacksmiths and Farriers". pp6-7.
- Stockdale, George. "George Stockdale - Traralgon Stock & Station Agent from 1950 to 1997". Recollections of auctioneers, sales and saleyards in Traralgon. pp6-8.
Volume 33 Issue 1 - March 2002
- Downie, John. "Lurgi Pressure Gasification Plant - Morwell 1956-1969". pp.7-8.
- Gerrans, Thera. "Andrew Charles (Bunny) Hunter". An address by his daughter covering his interest in music and his dance band (Bunny Hunter and his Boys). Other members of the band were George Batson, Howard Ising, Jack Hornsey, Marjorie Hornsey and Charlie Dunning. pp9-19.
- Hunter, Meryl. "My grandmother's town". An address by the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cross. The Cross family lived on the corner of Hotham and Deakin Streets. pp.12-15.
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon Journal 1978". January - March. pp15-17.
Volume 33 Issue 2 - June 2002
- Bridges-Webb, Charles. "When Good Families Meet Tragedy: the School Bus Rail Crossing Crash - 1960 Part I". Account of an accident when the rail motor train hit a school bus at the Liddiard Road level crossing in Traralgon. pp7-10. Continued in next issue.
- Willis, David. "The Restoration of Our Lap Organ. pp6-7
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon Journal 1978". April - June. pp16-18.
Volume 33 Issue 3 - September 2002
- Bridges-Webb, Charles. "When Good Families Meet Tragedy: the School Bus Rail Crossing Crash - 1960 Part II". Continuation of the account of an accident when the rail motor train hit a school bus at the Liddiard Road level crossing in Traralgon. pp6-9. Continued in next issue.
- Sykes, Barry. "Trains and Traralgon". A history of the railway to Traralgon. pp10-12.
- Fletcher, Meredith. "Writing the History of Yallourn".
- Davidson, John W. "Extracts from the Traralgon Journal 1978". July - December. pp16-18.
Volume 33 Issue 4 - December 2002
- Bridges-Webb, Charles. "When Good Families Meet Tragedy: the School Bus Rail Crossing Crash - 1960 Part III". Conclusion of the account of an accident when the rail motor train hit a school bus at the Liddiard Road level crossing in Traralgon. pp6-8.
- Kaye, Lindsay. [Working on the Railways]. Memories of his life working in the Victorian railways, starting in 1956 and ending up as Station Manager at Traralgon in 1986. pp10-11
- Pianta, Tim. "Senior Railway Station Master - Eastern Victoria". Brief outline of the history of railways in Gippsland. pp11-12.
Volume 34 Issue 1 - March 2003
- Hood, Jim. "Restoration of the Traralgon Court House - 1993". An address with photographs of modern restoration of court house, built 1886, closed 1989. PP8-10
- Oram, Kath, "Letter from Kath Oram (nee Turner)". Half page of reminiscences of Kath from Callignee North. 1858? - 1948. p12.
- Davidson, John. Extracts from the Traralgon Journal - 1979. References the rotation of the war memorial to face west, and the centenary of the Tyers Primary School. pp13-15.
- West, Eva. "Extract from the Gippsland Farmer's Journal - Farewell to Dr. Horne - Off to war". Description of a meeting on the night of his departure from Traralgon to the Boer War. pp16-17.
Volume 34 Issue 2 - June 2003
- Pintado, Felix. "Latrobe Regional Hospital". Brief history from 1991 to 2002. pp5-7.
- Ruyg, John. "Trees in Traralgon and District". Article on historic trees in Traralgon. p7-8.
- Wright, Les. "The Building Industry in Traralgon 1955-1999 Part I". An address to the Society from his first building workshop (aged ten). Started work in 1955, names buildings on which he worked. Continued next issue. pp8-12.
- Huffer, K.M. "Brief history of Traralgon branch of the State Electricity Commission". Account of power supply from first kerosene street lights in 1884, gasworks in 1889 and establishment of Gippsland branch of the SEC at Traralgon in 1923, through to 1967. pp12-14.
- Obituary. Gordon Herbert Ikin. Died 24 February 2003. p17.
- Obituary. William John Cuthill. 9 March 1909 - 6 March 2003. p18.
Volume 34 Issue 3 - September 2003
- Wright, Les. "The Building Industry in Traralgon 1955-1999 Part II". Discusses local identities Bill Heyfron, Ron Fricker, Otto Pawlowski/ Poulson, Bill Parr, Bob Newborough, Arnold Davidson, Col Peters, Auke Vanderwees. pp5-10
- Crouch, Lois. "Memories of Traralgon - Part I". Memories of Traralgon, 1930s to 1950s, living on the site of what is now park land with a miniature train. pp10-12.
- Hore, Ron. "Memories of Traralgon - Part II". Reminiscences of his life in Traralgon from 1937. pp12-13.
- Pawley, Anne. "Latrobe Valley Eisteddfod Traralgon Inc.". A history of the eisteddfod from first beginnings in 1955. pp13-14.
Volume 34 Issue 4 - December 2003
- Lawson, John. "Traralgon Railway Reservoir Conservation reserve". Account of an address to the Society by John Lawson, from construction of reservoir in 1880. It was offered to Traralgon Shire Council in 1887 and golf was played there until 1939. Renamed as a conservation reserve in 1994, first management plan prepared in 1997. pp6-8.
- Hood, Jim. "Amalgamation of masonic lodges in Traralgon". The first masonic lodge was formed in Traralgon c.1885. The Lodge of Affinity and the Sutherland Lodge amalgamated in 2001 and both live on as Traralgon Lodge. pp9-10.
- Freshwater, Cynthia. "The Liddiard, McNairn and Newman families in Traralgon". Concentrates mainly on the Liddiard history. pp11-13.
- Freshwater, Cynthia. "Memories of my holidays at "Railway Park", Traralgon. Complements the previous article by filling in the McNairn and Newman sides of the family. pp13-14.
- Tratford, Lisa. "Gold dust, dreams and roses". A Biography of Eliza (Kennedy) Stichling, 1870-1958. Born 1870 at Jericho, she moved to Walhalla with her family as a child. She became proprietor of the Turf Club Hotel at Sale in 1903 and moved to Carrajung in 1920, where she bought the Carrajung Hotel. She began to operate it herself in 1932, and held the licence for about 21 years. pp15-17.
- "Extracts from the Police Gazette - 1903". p19.
Volume 35 Issue 1 - 2004
- Watts, Clem "The history of St James' Church". Account of an address to the Society by the Reverend Clem Watts on 125 years of the Anglican church in Traralgon. pp7.
- Donchi, Dick. "Newman Park and Model Railway". p 8.
- Synan, Terry. "Wilsons Promontory during WWII". Terry lived at Fish Creek at that time and gave details of commando training by Australians and new Zealanders. p 9.
- Mulvany, Mark. "Some early memories of Traralgon and Gippsland". Writer moved to Traralgon as a five-years-old about 1954. pp10-12.
- "Extracts from the Gippsland Farmers Journal 1904". January - March. pp12-13.
- Obituary. Denis Piera 13/10/1931 - 19/11/2003. p14
- Obituary. Shirley Anne Power (nee Mitchell). 11/7/1934 - 2/1/2004. pp14-15.
- Obituary. Kathleen Timmins (nee Lang) 19/7/1910 - 13/1/2004. p15.
Volume 35 Issue 2 - June 2004
- Duffy, Eric. "The History of Victoria Police". An address with many historical snippets about policing from Glen Wills to Warragul, efficiencies of horse use and Detective Don Cadby. pp6-7.
- Moore, Ray. "The History of the Baptist Church". An address by the compiler of a recent book on Traralgon Baptist Church, established 1903/1904. pp8-9.
- Jeffrey, Richard. "Jeffrey's Store - 1926 to 1989, 60 years in business in Traralgon". Detailed report on address to meeting on the operation of Jeffrey's large shop at Traralgon, that in peak years employed 38 staff. The freehold on which the store operated was retained until its sale in 2003. pp9-11.
- Ikin, Ray. "The Ikin Garage". Reminiscences of a garage that operated on the original Princes Hwy (now Post Office Place) in Traralgon from 1928. Various vehicles were sold from there such as Standard, Vanguard and Triumph. In the late 1960s the site ceased to be a garage. Also discusses first Traralgon bus line operating from there. pp11-13.
- Hustler, Dawn. "Extracts from the Gippsland Farmers Journal April - June 1904". pp. 14-15.
Volume 35 Issue 3 - September 2004
- Henry, Helen. "Fires in Tyers and Glengarry West". Report of an address to the meeting re bushfires including those in 1898, 1905, 1926, 1932 and 1939. pp6-7.
- McMahon, Bill. "The Real Estate Business". Report of an address to the meeting re the family firm which took over an established business in Traralgon in 1938. Details movements for the offices, changes in the speaker's lifetime. pp8-9.
- Fulton, Bruce. "Traralgon South Primary School, 1879-2004". Detailed report of an address to the meeting on the history of Primary School no. 2114, which recently celebrated 125 years. Expansion of the Loy Yang Power Station dictated its relocation in the 1970s. pp9-11.
- King, Russell, A. "Traralgon High School, 1963". Report of an address to the meeting with details of a reunion of the class of Form 1A from 1963. p12.
- Hustler, Dawn. "Extracts from the Gippsland Farmers Journal 1904". July - September. pp14-15
Volume 35 Issue 4 - December 2004
- Sykes, Barry. "Horses and Sundry Items" Part I. Report of address to both Korumburra and Traralgon societies, which includes details of the use of horses in railway construction on the Great Southern Railway. pp6-8. Continues next issue including the use of ponies at Outtrim/Jumbunna.
- Wright, Les. "Growing up in Traralgon in the 1940s and 50s" Part I. Detailed report of an address to the meeting, including history of Wright family, one of the first selectors at Loy Yang. Discusses various businesses and people. pp9-11. Continued in the next issue.
- O'Keefe, Danny."Growing up in Seymour Street". Report of an address to the society of personal memories of people and businesses in Seymour Street. p12.
- Hustler, Dawn. "Extracts from the Gippsland Farmers Journal 1904". October - December. p14
Volume 36 Issue 1 - March 2005
- Sykes, Barry. "Horses and Sundry Items" Part II. Conclusion of the address given by in the previous issue includes the use of ponies at Outtrim/Jumbunna. pp8-11
- Wright, Les. "Growing up in Traralgon in the 1940s and 50s" Part II. Concluding an article started in the previous issue detailing town streets, street by street. pp12-20.
- O'Brien, Joanne; Alison Robertson; Reg Marsh. "Marsh and Co. Pty Ltd". Report of address to meeting detailing activities of Marsh family butchers at Traralgon from 1896 to the mid 1970s. The business still operates as a butcher shop in the same premises, although under different ownership. pp21-22.
- Paoletti, Rudi. "Mapping the Walhalla belt". Brief report of address to meeting regarding the process of remapping historical areas around Walhalla. p22.
- Hustler, Dawn. "Extracts from the Gippsland Farmers Journal 1905". January - March. pp23-24
Volume 36 Issue 2 - June 2005
- Matthews, Nola. "History of the Girl Guide Movement in Traralgon". Brief report of address to meeting on Girl Guides at Traralgon, which commenced there in 1923. pp6-7.
- Oates, Joan. "William Doorty". Short report of address to meeting on family that moved to Yarragon in 1878, then later to Traralgon, where Mary Doorty became gate-keeper for the McNairn Road railway crossing. p8.
- Hustler, Dawn. "Extracts from the Gippsland Farmers Journal 1905". April - May. p22
Volume 36 Issue 3 - September 2005
- Jeffrey, Richard. "The Traralgon Marathon - History and Participation". Account of a sporting activity commenced in 1968. p8-9.
- Moulton, Marie. "Eisteddfod Experiences". Short account of fifty years of Traralgon Eisteddfod. pp10-11.
- Couch, Lois. "The Rogers Home". Traralgon businessman and former shire councillor built his own luxurious house (including Italian marble floors and French polished interior walls) in Hotham Street. He built two house on the adjoining blocks to the west (one of which was Andersons the bakers, and the other is currently Nielsons). He also built several shops in the south of Franklin Street (The Rogers Building) and shops on the corner of Hotham and Franklin where Keith Williams now operates. p12
- Lindsay, Mavis. "Recollections of the Lindsay family". Short account of the family who purchased land at Loy Yang in the 1870s. Includes war service. p13.
- [Obituary of Margaret Fullard.] p14.
Volume 36 Issue 4 - December 2005
- Frankland, Graham. "The History of the Frankland's Saw Mill". Report of address to the Society by Graham , whose father, Paddy Frankland, was a local sawmiller and community leader. Frankland established a sawmill at Traralgon South in the 1940s, and operated it until 1961. p4.
- Frankland, Win. "The History of the Hehir family". Report of address to the Society by Win Frankland, nee Hehir. The family settled at Mossiface, and then bought Kia Ora guesthouse at Lakes Entrance, and then moved to Traralgon in 1919. pp5.
- "A History of Italian settlement in Australia and the Arrival of Migrants to Australia after WW2". Report of address to a meeting of the Society by Damien Tripodi, born in Italy, but who grew up in Traralgon following WWII. pp6-7.
- "One Hundred Years of Catholic Education in Traralgon". Short report of address to Society by Pat Still, principal of St Michael's school in Traralgon, reflecting on her time at the school. pp8-9.
Volume 37 Issue 1 - March 2006
- O'Brien, Marge. "The Red Cross". Report of address to the Society by Marge O'Brien, former Blood Bank superintendent for Traralgon Red Cross. pp4-6.
- Vanstan, Roger. "The Ulysses Motorcycle Club". Roger Vanstan is the founder of the Gippsland Central branch of the Ulysses Motorcycle Club. This successful organisation is involved in various civic events, including the annual Christmas Toy Run. pp7-8.
- Couch, Lois. "The First Traralgon State School Building". Built in 1872 in Campbell Street, Traralgon, it was situated where the ambulance depot now operates. Relocated in 1914 to the Grey Street school and later to Hourigan Road, Morwell where it is believed to have been utilised by the Morwell Band and, of more recent years, headquarters for the Guides and Scouts movement. p10.
- "Obituary of Robena Margaret Hood (Hammill)" 6/10/1943 - 17/2/2006. p11.
Volume 37 Issue 2 - June 2006
- Heron, Clarrie. "My Life as a Land Surveyor". Report of address to the Society by Clarrie Heron, including some details of his time in Gippsland. pp7-9.
- Lancaster, Joy; Colin May. "Mayfield". A brief history of Mayfield, the home of the May family in May Road, Tyers. p12-13.
Volume 37 Issue 3 - Combined September/December 2006
- Hustler, Dawn. "The Wright Family". Covers over 200 years from the birth of Joseph Wright in England in 1767, his transportation to Australia and eventual settling at Loy Yang in 1862. Other names mentioned as ancestors or by marriage were Eleanor Gott (convict), Sarah Griggs (convict), Mary Thomas, Thomas Stuckey, Mary Sophia Treadgold, Mary (Polly) Drane and Alice Vernon. pp6-8.[A different version of Wright family history (by John Power) can be found in Vol 19 Issue 3.]
- Esler, Geoff. "Esler History". Geoff's describes the history of the Esler family. pp8-13. [Two preliminary articles on the family's ancestry overseas and their emigration to Australia can be found on the miscellaneous page on the website.]
- Freeman, Gladys (with help from her Pickering sisters). "The Pickering Family". 231 combined years of memories provide a large diverse history of the Pickering family. The Pickering family moved from Cowarr to Traralgon and have been heavily involved in Traralgon's social life since then. Includes other surnames (by marriage) such as Flowers, Langstaff, Freeman and MacPherson. pp14-19.
- Campbell, Dugald. "The Campbells of Traralgon Park". After immigrating from Scotland in 1852 to South Australia. They then lived in various areas until the Campbells purchased/selected nearly 5,000 acres (from 1868 to 1880) north of Traralgon from the cemetery reserve to Stammers Road and also south of Traralgon. A large family history is covered. pp22-30
Volume 38 Issue 1 - March 2007
- Vella, Lyn; George Seeber. "Dalkeith". The evolution of Dalkeith from the Grace Bruce & J.L. MacMillan Memorial Home in Marie Street, Traralgon in the early 1950s up to the completion of stage 1 of Dalkeith Park in Hazelwood Road in 2006. pp6-8.
- Baldwin, Jim. "City of Traralgon Band". In 2006 the band is celebrating its 125th anniversary. The Traralgon Town Band as it was originally called had its first performance at the laying of the foundation stone of the Shire Hall on July 1881. In between the above two names, the band was also called The Ex-Servicemen's Band, The Traralgon Municipal Brass Band and The Traralgon Band. pp9-11.
- "Obituary of Trevor John Howe" 6/8/1943 - 25/1/2007. p16.
Volume 38 Issue 2 - June 2007
- Youl, Grace. "Growing Up In The District". Reminiscences of growing up on the "Minniedale" homestead, attending Flynns Creek Upper primary school and then Traralgon. pp6-10.
- Youl, Robin. "A Post-war Boyhood in Traralgon". Reminiscences by the son of the author of the above article. pp10-13. To be continued in the next issue.
- Wilson, Rita. "Cameo of the History of Autolec Engineering Company". The business was begun by Harold Wilson and Keith Nadenbousch in 1946 initially in Franklin St, then later in Church St next to the Richmond Hotel. In 1960, a branch was opened in Morwell. Employees (generally long term) included Roy (Kevin) Blythman, Ernie Travis, Brian Turpin, Doug Siggins, Mark Murfett and David Lade. Many of these employees ended up as partners in the business. The business relocated to McMahon St in 2007. pp15-17
- Hinson, Margaret. "Life Line Begins in Gippsland". A talk about the compassionate and caring work of the volunteers of Life Line, which began in Sydney and then in Victoria in 1968 at Morwell. p18.
- "Obituary - Jennifer Jane Lang". 26 January 1940 - 22nd September 2006. p21.
Volume 38 Issue 3 - September 2007
- Samson, Lorrel; Greg Samson. "100 Years of Scouting". The history of the Traralgon group which started in 1924 with the Scoutmaster being the Rev. Blundell from St. James. pp5-10.
- Power, John. "My Youth in the Gormandale District and People I Knew". Reminiscences. p11-16
- Youl, Robin. "A Post-war Boyhood in Traralgon". Part II. continued from the previous issue. pp17-24.
- Britten, Val. "The History of Cooinda Hill". Based upon a similar group which started in Brighton, Melbourne a few years earlier, Cooinda Hill started in 1952 with Mrs. Horder as teacher and supervisor, assisted by Mrs. Thompson. In 1953 there were 8 pupils mainly from Traralgon. Land was purchased in 1955 in Shakespeare Street, but deemed prone to flooding. In 1957, the centre in Hickox St was opened. In 2006, there 66 enrolments. pp25-30
- Macreadie, Don. "The Rosedale Shire from Inauguration to Annihilation". Extracts from a book Don is currently writing. p30
Volume 38 Issue 4 - December 2007
- Wheatland, David. [Aviation in the Latrobe Valley]. A presentation about the general aviation history of the Latrobe Valley since WW2, a brief history of the Latrobe Valley Aero Club, the foundation of Gippsland Aeronautics and a detailed timeline of its growth. A biography of the presenter is included. pp6-9.
Volume 39 Issue 1 - March 2008
- Johnson, Barbara. Account of address to Society on aspects of the last fifty years of the Traralgon Agricultural Society. Includes a list of presidents and secretaries. pp8-15.
Volume 39 Issue 2 - June 2008
- Hewson, John "The History of Gippsland Post Offices". pp9-14.
- "A History of the Traralgon Post Office". An extract from the Traralgon Journal circa 1969 describing the history of the Post Office and Courthouse. There is an introductory article about rumours that the buildings be demolished. And a concluding article protesting the demotion. pp25-27
Volume 39 Issue 3 - September 2008
- Obituaries: John William DAVIDSON (1922-2008), Alan WILSON (died 2008), Pearl REEVES (died 2008), Graham STEER (1925-2008), Frank Sidney BEER (1937-2008). p5-7.
- MAIN, Gwen. Account of an address to the Society of her nursing experiences during WWII in Australia and New Guinea. pp8-12.
- GRUBB, Jim. "Sometimes looking for Andrew: Andrew Grubb, my great-grandfather". The Grubb family operated a number of business in Traralgon. Concentrates on life of Andrew Grubb (c.1774-c.1835) in Scotland and England. pp22-31.
Volume 39 Issue 4 - December 2008
- Obituaries. Jessie Clarke - 28 August 2008. Margaret Carlyon - April 19th 1923 - September 13th 2008. p6.
- Youl, Rob. [More Recollections of Post-war Traralgon]. Describes town streets and the business and civic personalities who contributed to the success and expansion of the town during the 1950s and 1960s pp7-14
- Czigledy, Robert. "Resettling in Australia". Part I. Robert's father was born in Budapest in 1907. The article presents a biography of his family's life During and between the two world wars, their emigration to Australia in 1950 and later that year moved to Traralgon. Reminiscences of living in Traralgon are included. pp15-20. A second article on Resettling in Australia by Mrs. Ann Dyer is included in the next issue.
- Addison, Ted. "Then and Now from the 1970s". Ted's life in the real estate business in Traralgon. pp22-23.
Volume 40 Issue 1 - March 2009
- Dyer, Ann. "From Scotland to Australia". Ann Laing was born in Scotland in 1939, the Laing family emigrated to Australia in 1951 first to Bathurst, then Yallourn, then Traralgon in 1952. pp6-7.
- Stockdale, George. "George Stockdale - Traralgon Stock & Station Agent from 1950 to 1997". Recollections of auctioneers, sales and saleyards in Traralgon. pp8-9. Reprint of article printed in Vol 32 No 4.
- Sykes, Barry. "Huts". An account of four men and huts built before 1940 in the Jumbunna area. The people described were James Thomas, John McKay (Black Mac), Jim Powell and Jackie Commerford. pp10-11.
- Esler, Geoff. "The bushfires in 1939". Extract from "Tales of Old Gippsland" written by Geoff Esler in 1985. pp12-14.
- Williams, Max. "Early Days". Recollections of his early life at Sale and working for the PMG. In 1955, he began work at The Mill at Maryvale. Includes description of the paper making process. Max was key force in the R.E.H. Cork Club which supports the Royal Children's Hospital (when he is not playing golf). pp15-19.
Volume 40 Issue 2 - June 2009
- Hore, Ron. "History of the Traralgon Football Club". Includes a number of player lists and photographs from different eras. pp5-10.
- Pawley, Anne. "Latrobe Light Opera Society". The society began in 1963. In the 1980s the group became incorporated and changed its name to the Latrobe Theatre Company. Life members are Barbara Derham, Harry Dougan, Barry Johnston, Kate Dougan, Ann Maloney, Max Maloney, David Pickburn, Jan Pickburn, Laurie Fildes, Chris Billings, Jim Evans and Fay Evans. pp11-13
Volume 40 Issue 3 - September 2009
- Grubb, Jim. "The Grubb Family in Traralgon (Part 1)". Jim's ancestors came from England to Traralgon some time before 1888. In 1889 200 acres was selected north of Tyers. PP9-12. To be continued next issue.
- Sykes, Barry. "Huts - Part II". A representation by Barry of an article he presented in Vol 40 No 1. Concentrates on the South Gippsland hills area. pp13-15.
- Obituary. Dawn Patricia Hustler. (10.07.1931 - 12.02.2009). pp16-17.
- "Sad Loss of Victims in PNG Air Crash in August". Local people who died in the air crash were Max Cranwell, his daughter Leanne Harris, and Euan Comrie. p18.
Volume 40 Issue 4 - December 2009
- Grubb, Jim. "Grubb Family History in Traralgon - Part II". Continued from the September 2009 Bulletin. pp8-11
- Gibson, Alan. "Glenlee Caravans". A history of the retail business that began in 1963. pp12-15.
- Langstaff, Faye. "The Water Tower - A Landmark in Traralgon for over 80 years". Reminiscences of the water tower on the north-east corner of Henry and Fairview St. pp16-19.
Volume 41 Issue 1 - March 2010
- Wood, Claire. "Newspapers". Traralgon newspaper history describing various interesting articles. pp5-8.
- Hyndman, Ian. "The Galbraith and Ladson Families" The history of the Galbraith and Ladson families which became very entwined by marriage both at Beechworth in their early days and continuing on at Tyers. pp9-12. See also Volume 44 Issue 2.
- Ringin, Bill. "The Introduction of Honey Bees to Australia". pp14-15.
- Court, Linda Anne. "Eulogy of Mrs. Jean Court". Held on 1st October 2009. Read by her daughter.pp16-17.
Volume 41 Issue 2 - June 2010
- Butler, Norm. "Development of the Princess Highway in Gippsland from 1834 - From Bullock Dray to B-Doubles". pp5-9.
- Sykes, Barry. "Development of the Railway Services in Gippsland". pp10-15.
- Obituary. Kathleen Matilda Teychenné. 11th June 1925 - 11th January 2010. pp17-19.
Volume 41 Issue 3 - September 2010
- "Traralgon High School - 55 years since relocation".2010 marks the 55th year since Traralgon High School moved from the location in Grey Street adjacent to the Primary School, to the new building in Gormandale Road. Contains articles extracted from Running Waters. Including descriptions of school clubs; photographs of buildings and sporting teams; and lists of teacher, form captains, and prefects in 1955. pp6-9.
- Thompson, Michael. "Extracts from The Traralgon Journal 100 Years Ago". September 1910. p12
- Obituary. Geoffrey Esler.22/10/1928 - 16/4/2010. pp18-22.
- Ryan, John. John recalls his life initially at Noojee, the carting for the APM mill and also as the creator of Morwell Garden Supplies. He has been inducted to the National Transport Hall of Fame. p23.
- Sykes, Barry. ""Count" Paul Strzelecki - The enigmatic early explorer, whose name lives on in Gippsland". Strzelecki and Macarthur set out from Ensay, in March 1840, for Corner Inlet. They became lost at what is now Boolarra and changed their destination to Western Port Bay, arriving near Corinella three weeks later, starving and without their horses. Strzelecki died and was buried in London in 1873, but his body was re-interred in Poland in about 1980. pp24-26.
Volume 41 Issue 4 - December 2010
- Jenkins, Margaret. "Thomas Allard Pettit". Extracts presented by Margaret (the great granddaughter of T. A. Pettit) from her book titled "A Press Missionary - The life of Thomas Allard Pettit. Pettit was born in England in 1846 and arrived in Victoria (via NZ) in the mid 1880s. The first papers he purchased were "The Shepparton Chronicle", the "Numurkah Guardian" the "Portland Guardian". He moved to Traralgon in 1887 where he started the "Gippsland Farmers' Journal" in opposition to the "Traralgon Record". While enjoying life in Traralgon he purchased some 25 newspapers mainly in the Gippsland area. He was a Justice of the Peace and involved in the Mechanics Institute. He sold the "Gippsland Farmers Journal" in 1903, and after trying retirement purchased at least nine more newspapers in the Melbourne eastern suburbs. He was elected to the Traralgon Shire council in 1907 serving a couple of terms as President. He was also heavily involved in the Wesleyan and Presbyterian churches. He died in Traralgon in 1920. pp5-9.
- Brewer, Brian. "Walhalla - Disease and Distress". Brian is the Vice President of the Walhalla Heritage & Development League. He describes the health risks of growing up and working in Walhalla's boom period. PP10-11.
- Thompson, Michael. "Extracts from "The Traralgon Record" 100 years ago". October 1910. p12-13.
- Davidson, Peter. "Helimed (Helicopter Rescue)". This article describes the functions of Helimed 1 and a brief history from 1980 to 2002. pp15-17.
Volume 42 Issue 1 - March 2011
- Corrigan, Pauline. "Pauline's Story". Pauline's biography from her immigration from England in 1952 ,and shortly after to Traralgon, through her struggle with and recovery from polio, It also describes her life in Traralgon. pp8-10.
- Morgan, Patrick. "Gippsland Literature". A presentation on authors in Gippsland, Richard Mackay, Mary Fullerton, Billy Wye, E.J Brady, Alan McLean, Angus McLean, Mary Grant Bruce, J.K. Ewers and Bernard Cronin. p11
- "The Cobb & Co.". The history of the Cobb & Co Coach Company in Melbourne starts in 1853. pp13-15.
- McInnes, Paul. "History of Funeral Services in Traralgon". It describes the first recorded burial in 1869 and the first burial at the current cemetery in 1872. It also lists Traralgon undertaking firms from 1884 up to the 1970s. pp16-17.
Volume 42 Issue 2 - June 2011
- Thompson, Michael. "Traralgon Creek Fish Hatchery". Five known hatcheries are mentioned. These are Gunyah (also known as Boolarra) 1911-1928, Tarra Valley (also known as Yarram) 1920-1944, Tyers (also known as Traralgon) situated on the Tyers River 1921-1933, Traralgon South 1924-1946 and Yinnar (also known as Middle Creek) 1927-1939. This article concentrates on Traralgon South hatchery. The main curator was Tom Fisher until his death in 1930 with assistance from Albert Deppler. Ray Thompson and Norm Thompson maintained the hatchery until 1946. pp14-1.
Volume 42 Issue 3 - September 2011
- Pavey, Melissa; Anne Pawley. "Grey Street Primary School Celebration". Describes the preparation necessary to prepare for next years centenary. The school is much older than 100 years, but the centenary is dated from when the current brick structure was opened in 1912 and the school was given a new number. pp5-7.
- Nicholas, Marjorie. "The Traralgon Journal - The Early Days". The "Gippsland Farmer's Journal" began in 1887 with Thomas Allard Pettit as the editor. It changed ownership in the early 1900s. In 1931, the newspaper took over the opposition "The Traralgon Record". The new name was "The Journal and The Record". It later became the "Traralgon Journal". In 1936 Bert Thompson became the owner. pp12-14.
- Leahy, Vanessa. "Byron Street - Traralgon". No 1 Byron Street was built in the 1890s as part of the Traralgon Park homestead, and relocated to Byron Street about 1924. The article describes the architectural style of the building. pp15-20.
- "The Men Who Put Gippsland On The Map". Extract from "Bradshaw's Guide for Victoria - February 1927". Original article by H. Hansford (Lands Department). Details the explorations of Angus McMillan and Paul Strzelecki into Gippsland in 1839 and 1840. pp21-25.
Volume 42 Issue 4 - December 2011
- Blewett, Darell. "Life Along The Traralgon Creek". A presentation From his soon to be published book "Up The Creek". The book covers the history of the settlements along the creek from Traralgon South to Le Roy. The presentation gave glimpses of settlement, roads, electricity, accidents, illnesses, pests, fire and floods, mail and schooling. pp6-11.
- Evener, Jim. "The Gippsland Shale and Oil Company Ltd". A large article describing the potential of developing kerosene shale deposits on John Buntine's property near Toongabbie. in the 1880s. pp12-24.
Volume 43 Issue 1 - March 2012
- Hyndman, Ian. "From Beechworth to Traralgon. The Story of Richard Canfield ...". Richard was born in Stanley (near Beechworth) in 1861. He had served an apprenticeship probably with William Duncan and was also friends with members of the Galbraith family. Richard followed the Duncans and Galbraiths to Traralgon in 1880. He later became a partner in William Duncan's painting business. In his life he had duties as a JP, Deputy Coroner, shire councillor and president, and member of the water trust, masonic lodge, bowling club, rotary and the church. He died in 1943. pp7-11.
- Ayres, Tim. "1902 Curved Dash Oldsmobile". A technical presentation on our Oldsmobile, examining the differences between the early models (1901-1907) raising doubts as to whether our model is 1902 or 1903. pp16-19.
Volume 43 Issue 2 - June 2012
- Jeffery, Richard; Elizabeth Jeffery. "An Appreciation of our Queen -60 years of faultless Service". Describes royal visits to Australia from Prince Alfred in 1867 and Queen Elizabeth II in 1954. The article also shows glimpses of the Queen's personality and her duties. pp5-11.
- Johnston, Barbara. "The Dunbars in Traralgon". Barbara Johnson (nee Dunbar) presented an outline of the Dunbar family's involvement in Traralgon, with the arrival of James and Christina Dunbar and their 10 children in 1875. The first child was born in Scotland, the second in Footscray and the rest in Mount Cottrell. Barbara gives a brief history of two generations of her ancestry and their involvement in farming, civic duties, war service and religion. pp14-19.
- Butler, Norm. "Brief History of Rotary Club of Traralgon". The article commemorates the 70th anniversary of Rotary in Traralgon. It starts with a short history of Rotary Internal in Australia, and then a more detailed history of the Traralgon branch. Includes photos of the presentation of the 2012 Pride of Workmanship Awards. pp21-26.
Volume 43 Issue 3 - September 2012
- Graham, Allan. "Aygee Gippsland Pty Ltd History".
- Mayze, Thelma. "A Brief History of how the Traralgon and District Historical Society Began". Started on 7 March 1962 now celebrating 50 years. pp6-7.
- Stockdale, Margaret. "50th Anniversary Dinner Report". Held on the 11 September 2012. Guest speakers were Marjorie Nicholas (nee Thompson) and John Power. pp8-10.
- Nicholas, Marjorie. "Scenes from Childhood". Traralgon and District in the Years of the Second World War 1939-1945. Recollections, Reminiscences and Impressions of a Child of the Times. Marjorie Nicholas (nee Thompson) was born one month before war was declared. A very extensive article. pp11-26.
- Beckett, Sandra. "The Ikin Family in Traralgon". Sandra is the daughter of Gordon and Nancy Ikin. John (aged 21) and brother Robert (aged 19) arrived in Melbourne from England in 1872. Robert died within the year, and John moved to Traralgon shortly after and married Catherine Tanner in 1879. In 1881 John moved to Bendigo. John's eldest son, William, had moved back to Traralgon, married Annie Birkley in 1903. Bill and his children had many business including a milk run, cartage Cafes, garage, car sales, bus service and taxis. pp27-31.
Volume 43 Issue 4 - December 2012
- Sykes, Johanna. "The Ostler's House". A short history of the Ostler's House which still exists on the same property as The Travellers Rest. The Travellers Rest was built in in 1858 and demolished to make way for Ryans Hotel in 1914. The earliest photograph showing Ostler's House was in 1893. The exact date of the building of the house is unknown. Includes photographs. pp5-7.
- Hyndman, Ian. "Christina McMillan - Wife of Angus McMillan". Christina was born in Scotland in 1819 and emigrated to Melbourne in 1849. She was living at "Bushy Park" in 1850. Mary had three children. Angus died in 1865 and Christina in 1884. pp10-14.
Volume 44 Issue 1 - March 2013
- Hyndman, Ian. "Who Was Nurse Miller?". Isabel Miller was born in Hamilton in 1865. her father died when she was young, and the family moved to Traralgon some time after 1889. She graduated as a nurse in 1901 from what was later to become the Royal Melbourne Hospital. She opened a hospital on the corner of Henry and Mabel Streets in 1910 and provided midwifery and general nursing care for 13 years before selling the business and retiring. She died in 1945. The hospital was still operating until at least 1939. pp15-18.
- "Beginnings of the Lang Family in Gippsland". A narrative family tree style history of the Lang families in the Glengarry district, covering generations. Mentions properties such as Cairnbrook, Glen Farm, Tullaree and Oakenshaw. pp19-24.
Volume 44 Issue 2 - June 2013
- Hyndman, Ian. "Galbraith and Ladson Families in Tyers and Traralgon". A companion article to that in Volume 41 Issue 1. pp6-12.
- Obituary. Margaret Hore. 19th November 1931 - 11th May 2013. pp15-16.
- Obituary. Guinavere Thompson (Hawley). 26th January 1921 - 12th June 2013. pp16-18
Volume 44 Issue 3 - September 2013
- "Early Photographs of the Traralgon Fire Brigade". pp10-12.
- "1888 Tourists' Guide of Victoria". A single paragraph (albeit large) extract from the "Guide" for Traralgon. A couple of old photographs added. pp13-14.
Volume 44 Issue 4 - December 2013
- Thomson, Tom; Mark Scammell. "A Brief History of Ambulance Victoria". A two part article. The first part details ambulance services that began in Victoria in 1899 and amalgamated into a single statewide service in 2008 known as Ambulance Victoria. The second part concentrates on the public meeting in 1924 to elect a committee to manage and maintain an ambulance service in Traralgon. pp8-12.
- Membrey, Doug. "Membrey Family in Tyers - The Boola Boola Forest Days". Doug's parents (Eric and Muriel) lived around Tyers for fifty years raising thirteen children. They milked cows for five years then moved to Boola Boola cutting wood for houses. Boola Boola was on Whites Creek on the W8 track, three kilometres from the Walhalla Road. The mill site was one kilometre from the mill site. After nine years the family backed to near Tyers. The saw mill was moved to Tyers and Eric started work with again. After a few years he was carting pulpwood. Doug and his elder brother Bernie both worked in the bush. pp13-14.
- "Boola Boola Log and Pulpwood Operations". A detailed description of the APM run logging facilities in the Boola Boola forest where selected prime trees were sawn to build houses for APM employees in Traralgon and Morwell. The remaining over mature and small trees were cut to supply the pulpwood industries. pp15-18.
- Stockdale, Margaret. "Vale Judith Norton". 14 July 1935 - 15 September 2013. pp18-19.
Volume 45 Issue 1 - March 2014
- "Traralgon Band Photograph". A photograph taken in 1935 with names of the members. p12
- Ewart, Ian. "Callignee History Summary". Dates for important events from 1872 to 2012. pp13-15.
- "School: Primary School 2649 Callignee". Reproduces material from 1984 community newsletter. Plus 6 photographs. pp16-18.
Volume 45 Issue 2 - June 2014
- Langmore, David. "Planning Power". p9.
- "Traralgon City - 50 years", Report of celebrations. pp10-13
Volume 45 Issue 3 - September 2014
- Rogers, Alan. "Rogers family, Traralgon". An update on research into the family. Discussion on transport, Walhalla, Toongabbie. James Rogers had various shops and houses in Traralgon. pp9-10
- "Historical Sketches III: Early Births and Deaths". pp11-12. Reprint of an article in Vols 2 & 3.
- Whitwam, Jeni. "The Traralgon Public Cemetery Trust". Brief history. pp13-15.
- Obituary. Joseph Keith Chenhall. 1923-2014. pp16-17.
- Obituary. Winifred Margaret Deane (nee Cook) 1924-2014. p18.
Volume 45 Issue 4 - December 2014
- de Souza-Daw, Robert. "Dr Herbert Roger Horne". Transcript of address to the Society. Relates to demolition of the Gippsland base Hospital (now Central Gippsland Health Service). Dr Horne practiced medicine at places including Rosedale and Traralgon (1893-1908). He also served abroad in the Boer War. pp5-6.
- Christensen, Pamela. "Christensen Family History". The story of five brothers from Denmark who arrived in Australia between 1853 and 1868. They lived at Walhalla, Sale, Glengarry (St Elmo, Scarne), Alberton and Longford (Lime kilns). pp7-9.
- "Historical Sketches II: Traralgon Hotels and Police". List of all known Traralgon Hotels, with photos, brief history and licensees where known. Police material has been omitted. pp10-15.
- O'Connor, Lorri. "Toongabbie Cemetery". History of Toongabbie Cemetery. p16.
- Vale - Ron Hore. A Stalwart of our Society. p18.
Volume 46 Issue 1 - March 2015
- Fletcher, Meredith. "Jean Galbraith". Details of life and work of a botanist from Tyers. p.5.
- Hood, Jim. "Justices of the Peace". p6.
- "Special Topic - World War One". Excerpts from "To build a future" by C.H. Jones. p7.
- "The people who served / answered the call". Names from the Honour Rolls at Gormandale school (early photographic one that has been lost), Tyers, Hazelwood North and Hazelwood South. pp8-9.
- "Teachers who enlisted from Traralgon and district schools or had family in the district". Eleven men are listed, with details. p10.
- "Students and the war". Details of impacts of the war. p11.
- World War I photographs, especially of local soldiers, are interspersed throughout.
- "Traralgon Higher Elementary School - student enrolments March 1915". 68 students are named, just over 50% of them female. p16.
Volume 46 Issue 2 - June 2015
- [Traralgon Celebrates Australian Federation 1901 and the Town's Centenary in 1946]. Report of address to the Society by Lois Crouch. Includes details of 1946 carnival Queens, with photograph. pp5-6.
- Nalder, Patricia. "The history of Lifeline in Gippsland". The service commenced in the Latrobe Valley in 1968. pp7-8. Also see Volume 38 Issue 2.
- Alexander, Harry. "History of Shire of Traralgon and Local Government processes". pp9-10.
- Thompson, Michael. "Traralgon and District Rifle Clubs". History of the five rifle clubs in the area - Traralgon, Traralgon Creek, Traralgon Creek Upper, Koornalla and Le Roy. Vol 46, no.2 pp11-12.
- Johnson, Barbara. "Quoits". Local quoits clubs in the area, including the Railway Iron Quoit Club, formed in 1914. Includes an account of a match between Traralgon and Glengarry in 1910. pp13-15.
- "Vale David McPhee". 20/12/1937 - 26/12/2014. Obituary for Society member, David McPhee, an expert photographer, bushwalker, and member of many organisations. p.19.
Volume 46 Issue 3 - September 2015
- Langstaff, Fay; Hilda Flowers. "Traralgon as we knew it as children from 1936". Fay and Hilda are two of a number of children of Harold and Mavis Pickering. The family moved from Heyfield to Traralgon in 1936.This is an account of the mischief children typically get into while growing up. pp5-6.
- Formby, Bill. "The renovation of the Oldsmobile". An article detailing the exacting procedures required by craftsmen in restoring the largest item in our collection, a 1902 Oldsmobile. pp8-9.
- McDonald, Elizabeth. "Traralgon's Anzacs 1915". A study of the 71 volunteers from Traralgon, which includes breakdowns by age, by occupation, by social characteristics and by enlistment roles. Off the 71 enrolled, nine had died before August 1916 and another seven before the end of the war. pp10-12.
- "150 Years Since Cobb & Co Began Trips from Melbourne to Sale". In 1873 the trip from Melbourne to Rosedale (150 miles) took 33 hours. An extract from the "Gippsland Times" lists some 15 drivers and their 'runs'. pp13-14.
- Johnson, B. "District Schools, Part I - Part-time Schools". An article which describes a number of part-time schools around the turn off the century. Schools mention are Timbs Crossing (now Merrimans Creek) 1888 - ?., Willung South 1903 - ?, Carrajung 1898 - ?, Upper Flynns Creek 1880 - 1928, Flynns Creek 1871 - ? and Flynnstead 1889. pp15-16.
- Vale: Wilma Keir (nee Suiter) 30 March 1927 - 15 August 2015. p19.
Volume 47 Issue 1 - February 2016
- "Traralgon City Band Tour of Remembrance". Details band excursion to France to play at graves of those from Traralgon who died in WWI. pp5-8.
- Campbell, Helen. "Traralgon Arts Council Holdings". Traralgon Arts Council succeeded the TMDA (1949-1970). The organisation provided opera, dance, plays, craft festivals, drama workshops, art exhibitions and more. Its records are now with the Society. p.9.
- Charlton, Graham. "Traralgon Tennis Club history". Graham Charlton has been coach at the club for 33 years. The club was an amalgam of six smaller clubs. pp10-11.
- "Railway Memorabilia". Account of visit to Barry Sykes' railway collection, including carriage saved from scrap heap at Wonthaggi. pp12-13.
- Obituary. John Adams. Died 13 September 2015. p13.
- Obituary. Walter Pickering. 10/1/1940 - 2015. p14.
- Hyndman, Ian. "Tyers Primary School". History of Tyers school, and memories of the author, who attended there 1946-1950. pp15-16.
Volume 47 Issue 2 - June 2016
- O'Brien, Jack. "Early Reflections of Life in Traralgon". Jack grew up in Melbourne and came to Traralgon after his schooling. He became involved with the Traralgon Band. Jack claims that the first school in Traralgon was not in Campbell Street, but was preceded by one behind Mrs. Wallace's boarding house ("The Retreat") in Kay Street. pp5-6.
- Whitwam, Jeni. "St Michael's Parish; Celebrating 100 Years in the Community; 1916-2016". In 1850, Bishop James Alipius Goold, visited the Traralgon area. In the 1870s, mass was held in the Traralgon hotel, and became part of the Parish of Sale in 1873. in 1883, Bishop Goold opened a church on the current site. St Michael's became part of the Morwell Parish in 1892, and became a 'stand-alone' parish in 1916. In the same year, Glengarry congregation joined with Traralgon. A school and a convent were built on the site in the 1900s and have been replaced/extended since then. A new church was built in 1936, and was extended in 1978. There are numerous photographs in the article. pp12-16.
Volume 47 Issue 3 - October 2016
- Hammett, Jenny. "Traralgon and District Hospital: A Timeline". A summary of an article on the hospital originally presented by Len Walshe in Volume 29-3 of the Bulletin. Prompted by recent Facebook interest. p6.
- Whitwam, Jeni. "Traralgon Fire Brigade Early Years". A presentation by Frank Eenjies describing the early years of the Brigade. pp7-10.
- Hyndman, Ian. "The Fitzgibbons: Pioneers of Tyers". Joseph Fitzgibbon immigrated from Ireland to Sale in 1857. He married Ellen Dore of Brighton in 1865. Their first child was born in Sale in 1866, then six more in Stratford, before moving to Tyers in 1876, where they three more children. Joseph died in 1902, and Ellen died in 1926. pp11-13.
- Whitwam, Jeni. "The Gippsland Plains Rail Trail". A presentation by Helen Hoppner. The Gippsland Rail Trail Committee was formed 20 years ago to create the rail trail from Traralgon to Stratford via Glengarry, Toongabbie, Cowwarr, Heyfield, Tinamba and Maffra. The rail trail is intended for hikers, cyclists and horse-riders. pp15-16.
- "Around the World Trip April-October 1907". The continuing story of William J. Grubb and William C. Angliss, from the "Traralgon Journal and Record", Tuesday, 10 September, 1907. pp17-20.
Volume 48 Issue 1 - February 2017
- Johnson, Barbara. "Vets at War". A summary of a presentation given on the history of the AAVC (Australian Army Veterinary Corp). The first Australian veterinarians were volunteers in the Boer war. The AAVC was began in 1909 as part of the army. Brief histories of local people that served in the AAVC (Dugald Campbell, Richard Drane, Rupert Farrer, Walter Morrison, Joseph Owen Pritchard, Henry Roberts and Harry Watson) are included. pp6-10.
- Hyndman, Ian. "Traralgon Fire Brigade Early Years". A presentation by Frank Eenjies describing the early years of the Brigade. p7-10.
- Hyndman, Ian. "Traralgon and District Hospital: Official Opening in 1956". A description of the events leading up to and including the opening of the hospital. pp11-14.
- Whitwam, Jeni. "Cemetery Maps Discovery: Leads to a Grave Walk". In 2016, members of the Society found a map of the Traralgon "Bluff" cemetery copied by Jack Davidson in 1969 from an original drawn by James Campbell in 1893. This discovery has added to the cemetery's trust's knowledge of the graves and is incorporated in notes (available from cemetery office) for a self-guided tour of the cemetery. pp15-16.
- "Around the World Trip April-October 1907". The final instalment in the story of William J. Grubb and William C. Angliss, from the "Traralgon Record", Tuesday, 16 June, 1908. pp17-18.
- Whitwam, Jeni. "Traralgon Golf Club". An extract of a talk given by Bruce Lawn in October 2016. It is a brief history of the Traralgon Golf Club beginning when it purchased land on its on its current site in 1940, and then built fairways, greens, and gained access to power and a liquor licence. p19.
- Hammett, Jenny. "My Mother's Child". A half page article on the early days of Helen Gardner, who was born a Polish Jew in Melbourne, but was happily raised by a Christian family in Traralgon until returned to her parents when aged 9. p20.
Volume 48 Issue 2 - July 2017
- Dye, Virginia. "Agnes (Davidson) Buntine - Pioneer Woman of Gippsland". A brief history of Agnes Buntine, a pioneering female bullock driver in Gippsland. p7.
- Hammett, Jenny. "The Coal Rush". Summary of a talk given by David Langmore in March 2017. It compares the brief and large gains of the "gold rushes" in Victoria compared to the more restrained and longer living "coal rushes". pp8-9.
- Hammett, Jenny. "Housing the Workers". Notes on the presentation of a photographic display presented by Linda Barraclough to the Society in May 2017. It generally covers the APM built "mill" houses in Traralgon, but also mentions others for mill workers at Derham's Hill, construction workers at Glenmaggie Weir, and workers at Maffra's Nestle factory. pp10-12.
- Hammett, Jenny. "A Glimpse of Eva". A presentation by Jenny Hammett on the life of Eva West who played a major role in the development of Traralgon. pp13-15.
- Whitwam, Jeni. "Wolf Becker: A Post War Immigration Story". The life of Wolf Becker, who was born in Germany in 1937 and migrated to Australia in 1956 pp16-17.
- Davidson, Jack. "The beginnings of the APM at Maryvale". A reprint of an article written in Volume 18 No 3 of the Bulletin in July 1987. p20.
- Dye, Virginia. Book launch of the "Rosedale Story Vol. III" written by Don Macreadie. A pictorial coverage of the book launch. p20.
Volume 48 Issue 3 - November 2017
- Ekland, Erik. A summary of a presentation given by Erik on the "Centre for Gippsland Studies at Federation University". The Centre began in 1985 and contains a large amount of both written and photographic material covering Gippsland that is used by Masters and PhD students as well as outside researchers. pp6-8.
- Barraclough, Linda. Virtual walk down Franklin Street exploring the historic buildings and businesses in Traralgon's main street. The article includes photographs of some of the more distinctive buildings in their heyday. pp9-14.
- Hammett, Jenny.
- "A Soldier Writes Home". Extracts from the letters and postcards sent home by Sgt Mjr R.E. Power, who served on the Western Front in WW I. pp16-19.
Volume 49 Issue 1 - February 2018
- Farmer, Robert. "The Farmers of Melrossa". The article desctibes the history of the Farmer family who grazed cattle and sheep initially at Glengarry from 1871, and later also at Melrossa. pp6-8.
- Obituary. Hilda Flowers (nee Pickering). 27/10/1925 - 2017. p9.
- Hyndman, Ian. "Margery Edith Cole". Details of the nurse who was a major nursing identity at the the Central Gippsland Hospital (Traralgon) from 1955 until her tragic death in 1971. pp10-12
- Hammett, Jenny. "The 1946 Centenary Book". Extracts from the book which highlights various aspects of Traralgon's first 100 years. pp16-19.
Volume 49 Issue 2 - June 2018
- Cleator, Ian. "The Growth of Medical Services". A talk that covers Traralgon's medical services from the beginning in 1884 until the present day. A full copy of Ian's notes is available from the Society. p6.
- Hyndman, Ian. "john Flynn". An article on the early life of John Flynn (The Flying Doctor) in the Gippsland region in the early 1900s. pp8-9
- Jeffery, Richard. "The History of Jefferys of Traralgon". pp10-15.
- Obituary. Marj Wood. 18/7/1931 - 2/3/2018. p16.
- "Masonic Lodge Opening". A very brief description of the Argyle Lodge (in Traralgon) from its beginning in 1885 util its dedication of new premises this year. p17
- Whitwam, Jeni and Jenny Hammett. Obituary. Ken Vivian 15/4/1938 - 2/3/2018. A copy of the eulogy. p18.
- Obituary. Richard Jeffery. 1935-2018. p19.
- Jeffery, Richard. "Childhood Recollections". p20-22.
- Higgins, Barry. "The Long Road: 50 Years of the Traralgon Marathon". A single page history of the marathon. p23.
Volume 49 Issue 3 - December 2018
- Hyndman, Ian. "From Beechworth to Traralgon" Part 1. The story of Richard Canfield and his association with the Galbraith and Duncan families. pp12-14.
- Obituary. Don Macreadie. - 1 july 2018. p15.
Volume 50 Issue 1 - February 2019
- "McPherson's Timber and Haulage". A pictorial history supplied by Warren McPherson. pp6-9.
- Hyndman, Ian. "From Beechworth to Traralgon" Part 2. Conclusion of the story of Richard Canfield. pp10-11
- Hammett, Jenny. "Black Saturday: 7 February 2009". A brief summary of the bushfire south of Traralgon. p12.
- Hammett, Jenny. ""A Summer Reflection".A reflection on a day of near tragedy in the author's youth. pp13-15
- Obituary. Warwick Squires. p16.
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